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that your credit score wasn't high enough?This ebook provides you with a solution: 101 LEGITIMATE tips for boosting your credit score.Within this 50 page guide, you will learn exactly how the credit bureaus do their business, explain how to get their trust, step-by-step, and you will see a few simple tricks on how to be financially responsible.
Here is just SOME of the information you will find within this guide: =>What's a good credit score? And at what score should I start to be worried. (Page 4)
=>Even if you pay all your bills on time, you may still have marks against your credit. See why here.
(Pages 4-5)
=> 3 top credit agencies and how to keep tabs on them. (Page 5)
=> 4 ways the credit bureau's look at your lending history - and how important each view is. (Pages 6-7)
=> 3 ways to boost your credit score (and it's not just paying your bills). (Pages 7-8)
=> 10 steps to protecting your identity from thieves who may destroy your credit on their joyride across the
country. (Page 9)
=> 4 steps to take right away if you think you've been a victim of identity theft. It may not be too late.
(Pages 11-12)
=> 5 common credit mistakes you may commit if you don't know about them in advance. (Pages 12-14)
=> How not having any debts may actually hurt your credit score. (Page 14)
=> How to dispute bad marks on your credit report. (Page 15)
=> After you contact the credit bureau about an error in your credit report, make sure you contact these
people next. (Page 16)
=> The truth about "free credit reports" online. (Page 17)
=> 3 ways to start building up trust after a major credit disaster. (Pages 17-18)
=> When to consider declaring bankruptcy. (Page 21)
=> 5 organizations that can help you when you're in over your head. (Pages 22-23)
=> When you should fear credit repair companies. (Pages 23)
=> 6 common scams some credit repair companies try and pull. (Pages 24-25)
=> How to use your bank as an ally in your fight against bad credit. (Page 25)
=> 5 ways to curb your spending habit. (Page 27)
=> How to automatically cut down on your spending without beating yourself up. (Page 28)
=> 6 ideas for adding extra dollars to your monthly income. (Page 29)
=> 4 steps to preparing ahead of time for financial emergencies. (Pages 29-30)
=> The secret to changing the way you think about money. (Page 31)
=> 7 most common reasons why credit scores are lowered. (Pages 31-32)
=> 3 reasons why change in your life is not always a good thing. (Pages 32-33)
=> How a simple phone call may help out your credit. (Pages 33-34)
=> When a "late fee" is easily waived. (Page 34)
=> The secret to setting short-term goals to repair your credit yourself. (Page 35)
=> When seemingly small differences in credit scores can have a huge impact on the interest you pay.
(Page 36)
=> How to set your finances on autopilot. (Pages 36-37)
=> When refinancing is the best option. (Page 37)
=> What you should always know before talking to a lender. (Page 38)
=> How to encourage a potential lender to look at you instead of your credit rating. (Page 38)
=> How to make paying your bills easier on yourself. (Pages 39-40)
=> How you can take advantage of being a student while trying to repair your credit. (Page 41)
=> The secret to handling student loans (and when you may be able to award yourself a six month grace
period on paying your bills). (Pages 42-43)
=> When to take out a loan to repay your debts. (Page 44)
=> Which "cash advance" agencies to stay away from (or you risk destroying your credit). (Page 45)
=> 6 ways to handle the stress of being in debt. (Pages 46-48)
And there's MUCH more - guaranteed!