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Научно-технические общества СССР (НТО СССР)
Scientific and technical societies of the USSR

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Item is original, genuine, authentic, unique, not a copy or replica - has 2-12 decades of it's own unique history.
Scientific and technical societies of the USSR (НТО the USSR) have been organised on branches of manufacture and worked under the direction of trade unions. They actively participated in creation of new technics, in actions for an intensification of manufacture, mechanisation and automation of productions, to production improvement of quality, direct efforts to the decision of problems of preservation of the environment, conduct considerable educational and propaganda activities. НТО the USSR conduct the history from Russian technical society (РТО, it is based in 1866) and some other societies, for years of the Soviet power they became mass organisations. In 1976, for example, they united over 7,8 million engineers, technicians, science officers, workers-innovators, experts of agriculture, etc.
Soviet Union
History of the Soviet Union
Science and technology in the Soviet Union
Orders, decorations, and medals of the Soviet Union