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Healing your Relationships, Cord healing, love energy

Price: $7.00

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Healing Your Relationships

Custom made transmissions 
for YOUR relationship situations!

Email me with the people you want to better your relationship with, 
and I will reply with a fully listed transmission session 
of what I feel is appropriate to the situations.

You can send me as many people as you want. However, keep in mind that the more people you ask me to include in your healings, 
the less time I have to work on each specific case.

My recommendation to you is to choose 
no more than 3 people to work with at a time.

Generally, I am all ready to go with your mother, father, and significant other.

If you choose other people I will custom make the transmissions according to who they are and what relationship they have to you.


All selected relationships will get cord healings MULTIDIMENSIONALLY.

This means that I will do each cord healing 7 different times on 7 different levels.


If you are finding it difficult to start or maintain relationships in your life, 
we can also make a custom transmission to help you in that area.


The energies I can use will be many. 
We can maintain contact and
I will discuss with you what we can do before and after the healing.

I can say ahead now that I will do alot of work on the heart chakras, 
use manifestation energies,
and hold unconditional love as the healing response in most cases.
I will also be working with the angel of love and creative wisdom.

 I will need your full name, state or country you live in, and the full name(s) of the person/people you want to work with. Photos are not necessary.

It is also not necessary to go into full detail about why or how your relationships are not going the way you would like. What I work on is always guided by my higher self and the client's higher self, and to a certain extent, the stories become irrelevant.


Please do not expect a full reading on your relationships. 
I will not withhold important information from you, and I will write to you
what I sense and feel is necessary to help your relationships, 
however I am going to set a boundary 
here about people wanting to know private information
about other people.

My purpose and intention with this particular service is healing, 
not spying or counseling.


Much luck and love to you and your relationships!

Feel free to ask me any and all questions.

Check out my other items!

I would like to state that with this and all the other services I provide on ebay (excluding any Reiki attunements), 
I am sending you the energy because I have been attuned to be able to send these to others.
I am NOT attuning you to be able to send these energies to others.
You will simply receive them for your own benefit and own healing.
Thank you for your understanding.

*10% of all profits go to a dog rescue organization

I do not accept returns

Destination: Japan

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