35 Books on CD-ROM
Camping out Warren Hastings
Miller - History - 1918 - 306 pages
Camp and outing activities
Frank Howbert Cheley, G. Cornelius Baker - Games - 1920 -
430 pages
Camp cookery Horace Kephart
- Cooking - 1910 - 154 pages
Camp kits and camp
life Camping - 1906 - 259 pages
Camp life in the woods and the tricks of trapping
and trap making William Hamilton Gibson - Sports & Recreation
- 1882 - 290 pages
Canoe and camp cookery: a practical cook book
for canoeists, Corinthian ... Cooking - 1885 - 96 pages
Community boy leadership: a manual for scout
executives Boy Scouts of America - Boy Scouts - 1922 - 622
Boy Scouts of American, The official handbook
for boys Boy Scouts of America - 1911 - 430 pages
Boy Scouts of American, The official handbook
for boys Boy Scouts of America - 1912 - 440 pages
Boy Scouts of American, The official handbook
for boys Boy Scouts of America - 1913 - 340 pages
Boy Scouts of America, The official handbook
for boys Boy Scouts of America - 1920 - 510 pages
Handbook for scout masters, Boy scouts of
America Boy Scouts of America - Juvenile Nonfiction - 1914
- 352 pages - First Edition
Harper's camping and scouting: an outdoor
guide for American boys rge Bird Grinnell, Eugene La Forrest
Swan - Camping - 1911 - 395 pages
Hints for camping and walking: How to camp
out John Mead Gould - Nature - 1877 - 134 pages
How girls can help their
country Juliette Gordon Low, Agnes Smyth Baden-Powell, Baron
Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell Baden-Powell of Gilwell - 1916 - 156
Outdoor life and Indian stories: making open
air life attractive to young ... Edward Sylvester Ellis -
Indians of North America - 1912 - 251 pages
Out of doors Emerson Hough
- Crafts & Hobbies - 1915 - 301 pages
Packing and portaging Dillon
Wallace - Camping - 1912 - 133 pages
The American boys' handybook of camp-lore
and woodcraft Daniel Carter Beard - Sports & Recreation
- 1920 - 270 pages
The book of woodcraft and Indian
lore Ernest Thompson Seton - Crafts & Hobbies - 1921 -
590 pages
The boy pioneers, sons of Daniel
Boone Daniel Carter Beard - Outdoor life - 1909 - 329
The Boy Scouts' year book Boy
Scouts of America - Boy Scouts - 1915
The Boy Scouts' year book Boy
Scouts of America - Boy Scouts - 1917
The Boy Scouts' year book Boy
Scouts of America - Boy Scouts - 1919
The Boy Scouts' year book Boy
Scouts of America - Boy Scouts - 1920
The Boy Scouts' year book Boy
Scouts of America - Boy Scouts - 1921
The Boy Scouts' year book Boy
Scouts of America - Boy Scouts - 1922
The Boy scout's hike book: the first of a
series of handy volumes of ... Edward Cave - Boy Scouts -
1913 - 243 pages
The camper's handbook Thomas
Hiram Holding - Sports & Recreation - 1908 - 400 pages
The camper's own book for devotees of tent
and trail George Sands Bryan, Harry C. Phibbs (writer on first
aid.) - Sports & Recreation - 1913 - 191 pages
Woodcraft for Women Kathrene
Pinkerton - 1924
The way of the woods: a manual for sportsmen
in northeastern United States ... Edward Breck - Sports &
Recreation - 1908 - 436 pages
The woodcraft manual for boys: the fifteenth
Birch bark roll Ernest Thompson Seton - History - 1917 - 441
Winter camping Warwick Stevens
Carpenter - Sports & Recreation - 1920
Woodcraft by Nessmuk George
Washington Sears - Biography & Autobiography - 1884 - 149 pages |