Electronic Editon on
Mushroom and
57 Books on CD-ROM
A List of Works on North American Fungi
by William Gilson Farlow - Fungi - 1905 - 312 pages
Bibliographical Index of North American Fungi
by William Gilson Farlow - Fungi - 1905 - 312 pages Volume
1 part 1 (no more published)
Fungi; Their Nature and Uses
by Mordecai Cubitt Cooke - Fungi - 1880 - 299 pages
Handbook of British Fungi: With Full Descriptions
of All the Species, and ... by Mordecai Cubitt Cooke - Fungi
- 1871 - 480 pages - Volume 2 ONLY
Illustrations of British Fungi (Hymenomycetes):
To Serve as an Atlas to Th ... by Mordecai Cubitt Cooke -
Fungi - 1884 - 460 pages - Volume 1
Illustrations of British Fungi (Hymenomycetes):
To Serve as an Atlas to Th ... by Mordecai Cubitt Cooke -
Fungi - 1884 - 580 pages - Volume 2
Illustrations of British Fungi (Hymenomycetes):
To Serve as an Atlas to Th ... by Mordecai Cubitt Cooke -
Fungi - 1884 - 320 pages - Volume 3
Illustrations of British Fungi (Hymenomycetes):
To Serve as an Atlas to Th ... by Mordecai Cubitt Cooke -
Fungi - 1884- Volume 4
Illustrations of British Fungi (Hymenomycetes):
To Serve as an Atlas to Th ... by Mordecai Cubitt Cooke -
Fungi - 1884 - 310 pages - Volume 7
Illustrations of British Fungi (Hymenomycetes):
To Serve as an Atlas to Th ... by Mordecai Cubitt Cooke -
Fungi - 1884 - 720 pages - Volume 8
Illustrations of the fungi of our fields
and woods, drawn from natural specimens by Sarah Price -
Mushroom culture: its extension and
improvement by William Robinson - Mushrooms - 1870 - 180
Mushrooms: how to Grow Them: A Practical
Treatise on Mushroom Culture for . by William Falconer -
Mushrooms - 1901 - 161 pages
Mushrooms for the million by
John Wright - 1884 - 101 pages
Mycologia Scotia: The Fungi of Scotland and
Their Geographical Distribution by John Stevenson, Cryptogamic
Society of Scotland - Fungi - 1879 - 443 pages
Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms and how
to Distinguish Them: A Selection ... by William Hamilton
Gibson - Mushrooms - 1899 - 337 pages
Rust, smut, mildew, & mould: an introduction
to the study of microscopic fungi by Mordecai Cubitt Cooke
- Fungi - 1878 - 305 pages
Systematic Arrangement of Australian Fungi
by Daniel McAlpine - Fungi - 1895 - 236 pages
Twelve edible mushrooms of the United States:
illustrated with twelve ... by Thomas Taylor - 1894 - 23
About mushrooms: A guide to the study of esculent
and poisonous Fungi Julius Auboineau Palmer - 1894 - 100
Among the mushrooms: a guide for beginners
Ellen M. Dallas, Caroline A. Burgin - 1900 - 163 pages
Mushrooms of America: edible and poisonous
Julius Auboineau Palmer - 1885 - 8 pages
Coloured figures of English fungi or mushrooms:
Volume 1 James Sowerby - 1797
The mushroom and champignon illustrated: compared
with, and ... James Sowerby - 1832 - 38 pages
Edible and poisonous mushrooms: a descriptive
handbook to ... William A. Murrill - 1916 - 76 pages
studies of american fungi mushrooms edible,
poisonous, etc george francis atkinson - 1911
Fungal flora of the Lehigh Valley,
Pa William Herbst - 1899 - 229 pages
Guide to Sowerby's models of British fungi
in the Department of botany ... British Museum (Natural History).
Dept. of Botany, Worthington George Smith - Science - 1893 - 82 pages
Report of the state botanist on edible Fungi
of New York 1895-99 New York (State). State Botanist, Charles
Horton Peck - 1900 - 102 pages
Common mushrooms of the United
States Louis Charles Christopher Krieger - 1920 - 53
Mycological notes, Volumes 1-2
Curtis Gates Lloyd, Lloyd Library and Museum - Science -
Outlines of British fungology: containing
characters of above a thousand ... Miles Joseph Berkeley -
Nature - 1860 - 442 pages
Mushrooms and their use
Charles Horton Peck - 1897 - 80 pages
Guide to the mushrooms Emma
L. Taylor Cole - 1910 - 206 pages
Michigan mushrooms: a few of the common edible
fungi occuring in ... Burton Orange Longyear - 1903 - 100
Student's hand-book of mushrooms of America
edible and poisonous: Issues 1-5 Thomas Taylor - 1897 - 53
Our edible toadstools and mushrooms and how
to distinguish them: a ... William Hamilton Gibson - 1895
- 337 pages
Reference list of publications relating to
edible and poisonous ... National Agricultural Library (U.S.),
Josephine Adelaide Clark - 1898 - 16 pages
Tropical polypores William
Alphonso Murrill - 1915 - 113 pages
Northern polypores William
A. Murrill - 1914 - 64 pages
Southern polypores William
A. Murrill - 1915 - 66 pages
Western polypores William
A. Murrill - 1915 - 36 pages
American boletes William A.
Murrill - 1914 - 40 pages
Handbook of British Fungi: with full descriptions
of all the ..., Volume 1 Mordecai Cubitt Cooke - Science -
1871 - 981 pages
The higher Fungi of the Chicago region
... Will Sayer Moffatt - Science - 1909
The Polyporaceae of
Wisconsin Julius John Neuman - 1914 - 206 pages
The Polyporaceae of North America ...
William A. Murrill - 1902
The polyporaceae of the middle-western United
States Lee Oras Overholts - 1915 - 98 pages
Mycological illustrations: being figures and
descriptions of new ...: Volume 1 (ONLY) William Wilson Saunders
- 1871 - 96 pages
Illustrations of British mycology: containing
figures and ...: Volume 1 Mrs. Thomas John Hussey - 1855
Illustrations of British mycology: containing
figures and ...: Volume 2 Thomas John Hussey (Mrs) -
British fungus-flora: A classified text-book
of mycology George Massee - 1892 - 428 pages
Studies in the cytology of the Hymenomycetes,
especially the Boleti Michael Levine - 1913 - 45 pages
Boleti of the United States
Charles Horton Peck - 1889 - 166 pages
Hymenomycetes Britannici: British fungi
(Hymenomycetes)Volume 1 John Stevenson - 1886 - 340 pages
- 330 pages
Hymenomycetes Britannici: British fungi
(Hymenomycetes)Volume 2 John Stevenson - 1886 - 340
Culture studies on polymorphism of Hymenomycetes
George Richard Lyman - 1907 - 209 pages |