Place the Loose Stone Detector on the end of any showcase, that is convenient for both you and the costomers. Plug the A/C adapter into a standart 110 volt outlet, and turn on the switch located on the back of the instrument. The light located under the lans should come on, illuminating the work area of the instrument.
Step (1): Hold the jewelry between the tumb and index finger of your right hand, lightly touch the shank of the ring against the side of the white pedestral, between the five and seven clock position.
Step (2): Using the other hand, press the momentary switch, located on the front of the instrument, for just a brief moment ( one or two second), while observing the ring through the 5X lens located on the top of the instrument.
Repeat Step (2) several times, watching the stones very closely. If any stones are lose you will see them jiggling, or even spinning while the switch is being pressed.
Step (3): Inspect the rings prongs, undercarriage and shank for cracks, brakes or sharp edges, which may need attention from the jeweler. Also, inspect the prongs for thread fibers under the prong, which indicates the prong may be snagging or catching on clothing.
It is recommended that every ring be inspected, prior to taking it in for any repair or even before putting the ring in any ultrasonic cleaner, if this service is offered as a customer service.
Be sure to let the customer observe the stones that are loose, and even let them check their own jewelry. This instrument is completely safe, and will not loosen stone.
Be sure tu turn off the main switch located on the rear of the instrument when not in use.
This instrument works equally well for channel set, bead set, bezel set, or any other style of setting.