MATHS WRAP Learn TIMES TABLES Fractions SCHOOL TEACHINGMaths Wrap can help your child concentrate and build confidence in early
maths. "Wrapping" encourages learning in 4 ways - 'doing,' 'seeing,'
'repeating' and 'performing an action.' This is known as "kinesthetic"
or "tactual" education.
1 MATHS WRAP container with wrapping cord
Strips to learn the times tables 1 to x 12
Strips to learn fractions, decimals, percentages
Strips to learn addition
Strips to learn subtraction
Strips to learn higher times tables 13 to x 24
Also contains a free Maths Facts booklet with loads of interesting facts, games, crosswords and puzzles about mathematics.
How to use:
Wrap it! Flip it! Check it!
1. Choose the questions/subject you are going to work on
2. Slip the corresponding question and answer strips it into the MATHS WRAP container slots
3. Wind the cord around Maths Wrap so that you link all the questions to their corresponding answers.
4. If the answers are all correct, the cord will match with the red lines on the back of the card.
5. Well done - now try the next one!
Be one of the first to give a Maths Wrap and help your child make a great start in their maths.