Mercedes C Class Trouble Code Reader is for real-time automotive diagnosis based on OBD2 protocols. Simply plugging it into your vehicle's OBD2 16 pin diagnostic socket, you may read trouble codes related to the Engine and Transmission systems, identify the code by consulting the manual and clear the errors.
Read & Erase Diagnostic Trouble Codes from Engine and Automatic Transmission systems
Turn off CHECK ENGINE light
Displays over 700 possible error codes
Built-in OBD2 16 pin Extension Cable & User Manual with Code Descriptions
Small & portable, easy to use
No PC or additional parts required to operate
No battery needed, Power is directly supplied by the diagnostic socket
Compatible models
Works with Mercedes Benz C32 ~ C55 ~ C180 ~ C200 ~ C230 ~ C240 ~ C320 ~ CLK55 ~ CLK200 ~ CLK240 ~ CLK320 ~ CLK500 ~ CL55 ~ CL65 ~ CL500 ~ CL600
This scanner does not work on CAN BUS vehicles. If you are not sure whether it works on your Merceces or not, please send ebay message or email to us.

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3.Express Mail shipping or standard air mail shipping, please allow about 5-25 days for shipping time.
4.We do offer combined shipping.

Refunds: The full purchase price less the Shipping & Handling will be refunded upon return of the item. if shipping was free, The refund will be the full purchase price less the shipping cost. the item must be returned undamaged in the original packaging.
Faulty items: If your item arrives faulty, we will exchange it for a replacement. if you prefer a refund. the full purchase price less the Shipping & Handling will be refunded upon its return. if shipping was free, the refund will be the full purchase price less the shipping cost.