food joints used to give out the best swag back in the day. At the top
of this swag list was commemorative collector glasses. These were
glasses made from ACTUAL glass (not f'n plastic) with kick ass graphics
all over it usually given away as a premium with a purchase of food or
drinks. Actually, collector glasses didn't just come from fast food
joints. The convenience store 7-11 as well as soda giants Coke and
Pepsi both created collector's glasses that were distributed in stores,
gas stations, supermarkets and/or fast food joints. The heyday of
collector glasses was in the '70s and '80s, but glasses were also
released in the '50s, '60s and '90s. Burger King recently revived the
collector glass (real glass!!) tradition in May 2009 with their four glass set for the new Star Trek movie (Thanks, Michelle for finding those for me).
So without further ado, here are a bunch of my favorite collector
glasses from the '70s and '80s. You can click any of the below images
to see it bigger.

Burger King Star Wars/Empire/Jedi Glasses (1977, 1980, 1983)
— The most famous of all commemorative glasses, the Star Wars Burger
King collector glasses are what everyone thinks of when you mention
“collector glasses”. A set of four were released for each movie.
Surprisingly, it is not very hard to complete a set of all 12 as they
made a crap-ton of them. Here's a pic of the Star Wars set. Here's a pic of the Empire Strikes Back set. Here's a pic of the Return of the Jedi set.
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