49 Books on CD-ROM
A History of the Jews in Modern Times
by Max Raisin - Jews - 1919 - 466 pages
A Sketch of Jewish History by
Gustav Karpeles - History - 1897 - 109 pages Lectures delivered during the
winter of 1895-96 before the lodges of the Independent Order of B'ne B'rith
at Berlin.
A Synopsis of Jewish History from the Return
of the Jews from the Babylonish ... by H A Henry, Towne &
Bacon - Jews - 1859 - 187 pages
A Thousand Years of Jewish History, from
the Days of Alexander the Great to ... by Maurice Henry Harris
- Jews - 1904 - 224 pages
Bibliotheca Anglo-judaica: A Bibliographical
Guide to Anglo-Jewish History by Joseph Jacobs, Lucien Wolf
- Jews - 1888 - 231 pages
Chronological Table of Jewish History
by Kaufmann Kohler - Jews - 1881 - 16 pages
History of the Jews in America: From the
Period of the Discovery of the New ... by Peter Wiernik -
Jews - 1912 - 449 pages
History of the Jews in Russia and Poland,
from the Earliest Times Until the ... by Simon Dubnow, Israel
Friedlaender - Jews - 1920
Israel Among the Nations: A Study of the
Jews and Antisemitism by Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, Frances
Hellman - Jews - 1895 - 385 pages
Jewish History and Politics in the Times
of Sargon and Sennacherib: An ... by Edward Strachey - Jews
- 1874 - 482 pages
Jewish Martyrs of the Inquisition in South
America by George Alexander Kohut - Jews - 1895 - 87
Jews in many lands by Elkan
Nathan Adler, Jewish Publication Society of America - Jews - 1905 - 259
Light from Egyptian papyri on Jewish history
before Christ: On Jewish ... REPLACEMETOO
Manual of Jewish history and literature
by David Cassel - 1883
Memorable dates of Jewish history
by Gotthard Deutsch - Jews - 1904 - 158 pages
Outlines of Jewish History, from Abraham
to Our Lord by Francis Ernest Gigot - Jews - 1897 - 384
Outlines of Jewish History from B.C. 586
to C.E. 1885 by Katie Magnus, Michael Friedländer -
Jews - 1886 - 343 pages
The Women of Israel, Or, Characters and Sketches
from the Holy Scriptures ... by Grace Aguilar - Bible - 1886
- 580 pages
Post-biblical history of the Jews from the
close of the Old Testament, about ... by Morris J. Raphall
- Jews - 1856 - Volume 1
Post-biblical history of the Jews from the
close of the Old Testament, about ... by Morris J. Raphall
- Jews - 1856 - Volume 2
Sketches of Anglo-Jewish History
by James Picciotto - Jews - 1875 - 420 pages
Stories from Jewish history
by Charlotte Maria Tucker - 1871
The Criminal Code of the Jews: According
to the Talmud Massecheth Synhedrin by Philip Berger Benny
- Criminal law (Jewish law) - 1880 - 133 pages
The Early History of the Jews in New York,
1654-1664: Some New Matter on the ... by Samuel Oppenheim
- Jews - 1909 - 96 pages
The Evolution of the Hebrew People and Their
Influence on Civilization by Laura Hulda Wild - Jews - 1917
- 311 pages
The Expulsion of the Jews from England in
1290 by B. L. Abrahams - Jews - 1895 - 83 pages
The History of the Jews: From the Destruction
of Jerusalem to the Present Time by Hannah Adams - Jews -
1840 - 576 pages
The history of the Jews from the Christian
era to the dawn of the Reformation by Philip Henry Gosse
- 1851
The History of the Jews of Spain and Portugal,
from the Earliest Times to ... by Elias Hiam Lindo - Jews
- 1848 - 384 pages
The Jews Among the Greeks and Romans
by Max Radin - 1916
The Jews and Moors in Spain
by Joseph Krauskopf - Jews - 1886 - 246 pages
The Jews and the English Law
by Henry Straus Quixano Henriques - Social Science - 1908
- 324 pages
The Jews in America: A Short Story of Their
Part in the Building of the ... by Madison Clinton Peters
- Jews - 1905 - 135 pages
The Jews in China: Their Synagogue, Their
Scriptures, Their History by James Finn - Jews - 1843 - 86
The Jews in Modern Mexico by
Victor Harris - Jews - 1907 - 64 pages
The Jews in the Eastern War Zone
by American Jewish Committee - World War, 1914-1918 - 1916
- 120 pages
The Jews of Iowa: A Complete History and
Accurate Account of Their Religious ... by Simon Glazer -
Jews - 1904 - 359 pages
The Jews of Philadelphia: Their History from
the Earliest Settlements to the ... by Henry S. Morais -
History - 1894 - 576 pages
The Jews of South Carolina: From the Earliest
Times to the Present Day by Barnett Abraham Elzas - Jews
- 1905 - 352 pages
The Jews Under Roman Rule by
William Douglas Morrison - Jews - 1890 - 426 pages
The Legends of the Jews by
Louis Ginzberg - 1920 - Volume 2 (volume 1 missing)
The Legends of the Jews by
Louis Ginzberg - 1920 - Volume 3 (volume 1 missing)
The Legends of the Jews by
Louis Ginzberg - 1920 - Volume 4 (volume 1 missing)
The Messiah Idea in Jewish History
by Julius Hillel Greenstone - Messiah - 1906 - 347 pages
The Orphan Colony of Jews in China
by James Finn - Jews - 1872 - 124 pages
The romance of Jewish history
by Celia Levetus, Marion Moss - 1840
The Russian Jews: Extermination Or Emancipation?
by Léo Abram Errera, Bella Löwy - Jews - 1894
- 206 pages
The Slaughter of the Jews in the Ukraine
in 1919 by Elias Heifetz - Jews - 1921 - 408 pages
The Sufferings of the Jews During the Middle
Ages by Leopold Zunz, Albert Löwy, George Alexander
Kohut - Jews - 1907 - 90 pages |