Very minor
ware. Excellent Shape.
Living with impeccable grace and style
Hardcover. 371 Pages.
Printed in 2008.
Lucia van der Post has dispensed
advice on style and living for more than three decades. Her subtlety,
taste, common sense, confidence, and witty, aphoristic style have
garnered her legions of fans, a must-read weekly style column in the
Times of London, and a longtime perch at the top of UK lifestyle
journalism. Things I Wish My Mother Had Told Me-a bestseller in the UK
upon publication in fall 2007-is van der Posts warm, intimate guide to
living stylishly through personal elegance, grace, and glamour. Leaving
no aspect of a woman's life unconsidered, the brows-able sections include
How to Wear Clothes; How to Look Good; How to Work and Have a Life;
Love, Marriage and Happiness; Perfect Presents; and Home, Sweet Home.
feminine beauty / womanhood
ISBN 978-0-7382-1278-4