These socks are made with THOR·LON, a durable hypoallergenic material that is soft, and remains resilient even when soaked with perspiration. This means that even though your boots might be soaking up the sun on the trail or on the worksite, your socks won't be soaking up the sweat, but will be "wicking" it away from your skin. This will help to keep your feet drier and make your boots more comfortable on your feet.
By the nature of the acrylic THOR·LON material, they do not absorb perspiration, making them much easier to clean without using harsh bleach that will eventually destroy the elastic bands that keep them snug on your feet.
Hiking Protection Level 3
KX Fiber Contents: 87% Thor-Lon, 11% Stretch Nylon, 2% Spandex
Size M: 9-12.5 W: 10.5-13
Crew Gry/Black-875