41 Books on CD-ROM
Your mesmeric forces and how to develop them:
giving full and comprehensive ... by Frank Hall Randall -
1901 - 151 pages
An experimental study in the domain of hypnotism
by Richard Krafft-Ebing - Medical - 1889 - 129 pages
Etherology, and the phreno-philosophy of
mesmerism and magic eloquence ... by James Stanley Grimes,
William Gates Le Duc - Medical - 1850 - 372 pages
Facts in mesmerism: with reasons for a
dispassionate inquiry into it by Chauncy Hare Townshend -
Medical - 1840 - 390 pages
Fascination, or the philosophy of charming:
illustrating the principles of ... by John B. Newman - Medical
- 1847 - 176 pages
Handbook of suggestive therapeutics, applied
hypnotism, psychic science: a ... by Henry Sumner Munro -
Medical - 1912 - 409 pages
Hypnotism by Albert Moll
- Medical - 1897 - 410 pages
Treatment by hypnotism and suggestion: or,
Psycho-therapeutics by Charles Lloyd Tuckey - Medical - 1907
- 418 pages
Hypnotism, a complete system of method,
application and use: including all ... by Lauron William
De Laurence - Medical - 1900 - 188 pages
The psychology of reasoning: based on
experimental researches in hypnotism by Alfred Binet, Adam
Gowans Whyte - Reasoning - 1899 - 191 pages
Hypnotism: its history, practice and theory
by John Milne Bramwell - Medical - 1906 - 478 pages
Hypnotism: its history and present development
by Fredrik Johan Björnström, Nils Posse - Medical
- 1889 - 126 pages
Hypnotism: how it is done; its uses and dangers
by James Richard Cocke - Medical - 1894 - 373 pages
Hypnotism, its facts, theories and related
phenomena: with explanatory ... by Carl Sextus - Medical
- 1893 - 304 pages
Hypnotism: or, Suggestion and psychotherapy;
a study of the psychological ... by Auguste Forel, Henry
William Armit - Medical - 1907 - 370 pages
Hypnotism, mesmerism and the new witchcraft
by Ernest Abraham Hart - Hypnotism - 1898 - 182 pages
Hypnotism and hypnotic suggestion: a scientific
treatise on the uses and ... edited by E. Virgil Neal - Medical
- 1900 - 259 pages
Hypnotism or mesmerism by
Charles Barney Cory - Medical - 1888 - 61 pages
Hypnotism and spiritism: a critical and medical
study Rby Giuseppe Lapponi, Mrs. Philip Gibbs - Medical -
1907 - 273 pages
The physiological effects of artificial sleep:
with some notes on the ... by Mathias Roth - Medical - 1887
- 39 pages
The Perfect Course of Instruction in Hypnotism,
Mesmerism, Clairvoyance ... by Of The Science Masters of
the Science - Health & Fitness - 1901 - 176 pages
Hypnotism and treatment by suggestion
by John Milne Bramwell - Medical - 1910 - 216 pages
Hypnotism as a therapeutic agent
by William Lee Howard - 1893 - 36 pages
Hypnotism in mental and moral culture
by John Duncan Quackenbos - Psychology - 1900 - 290
Hypnotism or, Animal magnetism, physiological
observations by Rudolf Heidenhain - Medical - 1888 - 103
The mystery revealed: or, The handbook of
Weltmerism; a supplement to the ... by Sydney Abram Weltmer
- Medical - 1901 - 281 pages
Lessons in hypnotism and the use of suggestion:
based upon the neuron ... by Leslie J. Meacham - Medical
- 1898 - 178 pages
Mesmer and Swedenborg, or, The relation of
the developments of Mesmerism to ... by George Bush - Biography
& Autobiography - 1847 - 272 pages
Mesmeric experiences by Spencer
Timothy Hall - Psychology - 1845 - 103 pages
Mesmerism, spiritualism, &c. historically
& scientifically considered: being ... by William Benjamin
Carpenter - Medical - 1877 - 158 pages
Mesmerism: with hints for beginners
by John James - Law - 1886 - 102 pages
The mighty curative powers of mesmerism,
proved by Thomas Capern - 1851 - 80 pages
The Elements of hypnotism by
Ralph Harry Vincent - 1893 - 270 pages
Mesmerism in India, and its practical application
in surgery and medicine by James Esdaile - Mesmerism in India
- 1902 - 165 pages
Not hypnotism but suggestion: a lesson in
soul culture... by Henry Harrison Brown - 1906 - 59
Suggestive therapeutics and hypnotism: being
a special mail course of thirty ... by Herbert Arthur Parkyn
- Medical - 1900 - 334 pages
Psychology, Hypnotism, Personal Magnetism
and Clairvoyance by William Abner Barnes - History - 1898
- 124 pages
Suggestive therapeutics: a treatise on the
nature and uses of hypnotism by Hippolyte Bernheim - Medical
- 1889 - 420 pages
Sleep-walking and hypnotism
by Daniel Hack Tuke - Medical - 1884 - 119 pages
Suggestion and autosuggestion: a psychological
and pedagogical study based ... by Charles Baudouin, Eden
Paul, Cedar Paul - Medical - 1922 - 349 pages
Stage Hypnotism: A Text Book of Occult
Entertainments by Professor Leonidas - Medical - 1901 - 148
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