One Night Dream Program
1. Enhancing
2. Energy Healing
3. Recall
4. Reading
It occurred to me one night after I had done a dream reading for a client whom
had fallen asleep on my healing table and dreamt while I gave her a healing...
that I was capable of deepening the client's process of dream analysis quite significantly
if I sent them energy prior to them falling asleep.
I realized how great dream readings could become if energy healing was involved,
and I knew I had to create a program.
After searching through all the energies I've been attuned to, I chose three
particular energies which I knew would beautifully
and appropriately complement a dream analysis session.
Here's how it works:
1. Enhancing
First I send a visualization enhancing shakti to you.
I use a Tibetan energy system to enhance your visualization skills multidimensionally.
2. Energy Healing
The next step is dreamwork.
The client must decide the motivation behind enhancing their dream experience.
For example:
Dreaming to heal yourself
Dreaming to achieve certain states of consciousness
Dreaming to seek information about self or others
Dreaming to experience other dimensions
I would like you to send me your motivation when you purchase the dream program.
I will hold the intention of your motivation as I send the energy.
If you would like to keep your motivation private,
I will simply hold your private intention in mind as I start the transmission,
however, in this particular case I highly recommend you telling me.
I use a Hawaiian energy system to assist this dreamwork.
3. Recall
One of the most common frustrations my clients have about
dreamwork is not being able to recall the full dream.
I use an Ancient Egyptian energy technique to help you recall your dream the next day.
This is done by my sending the energy into your brow chakra or 3rd eye.
This energy helps you to remember, however, unlike the first two energies,
how strong it works depends on the client.
(This is due to the fact that it works by removing certain blocks.)
However, I do guarantee that everyone will be affected by it,
this energy is an extremely powerful energy.
4. Reading
Reading! Yes, you've just done alot of reading. Haha.
I apologize for that, this program has alot to it.
The last step in this program is my dream reading for you.
Send me your dream that you had the night after my energy transmissions,
and I will email you my analysis.
I do not send you dream readings based on theories from dream dictionaries,
psychological perspectives, etc.
My dream readings are done through the use of my high sense perception
and my guidances.
And... that about wraps it up folks!
Thanks for your time and interest.
A word of caution:
Certain guinea pig clients of mine have experienced astral projection
as a side effect of this program.
I myself, have had two spontaneous outer body experiences while
experimenting on myself with the 3. RECALL energy.
Uncontrolled outer body experiences can be quite startling.
If you do not wish to be put in this position,
please tell me so when you send me your motivation.
In these cases, I will adjust your program to be steps 1,2, and 4.
Sweet dreams!
Please feel free to ask me any and all questions.
*10% of all profits go to a dog rescue organization