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162 old books POULTRY chickensfowl raising breeding BACKYARD egg SURVIVAL SKILLS

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Coins of India Reference Library

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Reference Library

162 Books on DVD

Poultry: A handbook for poultry keepers

Poultry: their breeding, rearing, diseases, and general management

Poultry: a practical guide to the choice, breeding, rearing and management of all descriptions of fowls, turkeys, guinea-fowls, ducks, and geese, for profit and exhibition

Poultry  Alton Willard Richardson - 1922 - 72 pages

Poultry production William Adams Lippincott - 1921 - 525 pages

Poultry: A concise treatise on all branches. How to hatch, feed, brood and prepare for market G. A. McFetridge - 1897 - 80 pages

The American poultry book: being a practical treatise on the management of domestic poultry Caleb N. Bement - 1843 - 179 pages

The poultry book: comprising the breading and management of profitable and ornamental poultry, their qualities and characteristics; to which is added "The standard of excellence in exhibition birds," authorized by the Poultry club William Bernhard Tegetmeier - 1867 - 356 pages

Poultry architecture: a practical guide for construction of poultry houses, coops and yards 1902 - 130 pages

Poultry 1904 -

Productive poultry husbandry: a complete text dealing with the principles and practices involved in the management of poultry (  Harry Reynolds Lewis - 1919 - 574 pages

Poultry feeds and feeding  Harry M. Lamon, Alfred R. Lee - 1922 - 247 pages

Domestic poultry: being a practical treatise on the preferable breeds of farm-yard poultry, their history and leading characteristics with complete instructions for breeding and fattening, and preparing for exhibition at poultry shows, etc., etc. ...  Simon M. Saunders - 1866 - 120 pages

The American poultry yard: comprising the origin, history, and description of the different breeds of domestic poultry ...  Daniel Jay Browne, Samuel Allen - 1850 - 322 pages

Geyelin's poultry breeding in a commercial point of view: as carried out by the National Poultry Company (Limited), Bromley, Kent : natural and artificial hatching, rearing and fattening, on entirely new and scientific principles, with all the necessary plans, elevations, sections, and details, and a notice of poultry establishments in France  George Kennedy Geyelin - 1867 - 127 pages

The poultry book: a treatise on breeding and general management of domestic fowls, with numerous original descriptions and portraits from life  John C. Bennett - 1850 - 310 pages

The poultry book: comprising the characteristics, management, breeding, and medical treatment of poultry; being the results of personal observation and the practice of the best breeders, including Captain W. W. Hornby, R. N.; Edward Bond, esq.; Thomas Sturgeon, esq. and others  William Wingfield, George William Johnson - 1853 - 324 pages

Progressive poultry culture: a text-book of study and practice in the keeping of poultry for profit and pleasure  Arthur Amber Brigham - 1907 - 293 pages

The book of poultry: with practical schedules for judging, constructed from actual analysis of the best modern decisions Lewis Wright - 1891 - 591 pages

Miner's domestic poultry book: a treatise on the history, breeding, and general management of foreign and domestic fowls  T. B. Miner - 1853 - 256 pages

The poultry yard: comprising the management of fowls, for use and exhibition William Charles Linnaeus Martin - 1860 - 168 pages

The practical poultry keeper  Lewis Wright - 1899 - 311 pages

The poultry-yard: a practical view of the best method of selecting, rearing, and breeding the various species of domestic fowl ( Peter Boswell - 1841 - 242 pages

Profitable poultry keeping  Stephen Beale, Mason Cogswell Weld - 1884 - 258 pages

Poultry diseases and their treatment  Maine Agricultural Experiment Station - 1911 - 216 pages

Poultry as a meat supply: hints to hen-wives, by the author of the 'Poultry kalendar'. Poultry - 1866

American Poultry Book  Micajah R. Cock - 1843

Poultry breeding and management  James Dryden - 1916 - 402 pages

Poultry appliances & handicraft: how to make & use labor-saving devices, wth descriptive plans for food & water supply, building & miscellaneous needs; also treats on artificial incubation & brooding 1902 - 120 pages

Making a poultry house  Mary Roberts Conover - 1914 - 54 pages

Success with poultry  Grant M. Curtis, Reliable Poultry Journal Publishing Company - 1902 - 112 pages

Poultry breeding: a complete guide for keepers of poultry  Miller Purvis - 1912 - 348 pages

Poultry-craft: A text-book for poultry keepers...  John Henry Robinson - 1911 - 272 pages

Poultry houses and fixtures: How to lay out poultry plants ...  Reliable Poultry Journal Publishing Company - 1919 - 110 pages

The beginner in poultry: the zest and the profit in poultry growing  Carolyn Syron Valentine - 1912 - 450 pages

Reliable poultry remedies: the causes, symptoms and treatment of poultry diseases ...  Reliable Poultry Journal Publishing Company - 1913 - 95 pages

The Poultry Herald manual: a guide to successful poultry keeping  1898 - 168 pages

Biggle poultry book: a concise and practical treatise on the management of farm poultry  Jacob Biggle - 1917 - 176 pages

Poultry laboratory guide: a manual for the study of practical poultry keeping  Harry Reynolds Lewis - 1910 - 120 pages

American poultry doctor: prevention and cure of poultry diseases  Nathan Willard Sanborn - 1913 - 64 pages

Poultry culture  Massachusetts State board of agriculture - 1912 - 172 pages

American poultry culture: a complete hand book of practical and profitable poultry keeping for the great army of beginners and small breeders  Roscoe Briant Sando - 1909

Poultry diseases, causes, symptoms and treatment, with notes on post-mortem examinations  E. J. Wortley - 1915 - 123 pages

Profitable market poultry: a practical book on how and what to do to make market poultry highly profitable  Cyphers Incubator Company - 1903 - 127 pages

California poultry practice: being plain hints for beginners in the rearing, housing, feeding, protecting from pests and diseases and marketing of poultry products  Mrs. Susan Swaysgood - 1914 - 157 pages

Fundamentals in poultry breeding: a complete guide to the successful breeding of American standard fowls, turkeys, ducks and geese for table poultry, for egg production and for exhibition  John Henry Robinson - 1921 - 158 pages

Back-yard poultry keeping: a guide to successful management of small poultry flocks  Homer Wesley Jackson - 1918 - 67 pages

The poultry yard: how to furnish and manage it. A treatise for the amateur poultry breeder and farmer on the management of poultry and the merits of the different breeds  Washington Atlee Burpee - 1895 - 96 pages

Free service poultry guide ...: A guide for brooding, feeding and rearing chicks naturally and artificially, with chapters on brooding systems and houses, care and feeding of growing stock, broilers and fryers, roasters and capons, foods and feeding. Exactly what to do, when to do it, how to do it  H. G. Spangler - 1914

Piper's poultry: a practical guide to the choice, breeding, rearing, and management of all descriptions of fowls, turkeys, guinea fowls, ducks and geese,for profit and exhibition Hugh Piper - 1889 - 152 pages

Farm poultry: a popular sketch of domestic fowls for the farmer and amateur  G. C. Watson - 1903 - 341 pages

Poultry culture sanitation and hygiene  Benjamin Franklin Kaupp - 1920 - 573 pages

The perfected poultry of America: a concise, illustrated treatise of the recognized breeds of poultry, turkeys, and water-fowl  Thomas Fletcher McGrew, George Ellsworth Howard - 1907 - 249 pages

Standard poultry for exhibition: a complete manual of the methods of expert exhibitors on growing, selecting, conditioning, training and showing poultry--fully describing fitting processes and exposing faking practices--briefly explaining judging for the amateur and furnishing the student of judging an exhaustive analysis of the history, philosophy and merits of comparison and score-card systems  John Henry Robinson - 1921 - 175 pages

Profits in poultry: Useful and ornamental breeds, and their profitable management  T. M. Ferris, Mason Cogswell Weld, P. H. Jacobs - 1889 - 256 pages

Poultry for profit  P. H. Jacobs - 1886 - 64 pages

Profitable poultry production  Maurice Grenville Kains - 1920 - 278 pages

Successful back-yard poultry keeping: an authoritative guide to success in poultry keeping by intensive methods--practical details of management for those who are keeping fowls in limited space, whether to supply eggs and poultry for the family table or as a source of income  1920 - 103 pages

How to build poultry houses: plans and specifications for practical poultry buildings, accompanied by a descriptive text on the construction of poultry houses and the principles of poultry house architecture Frank L. Platt - 1922 - 99 pages

My poultry day by day  Alfred Gibson - 1917 - 333 pages

Poultry houses, coops and equipment: A book of new plans for building practical, up-to-date colony houses, continuous houses, roosting coops, brood coops, fixtures and utensils; for the farmer, the village poultry keeper and the exclusive poultry raiser  Harold Alvah Nourse - 1917 - 96 pages

Poultry farming: some facts and some conclusions  John William Robertson Scott - 1905 - 186 pages

Poultry culture: How to raise, manage, mate and judge thoroughbred fowls Isaac Kimbal Felch - 1902 - 438 pages

Parasitic diseases of poultry  Frederick Vincent Theobald - 1896 - 120 pages

Making poultry pay  Edwin C. Powell - 1907 - 307 pages

Profitable breeds of poultry  Arthur Stanley Wheeler - 1912 - 134 pages

Popular poultry-keeping for amateurs  W. M. Elkington - 1907 - 140 pages

Progressive poultry raising  William Adams Lippincott - 1920 - 48 pages

The book of poultry  Thomas Fletcher McGrew - 1921 - 672 pages

Poultry-keeping Arthur Roland - 1879 - 162 pages

The home poultry book  Edward Irving Farrington - 1913 - 172 pages

Common-sense poultry doctor  John Henry Robinson - 1913 - 176 pages

The Poultry doctor: including the homeopathic treatment and care of chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks and singing birds, also a materia medica of the chief remedies  Boericke & Tafel - 1891 - 85 pages

Poultry for profit: a practical manual for beginners, farmers and side-line poultrymen  

Poorman's poultry guide  John G. Poorman - 1922 - 68 pages

Practical poultry keeping  Roscoe Briant Sando - 1912

Conkey's poultry book  G.E. Conkey Company - 1922 - 80 pages

Low cost poultry houses  James Wallace Darrow - 1899 - 48 pages

Poultry and profit  William White Broomhead - 1910 - 128 pages

Poultry for the table and market versus fancy fowls: With an exposition of the fallacies of poultry farming ...  William Bernhard Tegetmeier - 1898 - 135 pages

Poultry secrets  Michael K. Boyer - 1909 - 56 pages

Popular poultry  1889 - 115 pages

Poultry architecture: how to build handsome and convenient fowl houses durably and economically H. H. Stoddard - 1879 - 56 pages

Wickstrum's book on poultry  Peter M. Wickstrum - 1910 - 112 pages

A poultry compendium: being a brief treatise on the rearing and management of domestic fowls Harmon Seeley Babcock - 1885 - 62 pages

How to raise poultry for pleasure and profit: a practical work on breed, breeding, rearing, and general management of all kinds of poultry  William M. Lewis - 1895 - 216 pages

Poultry sense: a treatise on the management and care of chickens, including the treatment of the more common diseases  James Perry Pursell - 1911 - 119 pages

Poultry for profit  Chevalier Jackson - 1910 - 79 pages

Fattening poultry  Alfred R. Lee - 1911 - 60 pages

Poultry emancipated  Helen Strathmore - 1904 - 87 pages

Cooperative poultry  1903 -

Poultry publications  Kansas. State Board of Agriculture - 1907 - 55 pages

Poultry feeding and and fattening  1908

Paynter's system of poultry rearing: or, L500 a year from hens F. G. Paynter - 1917 - 162 pages

Every-day ailments of poultry  Frank Townend Barton - 1900 - 79 pages

Common sense in the poultry yard: a story of failures and successes  J. P. Haig - 1885 - 192 pages

Poultry management on a farm: an account of three years' work with practical results and balance sheets  Walter Palmer - 1902 - 94 pages

A bibliography of poultry  Emma Beatrice Hawks - 1897 - 64 pages

Pocket-money poultry  Caro Syron Valentine - 1899 - 171 pages

Open-air poultry houses for all climates: a practical book on modern common sense poultry housing for beginners and veterans in poultry keeping. What to build and how to do it. Houses that will promote health, vigor and vitality in laying and breeding stock  Prince Tannat Woods - 1912 - 86 pages

Diseases and enemies of poultry Leonard Pearson, Benjamin Harry Warren - 1897 - 866 pages

Mites and lice on poultry  Nathan Banks - 1907 - 8 pages

Chicks, hatching and rearing: a manual of dependable instruction in incubating, brooding, feeding  Harold Alvah Nourse - 1909 - 126 pages

Incubation and brooding of chickens  Marlow William Olsen - 1953 - 25 pages

Solar heating for brooding chickens  Floyd N. Reece, United States. Science and Education Administration - 1981 - 12 pages

Natural and artificial brooding of chickens  Alfred R. Lee - 1924 - 17 pages

Management of young chicks P. H. Jacobs - 1888 - 48 pages

Little chicks: A treatise giving hints on the successful care of chicks by both natural and artificial methods  Michael K. Boyer, Excelsior Wire & Poultry Supply Company - 1902 - 166 pages

How to raise chicks: including revision of facts about white diarrhoea  Prince Tannat Woods - 1912 - 117 pages

Standard varieties of chickens  George Ellsworth Howard - 1899 - 48 pages

Chickens and how to raise them A. T. Johnson - 1910 - 159 pages

The chick book, from the breeding pen through the shell to maturity: contains the experience of the world's leading poultrymen and all the latest and most trustworthy information about hatching, rearing, fattening and marketing chickens ...  Reliable poultry journal publishing company - 1905 - 80 pages

Standard breeds and varieties of chickens: I. American, Asiatic, English, and Mediterranean classes  Morley Allan Jull - 1940 - 38 pages

Breeds of chickens for meat and egg production  United States. Agricultural Research Service. Animal Husbandry Research Division - 1954 - 30 pages

Comparison of scabbed barley, normal barley, and yellow corn in diets for laying chickens Harry Waltner Titus, Albert B. Godfrey - 1934 - 10 pages

The poulterers' guide: for treating diseases of poultry. Giving cause, symptoms and remedies for their cure. Also how to caponize fowls; and feed and rear chickens hatched in an incubator  C. J. Ward - 1885 - 39 pages

Chicken money: how to make farm flocks profitable  Homer Wesley Jackson - 1917 - 60 pages

Incubators and chicken rearing appliances: how to make and use them  1906 - 64 pages

Success with hens  Robert Joos - 1914 - 234 pages

Making money from hens  Harry Reynolds Lewis - 1919 - 217 pages

High egg production by individual hens, pens and flocks: a complete guide to profitable production of market eggs ... how to breed for increased productive capacity and how to feed and handle fowls in order to secure highest practicable egg yields  Homer Wesley Jackson, Grant M. Curtis - 1922 - 175 pages

Don't kill the laying hen: a book describing and explaining the Potter system of selecting laying and non-laying hens, also recording and illustrating his investigations and discoveries concerning the diseases of the egg-producing organs  Thomas F. Potter - 1909 - 92 pages

Winter eggs: or, How to get good profit from hens  John Henry Robinson - 1912 - 48 pag

Fancy waterfowl Frank Finn - 1900 - 45 pages

Ornamental waterfowl: a practical manual on the acclimatization of the swimming birds, with references to two hundred species Rose Ellen Hubbard - 1907 - 248 pages

Propagation of wild birds: a manual of applied ornithology, treating of practical methods of propagation of quails, grouse, wild turkey, pheasants, partridges, pigeons and doves, and waterfowl, in America, and of attracting and increasing wild birds in general, including song-birds  Herbert Keightley Job - 1915 - 276 pages

How we make ducks pay ...: an illustrated guide to the profitable breeding of our modern Pekin all-white mammoth ducklings; plain and thorough lessons for beginners and others everywhere who write for the details and secrets of our waterless method ...  American Peking Duck Company - 1906 - 121 pages

Game farming for profit and pleasure: A manual on the wild turkeys, grouse, quail or partridges, wild ducks and the introduced pheasants and gray partridges; with special reference to their food, habits, control of natural enemies and the best methods of preserving and breeding: including, also, an appendix on powder, loads, etc  

Ducks and geese: standard breeds and management  George Ellsworth Howard - 1897 - 48 pages

Quail culture from A to Z.  George Monroe Dallas Gardinier (1867-) - 1905 - 36 pages

Quailology: The domestication, propagation, care & treatment of wild quail in confinement. Together with natural history notes, letters from breeders & a digest of game laws  1903 - 70 pages

Pheasant farming  Eugene Milton Simpson, Oregon. State Board of Fish and Game Commissioners - 1914 - 50 pages

Practical pheasant rearing: with an appendix on grouse driving  Richard John Lloyd Price - 1888 - 173 pages

The reliable pheasant standard  Ferdinand Joseph Sudow - 1906 - 46 pages

Ornamental, aquatic, and domestic fowl, and game birds: their importation, breeding, rearing, and general management

Turkeys and how to grow them: A treatise on the natural history and origin of the name of turkeys; the various breeds, and best methods to insure success in the business of turkey growing

Margaret Mahaney talks about turkeys  Margaret Mahaney - 1915 - 132 pages

Domestic fowl: their natural history, breeding, rearing, and general management  H D. Richardson - 1847

The Brahma fowl  Lewis Wright - 1870

The China fowl  George Pickering Burnham - 1874 - 168 pages

The game fowl: for the pit, or the spit. How to mate, feed, breed, handle and match them; with practical suggestions as to cures for their peculiar ills and ails  George Pickering Burnham - 1877 - 58 pages

The Langshan fowl: its history and characteristics, with some comments on its early opponents  A. C. Croad - 1889 - 122 pages

Inheritance of characteristics in domestic fowl  Charles Benedict Davenport - 1909 - 100 pages

The Andalusian fowl

Factors influencing the size, shape and physical constitution of the egg of the domestic fowl  Maynie Rose Curtis - 1914 - 136 pages

Cocker's manual: devoted to the game fowl; their origin and breeding, rules for feeding, heeling, handling, etc., description of the different breeds, diseases and their treatment  F. H. Gray - 1878 - 146 pages

The Plymouth Rock as the fowl for general use: with rules for mating and breeding according to nature  Frederick H. Ayres - 1878 - 28 pages

The book of the bantams: a brief treatise upon the mating, rearing and management of the different varieties of bantams  H. Hudson Stoddard - 1886 - 58 pages

A to Z of pigeons and bantams  F. W. De Lancey - 1910 - 97 pages

The wyandottes: for the fancier and for general use  H. Hudson Stoddard - 1885 - 48 pages

The Brown Leghorn: how to mate, rear and judge them  H. Hudson Stoddard - 1879 - 48 pages

The Light Brahmas: from the shell to the exhibition room  H. Hudson Stoddard - 1885 - 64 pages

The book of the Dorking: a brief monograph upon the origin, varieties, breeding and management of the Dorking fowl  H. Hudson Stoddard - 1886 - 35 pages

Brahmas and Cochins  L. C. R. Norris-Elye - 1899 - 73 pages

The henwife: her own experience in her own poultry-yard Mrs. Elrington Douglas Arbuthnott - 1868 - 197 pages

999 questions and answers: a guide to success with poultry,written and arranged in the form most helpful to the fancier and the market poultryman, the amateur and the expert  Frank Heck - 1903 - 127 pages

A little journey among Anconas  H. Cecil Sheppard - 1919 - 70 pages

Standard-bred leghorns: brown, white, buff, black and silver duckwing; their origin and history and practical qualities; the standard requirements; how to mate and breed for best results; with a chapter on non-standard varieties; how to judge them; commercial leghorn egg farms  John Henry Drevenstedt - 1911 - 144 pages

All about leghorns  Herbert Virgil Tormohlen - 1922 - 78 pages

Search ResultsBlue ribbon Reds: what they are and how to produce them  A. G. Studier - 1922 - 70 pages

Success with pedigreed reds  Mrs. Herbert A. Daniels - 1922 - 77 pages

Standard-bred Rhode Island reds, rose and single comb: their practical qualities; the standard requirements; how to judge them; how to mate and breed for best results  Dwight Edward Hale - 1911 - 85 pages

Standard-bred Plymouth Rocks, barred, white, buff, silver penciled, partridge and Columbian: their practical qualities; standard requirements; how to judge them; how to mate and breed for best results  William Charles Denny - Reliable poultry journal publishing company, 1911 - Technology & Engineering - 128 pageses

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