61 Books on DVD
A History of Alabama, for Use in Schools:
Based as to Its Earlier Parts on ... by William Garrott Brown,
Albert James Pickett - Alabama - 1900 - 328 pages
Alabama, Her History, Resources, War Record,
and Public Men: From 1540 to 1872 by Willis Brewer - Alabama
- 1872 - 712 pages
Alabama and the Charleston Convention of
1860 by James Leonidas Murphy - Southern States - 1905
Alabama Sketches by Samuel
Minturn Peck - Alabama - 1902 - 299 pages
Colonial Mobile: An Historical Study Largely
from Original Sources, of the ... by Peter Joseph Hamilton
- Mobile (Ala.) - 1910 - 594 pages
Early History of Huntsville, Alabama 1804
to 1870 by Edward Chambers Betts - Alabama - 1916 - 122
Handbook of the Alabama Anthropological Society,
1910 by Alabama Anthropological Society, Thomas McAdory Owen
- Anthropology - 1910 - 62 pages
History of Alabama and Incidentally of Georgia
and Mississippi, from the ... by Albert James Pickett, Thomas
McAdory Owen - Indians of North America - 1900 - 773 pages
History of Conecuh County, Alabama: Embracing
a Detailed Record of Events ... by Benjamin Franklin Riley
- Conecuh County (Ala.) - 1881 - 233 pages
History of the Campaign of Mobile: Including
the Coöperative Operations of ... by Christopher Columbus
Andrews - Mobile (Ala.) - 1889 - 276 pages
Letters from Alabama by Philip
Henry Gosse - Natural history - 1859 - 306 pages
Military Laws of the State of Alabama: Governing
the Alabama National Guard ... by Alabama, Alabama Adjutant
General's Office - Military law - 1898 - 47 pages
Reminiscences of Public Men in Alabama for
Thirty Years: For Thirty Years ... by William Garrett -
Legislators - 1872 - 809 pages
White and Black Under the Old Régime
by Victoria Virginia Hunter Clayton - Alabama - 1899 - 195
Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Alabama
by Annie R. White Mell - Alabama - 1904 - 46 pages
The Alabama Manual and Statistical Register
for 1869 by Joseph Hodgson - Alabama - 1869 - 154 pages
The Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi:
A Series of Sketches by Joseph Glover Baldwin - Literary
Criticism - 1853 - 330 pages
Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society
Volume 1 by Alabama Historical Society - Alabama - 1900
Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society
Volume 2 by Alabama Historical Society - Alabama -
Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society
Volume 3 by Alabama Historical Society - Alabama - 1898-99
- 246 pages
Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society
Volume 4 by Alabama Historical Society - Alabama - 1899-1903
- 640 pages
Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society
Volume 5 by Alabama Historical Society - Alabama - 1904 -
280 pages
The war between the Union and the Confederacy
[electronic resource]: and its lost opportunities : with a history of the
15th Alabama Regiment and the forty-eight battles in which it was engaged
... the war between the United States and Spain (1905) Author: Oates, William
C. (William Calvin), 1835-1910
Alabama (1919) Author: United States Railroad
Alabama (1888) Author: [Walsh, William Shepard]
Alabama secedes from the Union; an address ([19--?])
Author: Jones, Walter Burgwyn, 1888-; Brannon Historical Society, Montgomery,
Arbitrary arrests in the South; or, Scenes from
the experience of an Alabama Unionist (1863) Author: Tharin, Robert
Seymour Symmes
History of the campaign of Mobile : including
the coöperative operations of Gen. Wilson's cavalry in Alabama (1889)
Author: Andrews, C. C. (Christopher Columbus)
Civil war and reconstruction in Alabama (1905)
Author: Fleming, Walter L. (Walter Lynwood), 1874-1932
Report of the Alabama history commission to the
governor of Alabama. December 1, 1900 (1901) Author: Alabama. History Commission;
Owen, Thomas McAdory, 1866-1920
History of the First Regiment, Alabama Volunteer
Infantry, C. S. A. (1904) Author: McMorries, Edward Young
Deaths from Alabama in the European war as reported
in the Official U. S. bulletin January 1, 1918 (1919) Author: Alabama. Dept.
of archives and history.
Early history of Huntsville, Alabama, 1804-1870
(1916) Author: Betts, Edward Chambers
The formative period in Alabama, 1815-1828 (1922)
Author: Abernethy, Thomas Perkins
The history and debates of the Convention of
the people of Alabama, begun and held in the city of Montgomery, on the seventh
day of January, 1861; in which is preserved the speeches of the secret sessions
and many valuable state papers (1861) Author: Smith, William Russell, 1815-1896;
Convention of the people of the state of Alabama (1861 :
History of Alabama : adapted to the use of schools
and for general reading (1901) Author: Miller, L. D
History of Alabama and dictionary of Alabama
biography (1921) Author: Owen, Thomas McAdory, 1866-1920; Owen, Marie (Bankhead)
Mrs. 1869- Volume: 1
History of Alabama and dictionary of Alabama
biography (1921) Author: Owen, Thomas McAdory, 1866-1920; Owen, Marie (Bankhead)
Mrs. 1869- Volume: 2
The history of Butler County, Alabama, from 1815
to 1885 (1885) Author: Little, John Buckner
History of Company B (originally Pickens Planters)
40th Alabama Regiment, Confederate States Army, 1862-1865 (1902) Author:
Willett, Elbert Decatur, 1828-1890; Willett, Joseph Jackson, 1862-; Curry,
John H
History of Eufaula, Alabama : the bluff city
of the Chattahoochee (1875) Author: Besson, J. A. B
History of the Fourteenth regiment Alabama vols.
with a list of the names of every man that ever belonged to the regiment
(1863) Author: Hurst, M. B. (Marshall B.)
History of Greensboro, Alabama from its earliest
settlement (1908) Author: Yerby, William Edward Wadsworth
A History of Methodism in Alabama (1893) Author:
West, Anson
History of the Protestant Episcopal church in
Alabama, 1763-1891 (1898) Author: Whitaker, Walter Claiborne,
History of public school education in Alabama
(1915) Author: Weeks, Stephen Beauregard
History stories of Alabama (1920) Author: Matthews,
Pitt Lamar Mrs
Index to the earliest wills and estates of Pickens
county, Alabama (19--]) Subject: Probate records
Jefferson County and Birmingham, Alabama; historical
and biographical (1887) Author: [Du Bose, John Witherspoon], 1836- [from
old catalog] ed
Lauderdale County, Alabama marriages, 1820-1857
(1900) Author: McClain, W. E., Mrs
Makers and romance of Alabama history, embracing
sketches of the men who have been largely instrumental in shaping the policies
and in molding the conditions in the rapid growth of Alabama--together with
the thrilling and romantic scenes with which our history is resplendent (1914?])
Author: Riley, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin)
Marriage records of Shelby county, Alabama ([19--]-)
Author: Thompson, Don; Thompson, Mary; Shelby County Historical Society
On the amendment to admit Alabama (1868) Author:
Conness, John
Records of Pickens County, Alabama (1900) Author:
McGuire, C. P., Mrs. dn; Birmingham Genealogical Society. Volume:
Records of Pickens County, Alabama (1900) Author:
McGuire, C. P., Mrs. dn; Birmingham Genealogical Society. Volume:
Records of Pickens County, Alabama (1900) Author:
McGuire, C. P., Mrs. dn; Birmingham Genealogical Society. Volume:
The secession movement in Alabama (1933) Author:
Denman, Clarence Phillips
Sketches of Alabama history (1901) Author: Du
Bose, Joel Campbell
Southern martyrs. A history of Alabama's white
regiments during the Spanish-American war, touching incidentally on the
experiences of the entire First division of the Seventh army corps (1898)
Author: Koeningsberg, Moses
Tableaux from Alabama history, based on History
stories of Alabama (1922) Author: Lee, Lawrence, Jr; Matthews, Pitt Lamar.
History stories of Alabama
W.P.A. files Elmore County, Alabama marriages
([19--- ]) Author: Family Adventures (Firm); Alabama. Dept. of Archives and
W.P.A. files, marriage records from the Dept.
of Archives and history, Montgomery, Alabama, Jefferson County, Alabama marriages
: alphabetically arranged, 1819-1875 ([19--- ]) Author: Family Adventures
(Firm); Alabama. Dept. of Archives and History |