MD Alert™ bracelet provides crucial information when you can’t speak for yourself! Attractive ID bracelet houses a USB flash drive (1GB) that carries your important medical information, including conditions, current medications, allergies, contacts and more! EMT’s and other medical personnel can instantly access your medical history and administer informed care. Includes instructions. Adjustable bracelet (9" L) fits men and women. I included the following information, as given to me: Do you wear a medical alert
bracelet or other medic ID tag? Does your medic ID bracelet or jewelry have
enough information to save your life in an emergency?
Medical alert bracelets, medic ID tags and medi
alert jewelry have limited information available. A MD Alert USB medical alert bracelet ID tag stores and has instant access to all your medical and emergency
In an emergency your medical
information is critical to an accurate, timely and possibly life saving
MD ALERT is a digital USB personal medical alert and
information device that combines your emergency information with today's
technology. A digital memory chip is used to store all your information on the
easy to use MedicTag medical history and alert form and the distinctive styling
and bright logo will alert medic personnel to your special needs and existing
medical conditions. MD ALERT is intended to foster and improve patient care, reduce
medical errors and assure at least a minimum standard of health information is
available when a patient is seen by a first responder or other
provider. Does your medical alert jewelry or medic ID bracelet have
enough information to save your life? How about who to call if you are
unconscious and hospitalized? With MD ALERT all your emergency information is
close at hand. With MedicTag any emergency service, ambulance, police or
rescue squad with a laptop computer can have instant access to all your
emergency information. Emergency contacts, existing conditions, allergies,
medications; MD ALERT can tell them when you can't. A report from the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of
Medicine cited studies showing between 44,000 and 98,000 people die each year
because of mistakes by medical professionals. It also said that "when a patient
is treated by several practitioners, they often do not have complete information
about the medicines prescribed or the patient's illnesses." MD ALERT is useful for many conditions including
• ADD/ADHD • Anemia •
Ankylosing Spondylitis • Asthma • Autism • Blood thinners - Coumadin,
warfarin • Cancer patients • Cardiac patients • Cerebral Palsy •
Clinical trial patients • Diabetes • Emphysema |
• Epilepsy, seizures •
Food, insect and medicine allergies • Hearing, sight and mentally
impaired • Hypertension • Mental health patients • Multiple
medications • Multiple Sclerosis • Parkinson’s Disease • Rare
diseases • Special needs children • Stroke risk • Surgery, transplant
patients |
And caregivers for people who live with many of these
Healthcare providers must often either start from scratch or
act blindly because they don't have the patient's relevant past history,
allergies, or medications. With MD ALERT, safety of care will be improved as
patients and doctors benefit from immediate access to the patients’ list of
conditions, medications and dosages, allowing all parties to avoid the sometimes
dangerous duplication of medications and other kinds of errors associated with
incomplete information. In an emergency can your medical alert device do
this? Can other medical alert and ID devices do this? Only MD ALERT
Your medical history information is the first
step to ensuring an accurate diagnosis and proper care in an
In an emergency, medical personnel have just
seconds to diagnose your needs and begin lifesaving procedures. Unfortunately,
patients are often incapacitated and cannot communicate their special needs in
an emergency and are subject to an increased risk of medical errors.
"The Medic Tag is a superlative idea. These tiny USB drives
have made it possible to easily record our medical information, keep it updated,
and keep it with us. This should be essential in emergency situations and very
convenient at appointments with physicians." (Teri Robert,
Unlike other medical alert devices and
medic ID bracelets that have one or two words engraved on a tag or a phone
number to call, MD ALERT has all your information
immediately available! If you need a medical ID then you need a
MD ALERT. No guessing - No wasted time!
Do you need help
filling out medical history forms when you visit a new doctors office? Or have
trouble remembering your list of medications and dosage amounts? When was that
surgery and who was the doctor? We all have these problems. With MD ALERT you have your
medical record available at all times. Just print out the MD ALERT information
form and take it with you, all your information is there to aid you when filling
out medical record forms of any kind. 
MD ALERT is simple to use. Plug
it into the USB port on your computer to start the program, there is nothing to
install, it's all on the MD ALERT. Fill in the blanks with as much, or as little
information as you need, click on "save" and you are done.
It requires very little
computer skill to use, on most systems it is “plug and play” and is a simple
fill in the blanks format. It is compatible with 99.9% of the home and office
computer systems in use today and requires only Windows and MS Word to fill out
the information form. And no special software is needed to read it, all Windows
operating systems include WordPad which can read the information
form. You can also change your
information, medications, doctors and any other health information whenever you
need to so your information is always easy to keep up to