Church Cookbook
Reference Library
Methodist cook book Methodist Episcopal Church (Conneaut,
Ohio) - Cooking - 1907 - 78 pages
Needlework Guild cook book Needlework Guild of the
First Presbyterian Church. Jamestown, N.Y. - Cooking - 1907 - 314 pages
New Kirmesse cook book First Church Mission Circle
(Waterbury, Conn.) - Cooking - 1904 - 150 pages
Pilgrim cook book of Pilgrim Church, Upham's Corner, Dorchester,
Mass Pilgrim Church (Dorchester, Mass.) - Cooking - 1892 -
39 pages
Practical recipes: cook book St. John's Evangelical
Lutheran Church (Ogontz, Pa.). Ladies' Aid Society, Claude Octavius Dierolf
- Cooking - 1915 - 124 pages
Presbyterian cook book First Presbyterian Church
(Fostoria, Ohio) - Cooking - 1904 - 199 pages
San Rafael cook book, 1906 Katherine Golden Bitting
Collection on Gastronomy (Library of Congress) - Cooking - 1906 - 222 pages
Superior cook book Prepared by the WOMEN of GRACE
The Ann Arbor cook book Ann Arbor (Mich.). First
Congregational Church. Ladies' aid society - Cooking - 1904 - 607 pages
The Baptist cook book Baptist Church (First), Albany,
Ga., Building Fund - Cooking - 1907 - 158 pages
The Battle Creek cook book: a collection of well tested recipes
First Congregational Church (Battle Creek, Mich.) - Cooking
- 1922 - 163 pages
The Center Congregational Church cook book Center
Congregational Church (Meriden, Conn.) - Cookery, American - 1915 - 148 pages
The Delta cook book: a collection of tested
recipes First Methodist Church (Greenville, Miss.). Ladies'
Aid Society - Cooking - 1917 - 102 pages
The Florida tropical cook book First Presbyterian
Church (Miami, Fla.). Aid Society - Cooking - 1912 - 224 pages
The home cook book: Tried and true recipes From Recipes
Contiubuted By Ladies Of Toledo And Other Published For The Joint Benefit
Of The Home For Friendless Women And The Orphans Home - 1876 - 304 pages
The Illinois cook book Mrs. W. W. Brown, Grace
(Episcopal) Church (Paris, Ill.) - Cooking - 1881 - 164 pages
The Kind that mother used to make cook book Ladies
of the First Presbyterian Church (Ithaca, N.Y.) - Cooking - 1913 - 159 pages
The Kyle Baptist Church cook book: a selection of tried and tested
recipies Kyle Baptist Church (Kyle, Tex.). Ladies Aid and
Missionary Society - Cooking - 1904 - 95 pages
The L.W. cook book: contains nearly four hundred tested
recipes Advent Christian Church (Springfield, Mass.). Loyal
Workers Society - Cooking - 1908 - 111 pages
The Milwaukee cook book Kingsley Methodist Church
(Milwaukee, Wis.) - Cooking - 1907 - 302 pages
The new Memphremagog cook book Congregational Church
(Newport, Vt.) - Cooking - 1907 - 152 pages
The Oakland souvenir cook-book: tried and found
good First Christian Church (Oakland, Calif.). Ladies' Aid
Society - Cooking - 1905 - 128 pages
The Palisades cook book Tenafly Presbyterian Church.
Ladies' Aid Society - Cooking - 1910 - 265 pages
The Puritan cook-book: composed of contributed
recipes Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church (Rochester, N.Y.)
- Cooking - 1898 - 108 pages
The Seattle cook book First Christian Church (Seattle,
Wash.). Ladies Aid Society - Cooking - 1906 - 135 pages
The Stonington cook book Second Congregational Church
(Stonington, Conn.). Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor - Cooking
- 1911 - 90 pages
The Third Presbyterian cook book and household
directory Third Presbyterian Church (Chester, Pa.). Mite Society
- Cooking - 1917 - 274 pages
The Wellesley cook book Wellesley (Mass.). Congregational
Church. Parlor Fund Committee - Cooking - 1890 - 183 pages
The Wytheville cook book Baptist Church (Wytheville,
Va.) - Cooking - 1921 - 133 pages
Twentieth Century cook book St. Paul's Church (Lincoln,
N.B.). Ladies Mite Society - Cooking - 1902 - 117 pages
A feast of good things: a cook book Emmanuel Church
(Hastings, Mich.) - Cooking - 1910 - 159 pages
A practical cook book Trinity Church (Claremont, N.H.).
Ladies of the Trinity Church - Cooking - 1899 - 130 pages
Badger cook book St. Patrick's Church (Green Bay,
Wis.). Married ladies' Sodality - Cooking - 1909 - 158 pages
Christopher House Guild cook book Evanston (Ill.).
First Presbyterian Church. Christopher House Guild - Cooking - 1912 - 191
Cook book Church of the Good Sheperd (Binghamton,
N.Y.). Ladies - Cookery - 1896 - 160 pages
Cook book Iroquois Avenue Christ Evangelical Lutheran
Church (Detroit, Mich.). Ladies' Aid Society - Cooking - 1908 - 128 pages
Cook book Calvary Presbyterian Church (Springfield,
Mo.). Ladies' Aid Society - 1903 - 198 pages
Cook book: a collection of choice tested receipts
First Presbyterian Church (Oneonta, N.Y.). Ladies - Cookery,
American - 1906 - 123 pages
Cook book of tested recipes Lynnhurst Congregational
Church (Minneapolis, Minn.) - Cooking - 1920 - 215 pages
Cook book of tried recipes Lowry Hill Congregational
Church (Minneapolis, Minn.). Ladies' Benevolent Society - Cooking - 1897
- 234 pages
Excelsior cook book Congregational Church (Rutland,
Vt.) - Cooking - 1891 - 134 pages
Harvest festival cook book First Congregational Church
(Fall River, Mass.). Ladies' Benevolent Society - Cooking - 1905 - 115 pages
Home comfort cook book Congregational Church (Shirley,
Mass.). Ladies Sewing Circle - Cooking - 1908 - 105 pages
Home department cook book Boylston Congregational
Church - Cooking - 1906 - 47 pages
Housekeeping in the blue grass: a new and practical cook book
Southern Presbyterian Church (Paris, Ky.). Missionary Society
- Cookery, American - 1881 - 184 pages
Kimball Class cook book Dudley Street Baptist Church
(Roxbury, Boston, Mass.). Kimball Class - Cooking - 1913 - 86 pages
King's Daughters' cook book: choice
receipts International Order of the King's Daughters and Sons.
Heart and Hand Circle (Sixth Presbyterian Church, Des Moines, Iowa), Sixth
Presbyterian Church (Des Moines, Iowa). - Cookery, American - 1894 - 160
King's highway cook book: choice recipes Park Street
Congregational Church (Bridgeport, Conn.) - Cooking - 1894 - 70 pages
Reference Library
Murray's modern cookery book. Modern domestic cookery, by a lady
Modern domestic cookery - 1851
Jennie June's American cookery book: containing upwards of twelve
hundred... Jane Cunningham Croly, Elizabeth Robins Pennell
Collection (Library of Congress) - 1866 - 343 pages
The economics of modern cookery: or, A younger son's cookery book
M. M. Mallock - 1900 - 378 pages
A new book of cookery ...: Eight hundred and sixty recipes, ...
Fannie Merritt Farmer - 1917 - 440 pages
Lessons in cookery: Hand-book of the National training school for
... National Training School for Cookery (Great Britain),
R. O. C. (Rose Owen Cole), Thomas King Chambers - 1878 - 382 pages
Standard paper-bag cookery Emma Paddock Telford -
1912 - 156 pages
Two fifteenth-century cookery-books: Harleian ms. 279 (ab. 1430),
... Thomas Austin, British Library - 1888 - 151 pages
The art of cookery, made plain and easy: which far exceeds any ...
Hannah Glasse - 1774 - 384 pages
Choice cookery Catherine Owen - 1889 - 316 pages
Hand-book of practical cookery, for ladies and professional cooks:
... Pierre Blot - 1867 - 478 pages
Old cookery books and ancient cuisine William Carew
Hazlitt - 1886 - 271 pages
The practice of cookery: adapted to the business of every day life
Mrs. Dalgairns - 1830 - 552 pages
A laboratory manual of foods and cookery Emma B.
Matteson, Ethel M. Newlands - 1916 - 325 pages
Modern cookery, in all its branches Eliza Acton -
Domestic cookery, useful receipts, and hints to young housekeepers
Elizabeth E. Lea - 1859 - 301 pages
The scholars' handbook of household management and cookery
William Bernhard Tegetmeier - 1876
Miss Leslie's complete cookery: Directions for cookery, in its ...
Eliza Leslie - 1851 - 522 pages
The London art of cookery and domestic housekeeper's complete ...
John Farley - 1811 - 408 pages
A shilling cookery for the people 1854 - 200 pages
Practical cookery: a compilation of principles of cookery and ...
Kansas State University. Dept. of Foods and Nutrition - 1920
- 250 pages
Economical cookery: designed to assist the housekeeper in ...
1840 - 144 pages
The School Cookery Book C. E. Guthrie Wright - 1881
- 158 pages
Buckmaster's cookery: being an abridgment of some of the lectures
... ohn Charles Buckmaster - 1874 - 302 pages
Simpson's cookery, improved and modernised: the complete modern ...
John Simpson (cook.), Henderson William Brand - 1834 - 408
Warne's model cookery and housekeeping book: containing complete...
Mary Jewry - 1868 - 156 pages
My cookery books Elizabeth Robins Pennell - 1903
- 171 pages
Handbook of domestic cookery 1882 - 380 pages
Handbook of domestic cookery Christ Church (Rochester,
N.Y.). Parish Aid Society. Chapter No. 5 - 1905 - 208 pages
Soyer's paper-bag cookery Nicolas Soyer - 1911 -
126 pages
Healthful cookery: a collection of choice recipes for preparing
... 1904 - 299 pages
Kitchenette cookery Anna Merritt East - 1917 - 112
High-class cookery recipes Edith Clarke - 1885
Real cookery Grid (pseud.) - 1893 - 86 pages
Home cookery: a collection of tried receipts, both foreign and
... Mrs. J. Chadwick - 1853 - 159 pages
Wholesome cookery Marie de Joncourt - 1882
The creole cookery book Christian Woman's Exchange
(New Orleans, La.) - 1885 - 216 pages
Search ResultsSnap shots at cookery Church of the
Ascension (Buffalo, N.Y.) - 1899 - 174 pages
Cookery and confectionary John Conrade Cooke - 1824
- 213 pages
Cookery for beginners: a series of familiar lessons for young ...
Marion Harland - 1884 - 157 pages
Economical cookery Marion Harris Neil - 1918 - 346
Fruits and their cookery Harriet Schuyler Nelson
- 1921 - 209 pages
Practical household cookery: Containing 1000 original and other ...
E. Duret - 1891 - 458 pages
The universal cookery book: Practical recipes for household use
1887 - 245 pages
The Kingswood cookery book H F. Wicken - 1885
Margaret Sim's Cookery Margaret Sim - 1879
Foods and cookery Mary Lockwood Matthews - 1921 -
189 pages
Soyer's standard cookery: a complete guide to the art of cooking
... Nicolas Soyer - 1912 - 436 pages
Food and cookery Hans Steele Anderson - 1917 - 163
Mrs. Rundell's domestic cookery: formed upon principles of economy
... Maria Eliza Ketelby Rundell - 1859 - 238 pages
Cookery manuals Emma Pike Ewing - 1890 - 141 pages
Household cookery recipes Mabel A. Rotheram - 1901
- 209 pages
The English cookery book: uniting a good style with economy ...
John Henry Walsh - 1859 - 375 pages
Maigre cookery Henrietta Louisa Lear - 1884
Recipes of Italian cookery Maria Gironci - 1900 -
110 pages
The art of cookery 1836 - 320 pages
Miss Cameron's cookery book Ida Cameron - 1898 -
235 pages
Gleanings of cookery: including over one hundred and fifty quite
original and unpublished... 1898 - 149 pages
Domestic economy, and cookery: for rich and poor; containing an ...
Lady - 1827 - 691 pages
Centennial cookery book 1887 - 161 pages
High-class cookery Josephine Redington - 1908
Buffalo cookery: a collection of choice recipes carefully selected
... St. Luke's Sunday-School (Buffalo, Wyo.). Ladies' Auxiliary
- 1916 - 253 pages
Lessons on cookery Barbara Wallace Gothard - 1878
Cookery up-to-date Mrs. Humphry - 1896 - 283 pages
Cookery sound, simple, dainty Grid (pseud.) - 1901
- 84 pages
Home cookery: representing the experience of the women of the ...
Laura B. Hibbard, Mary Alice Vaughan, Congregational Church
(Laconia, N.H.) - 1904 - 183 pages
Modern cookery, for private families: reduced to a system of easy
... Eliza Acton - 1860 - 643 pages
The post-graduate cookery book: consisting of a large number of ...
Adolphe Meyer - 1903 - 282 pages
Cookery as it should be: a new manual of the dining room and ...
Practical housekeeper - 1856 - 362 pages
The book of potato cookery: More than one hundred recipes suitable
... Mary L. Wade - 1918 - 90 pages
The American system of cookery: comprising every variety of ...
Mrs. T. J. Crowen - 1864 - 126 pages
A new system of domestic cookery: formed upon principles of ...
Maria Eliza Ketelby Rundell - 1833 - 448 pages
Up-to-date economical cookery Dora Groome - 1898
- 309 pages
A complete system of cookery William Verral - 1759
Mrs. Roundell's Practical cookery book: with many family recipes
... Mrs. Charles Roundell - 1898 - 580 pages
The official handbook for the National training school for cookery
... National Training College of Domestic Subjects - 1877
- 409 pages
Common-sense cookery for English households: with twenty menus ...
Arthur Robert Kenney-Herbert - 1905 - 551 pages
Liverpool School of Cookery recipe book E. E. Mann
- 1900 - 114 pages
Economical cookery for the middle classes Kate Addison
- 1879
The practice of cookery and pastry Williamson (mrs.)
- 1862
Modern domestic cookery, and useful receipt book: adapted for ...
William Augustus Henderson, David Hughson - 1828 - 358 pages
Reference Library
365 breads and biscuits: a bread or biscuit for every day in the
year Cooking - 1905 - 189 pages
A practical guide for the cake and bread baker C.
W. Schlumpf - Cooking - 1884 - 96 pages
A text-book of the science and art of bread-making: including the
chemistry ... William Jago - Cooking - 1895 - 659 pages
A treatise on bread: and bread-making Sylvester Graham
- Cooking - 1837 - 131 pages
A treatise on the art of bread-making Abraham Edlin
- Cooking - 1805 - 216 pages
Baker's bread Paul Richards - Cooking - 1918 - 143
Bread, cakes, and biscuits S. Beaty-Pownall - Bread
- 1906 - 199 pages
Bread and bread-making: how to make many varieties easily and with
the best ... Sarah Tyson Heston Rorer - Cooking - 1899 - 82
Bread and fancy breads Flora (Bigelow) Guest ("Hon.
Mrs. Lionel Guest.") - Cooking - 1917 - 48 pages
Bread making and bread baking: embracing selections in pastry, general
... Minnie E. Crothers - Cooking - 1915 - 120 pages
Home bakings Edna Evans, Golden Gate Compressed Yeast
Co - Cookery, American - 1912 - 96 pages
On the healthy manufacture of bread: a memoir on the system of Dr.
Dauglish Cooking - 1884 - 103 pages
Secrets of bread making and economy and system in the bakery: a handy
manual .. Emil Braun - Cooking - 1917 - 193 pages
Some points in the making and judging of bread Isabel
Bevier - Cooking - 1913 - 44 pages
The baker's book: a practical hand book of the baking industry in
all ... Emil Braun - Bread - 1902 - Volume 1
The baker's book: a practical hand book of the baking industry in
all ... Emil Braun - Bread - 1902 - Volume 2
The chemistry of breadmaking James Grant - Bread -
1912 - 224 pages
The complete bread, cake and cracker baker J. Thompson
Gill - Cooking - 1881 - 380 pages
The dietetic value of bread John Goodfellow - Bread
- 1892 - 328 pages
The English bread-book: for domestic use, adapted to families of
every grade ... Eliza Acton - Cooking - 1857 - 204 pages
The history of bread: from pre-historic to modern
times John Ashton - Bread - 1904 - 185 pages
The new system of making bread: a concise and practical treatise
on bread ... Robert Wells - Cooking - 1903 - 146 pages
The story of a loaf of bread Thomas Barlow Wood -
Bread - 1913 - 140 pages
War bread Alonzo Englebert Taylor - Cooking - 1918
- 93 pages
War-time breads and cakes Amy Littlefield Handy -
Cooking - 1918 - 66 pages
Reference Library
Desserts Reference Library Linda Hull Larned - 1914
- 107 pages
Everyday desserts Olive Green - 1911 - 525 pages
Two hundred recipes for making desserts: including French pastries
Olive M. Hulse - 1912 - 110 pages
Cakes, cake decorations and desserts: a manual for housewives,
... Charles Henry King - 1896 - 153 pages
The Italian confectioner; or, Complete economy of desserts
William Alexis Jarrin - 1827
Desserts for 100 using little sugar United States
Food Administration - 1918 - 14 pages
Foreign desserts for English tables 1862 - 165 pages
Host and guest: a book about dinners, wines, and desserts
Andrew Valentine Kirwan, Katherine Golden Bitting Collection
on Gastronomy (Library of Congress) - 1864 - 410 pages
The royal English and foreign confectioner: a practical treatise
... Charles Elmé Francatelli - 1862 - 440 pages
The dessert book: a complete manual from the best American and ...
1872 - 202 pages
The sunny side dessert book S. T. Stone - 1893 -
66 pages
The art of confectionery: with various methods of preserving ...
1865 - 346 pages
Ices, and how to make them: a popular treatise on cream, water, ...
Charles Herman Senn - 1900 - 75 pages
The complete confectioner, pastry-cook, and baker: plain and ...
Eleanor Parkinson - 1844 - 154 pages
The complete confectioner: or, The whole art of confectionary made
... Frederick Nutt - 1807 - 91 pages
The royal English and foreign confectioner Charles
Elmé Francatelli - 1862 - 440 pages
The complete confectioner, or, Housekeeper's guide: to a simple ...
Hannah Glasse, Maria Wilson - 1800 - 360 pages
Pastrycook and confectioner's guide Robert Wells
- 1889 - 108 pages
The Royal parisian pastrycook and confectioner from the original
... M. A. Carême - 1834 - 394 pages
The court and country confectioner: or, The house-keeper's guide;
... Borella - 1770 - 320 pages
The compleat confectioner; or, The art of candying and preserving
... Mary Eales - 1742
The American pastry cook: a book of perfected receipts for making
... Jessup Whitehead, Katherine Golden Bitting Collection
on Gastronomy (Library of Congress) - 1894 - 225 pages
Practical pastry: a handbook for pastrybakers, cooks and confectioners
Frederick T. Vine - 1894 - 212 pages
The royal book of pastry and confectionery Jules
Gouffé - 1874 - 476 pages
The art of pastry making: according to the French and English ...
Emile Hérisse - 1893 - 151 pages
Seventy-five receipts for pastry, cakes, and sweetmeats
Eliza Leslie - 1830 - 104 pages
Puddings and pastry à la mode Mrs. De Salis
(Harriet Anne) - 1889 - 70 pages
Search ResultsThe practice of cookery, pastry, and confectionary
Mrs. Frazer - 1820 - 312 pages
The art of confectionary: Shewing the various methods of ...
Edward Lambert - 1761 - 63 pages
The new whole art of confectionary: sugar boiling, iceing, ...
W. S. Steveley - 1828 - 71 pages
French confectionary adapted for English families
Frances Crawford - 1853
The making of ice cream, ices, frozen fruits, French creams, ...
Herman Gratz - 1912 - 115 pages
Puddings & sweets, 365 receipts Lucy Jones -
Puddings and sweets Mrs. C. S. Peel - 1905 - 99 pages
Easy French sweets for English cooks Mrs. Alfred
Praga - 1901 - 199 pages
Reference Library
Louis' salads & chafing dishes Louis Muckensturm
- 1906 - 113 pages
New salads for dinners, luncheons, suppers and receptions: with a
... Sarah Tyson Heston Rorer - 1897 - 63 pages
One hundred salads Linda Hull Larned - 1914 - 113
Florida salads: a collection of dainty, wholesome salad recipes ...
Frances Barber Harris - 1918 - 87 pages
One thousand salads Olive Green - 1909 - 415 pages
Salads, sandwiches, and savouries S. Beaty-Pownall
- 1905 - 138 pages
Vegetables, salads, and vegetable entremets with appropriate
sauce Florence B. Jack - 1898 - 123 pages
Two hundred recipes for making salads: with thirty recipes for dressings
and sauces Olive M. Hulse - 1910 - 94 pages
Midnight feasts: two hundred & two salads and chafing-dish
recipes May Elizabeth Southworth - 1914 - 133 pages
The American salad book Maximilian De Loup - 1899
- 140 pages
Salad and salad making Emma Pike Ewing - 1884 - 40
Lettuce ; Miscellaneous salad crops ; Garden beans ; Garden peas...
International Correspondence Schools - 1914
Desserts and salads Gesine Lemcke - 1896 - 311 pages
Salads, sandwiches and chafing-dish dainties: with thirty-two ...
Janet McKenzie Hill - 1899 - 250 pages
Salads, sandwiches and chafing dish recipes Marion
Harris Neil - 1916 - 262 pages
Salads and sauce Thomas Jefferson Murrey - 1884 -
297 pages
Fifty salads Thomas Jefferson Murrey - 1885 - 32
"Dame Curtsey's" book of salads, sandwiches, and beverages
Ellye Howell Glover - 1915 - 110 pages
Sandwich and Chafing Dish
Reference Library
The up-to-date sandwich book: 400 ways to make a sandwich
Eva Greene Fuller - 1909 - 180 pages
Sandwiches Sarah Tyson Heston Rorer - 1912 - 86 pages
Salads, sandwiches and chafing-dish dainties: with thirty-two ...
Janet McKenzie Hill - 1899 - 250 pages
Salads, sandwiches and chafing dish recipes Marion
Harris Neil - 1916 - 262 pages
"Dame Curtsey's" book of salads, sandwiches, and beverages
Ellye Howell Glover - 1915 - 110 pages
One hundred and one sandwiches 1902 - 85 pages
The chafing-dish: together with directions for the preparation of
... Alice Louise James - 1912 - 271 pages
Light entertaining: a book of dainty recipes for special occasions
... Judson, Helena, Butterick Publishing Company - 1910 -
68 pages
Chafing dish possibilities Fannie Merritt Farmer
- 1898 - 161 pages
Chafing dish recipes: soups, sauces, oysters, clams, meats, fish,
... 1898 - 54 pages
Chafing dish and casserole cookery Charles Herman
Senn - 1908 - 82 pages
On the chafing-dish: a word for Sunday night teas
Harriet Page Bailey - 1890 - 76 pages
How to use a chafing dish Sarah Tyson Heston Rorer
- 1894 - 26 pages
Chafing-dish recipes Gesine Lemcke - 1896 - 82 pages
The cult of the chafing dish Frank Schloesser - 1904
- 216 pages
Chafing-dish dainties Sarah Brownson How - 1898 -
118 pages
What one can do with a chafing dish: A guide for amateur cooks
Henrietta L. Sawtelle - 1890 - 138 pages
One hundred recipes for the chafing dish Herbert
M. Kinsley - 1894 - 182 pages
One hundred and one chafing-dish recipes 1904 - 93
Sunday suppers: being fifty-four chafing-dish recipes, old and new
Alice Laidlaw Williams - 1912 - 108 pages |