Louisiana. Carey's General atlas of the world and quarters. 1814 |
Military map of part of Louisiana Compiled at the U.S. Coast Survey
Office, A. D. Bache, Supt. 1863. Drawn by H. Lindenkohl. E. Molitor,
lith. |
Map of Las Ormigas Grant, Sabine and DeSoto Parishes, Louisiana
180? |
Map of a part of Louisiana and Mississippi, illustrating the operations
of the U.S. forces, in the Department of the Gulf Drawn by H. Lindenkohl.
E. Moliter lith. 1863 |
Louisiana. Rand McNally and Company. 1895 |
Map of Louisiana & Arkansas. Prepared under direction of 1st
Lieut. Wm. Hoelcke, 39 U.S. Infty, acting Chief Engineer at hd. qts. Dept.
of La., by Helmuth Holtz. 1864? |
A map of Louisiana, with the course of the Missisipi, and the adjacent
rivers, the nations of the natives, the French establishments and the mines;
by the author of ye History of that colony. 1757. |
A map of Canada and the north part of Louisiana with the adjacent
countrys. By Thos. Jefferys, geographer to His Majesty, 1762. |
J. H. Colton's map of the state of Louisiana and eastern part of
Texas compiled from United States Surveys, and other authentic sources, showing
the counties, townships, sections. Fractional sections, settlement rights,
railroads, &c. 1863 |
Map of a part of the State of Louisiana exhibiting the route of
the New-Orleans, Opelousas & Great Western Rail Road. By G. W. R. Bayley,
chief engineer. 1853 |
Pharus-map World's Fair St. Louis, 1904.Louisiana Purchase Exposition
(1904 : St. Louis) |
A new & accurate map of Louisiana, with part of Florida and
Canada, and the adjacent countries. Drawn from surveys, assisted by the most
approved English & French maps & charts, the whole being regulated
by astronl. observations. By Eman. Bowen. 1767 |
Map of the route surveyed from the Mississippi at Lake Providence
in Louisiana to the great bend of Red river at Fulton in Arkansas / under
the orders of Col. J. J. Abert, Chief of the Corps of Topographical Engineers
by W. H. Sidell, Civil Engineer, 1850. |
Plan général du Fort Septentrional du Detour des Anglois,
tel qu'il est présentement : [Louisiana] / Debatz. 1749. |
Birds' eye view of New-Orleans drawn from nature on stone by J.
Bachman [i.e., Bachmann]. c1851 |
Carte de la Louisiane par le Sr. d'Anville. Dressée en mai
1732. [Gravée par] Guille. de la Haye. |
[Map of New Orleans and vicinity] / V. Pintado [and] Carlos Trudeau.
1819 |
Sketch of Fort De Russy, Louisiana Surveyed by C. Fendall, Sub
Assist.1864 |
The city of New Orleans, and the Mississippi River Lake Pontchartrain
in distance. c1885 |
Carte de la Louisiane et pays voisins, pour servir a l'Histoire
générale des voyages. Par M. B., ing. de la marine.1757 |
La Louisiane et pays voisins.1764 |
La Luisiana cedida al Rei N. S. por S. M. Christianisima, con la
Nueva Orleans, è isla en que se halla esta ciudad. Construida sobre
el mapa de Mr. d'Anville. Por D. Thomás Lopez. 1762 |
Map showing the route and connections of the Mississippi Valley
Railroad of Louisiana; E. Baldwin, chief engineer. 1882 |
Atlas accompanying An account of expeditions to the sources of the
Mississippi and through the western parts of Louisiana to the sources of
the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaun rivers. 1810. Falls of St.
Anthony |
Atlas accompanying An account of expeditions to the sources of the
Mississippi and through the western parts of Louisiana to the sources of
the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaun rivers.1810. The First Part
of Captn. Pike's Chart of the Internal Part of Louisiana |
Atlas accompanying An account of expeditions to the sources of the
Mississippi and through the western parts of Louisiana to the sources of
the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaun rivers.1810 .A Chart of the
Internal Part of Louisiana |
Atlas accompanying An account of expeditions to the sources of the
Mississippi and through the western parts of Louisiana to the sources of
the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaun rivers.1810. A Sketch of the
Vice Royalty Exhibiting the several Provinces |
Atlas accompanying An account of expeditions to the sources of the
Mississippi and through the western parts of Louisiana to the sources of
the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaun rivers.1810. Map of the
Mississippi River from its Source to the Mouth of the Missouri |
Atlas accompanying An account of expeditions to the sources of the
Mississippi and through the western parts of Louisiana to the sources of
the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaun rivers.1810. Recapitulation
of Furs and Peltries...North West Company, 1804-5. |
Atlas accompanying An account of expeditions to the sources of the
Mississippi and through the western parts of Louisiana to the sources of
the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaun rivers.1810 .Abstract of the
number, &c. of the Nations of Indians residing |
Atlas accompanying An account of expeditions to the sources of the
Mississippi and through the western parts of Louisiana to the sources of
the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaun rivers.1810. A Statistical
Abstract of the nations of Indians who inhabit part of Louisiana |
Amplissima regionis Mississipi seu provinciæ Ludovicianæ
â R.P. Ludovico Hennepin Francisc Miss. in America septentrionali anno
1687 detectæ, nunc Gallorum coloniis et actionum negotiis toto orbe
celeberrimæ. Nova tabula edita â Io. Bapt. Homanno, S.C.M.
geographo.1763 |
Carte particulière d'une partie de la Louisianne ou les fleuve
et rivierres [i.e. rivières] onts etés relevé a l'estime
& les routtes [i.e. routes] par terre relevé & mesurées
aux pas, par les Srs. Broutin, de Vergés, ingénieurs &
Saucier dessinateur / Demarigny. Louisiana and Mississippi routes of Broutin,
de Verges, and Saucier 1743. |
Carte générale du territoire d'Orléans comprenant
aussi la Floride Occidentale et une portion du territoire du Mississipi /
dresée d'après les observations les plus récentes par
Bmi. Lafon, ingénieur géographe à la N[ouve]lle.
Orléans. 1806 |
Plan showing the defences of the fort on Red River, built by Gen.
De Russey [sic], rebel army, destroyed May 9, 1863, by the flagship
Benton. |
Plan of New Orleans the capital of Louisiana; with the disposition
of its quarters and canals as they have been traced by Mr. de la Tour in
the year 1720. 1759 |
Sketch of the two breakwaters above Alexandria in the Red River,
constructed by Lieut. Col. Bailey, U.S.A., to extricate the heavy ironclads
and transports of the Mississippi Squadron, under command of Rear Admiral
D. D. Porter. Drawn from Col. De Russy's map and from information received
from the Admiral, by F. H. Gerdes, Asst., U.S. Coast Survey. 1864 |
Map of the Red River in Louisiana from the Spanish camp where the
exploring party of the U.S. was met by the Spanish troops to where it enters
the Mississippi, reduced from the protracted courses and corrected to the
latitude / by Nichs. King. 1806 |
Map exhibiting the fixed location of the main trunk of the New-Orleans,
Opelousas & Great Western Railroad of Louisiana, together with its proposed
branches, connections and extensions in Louisiana, Arkansas & Texas;
also its connecting steamship routes from Berwicks Bay to ports in the Gulf
of Mexico, together with the advantages in point of directness & diminished
distance to the Pacific Coast, New Orleans, La. January 24th, 1859. |
Approaches to Fort Butte La Rose, Louisiana, captured by the U.S.
fleet, co-operating with the forces under the command of Major Gen. N. P.
Banks. April 20th 1863. Surveyed by J. G. Oltmanns, Sub-asst., U.S. Coast
Survey, acting under orders of Major Gen. N. P. Banks. J. W. Maedel. |
Carte de la Florida, de la Louisiane, et pays voisins : pour servir
à l'Histoire générale des voyages / par M. B., ing.
de la marine, 1757. |
A new map of the north parts of America claimed by France under
ye names of Louisiana, Mississipi [i.e. Mississippi], Canada, and New France
with ye adjoining territories of England and Spain : to Thomas Bromsall,
esq., this map of Louisiana, Mississipi [i.e. Mississippi] & c. is most
humbly dedicated, H. Moll, geographer / laid down according to the newest
and most exact observations by H. Moll, geographer, 1720. |
Carte de la coste de la province de la Louisiane et des bouches
du Micissipy ou fleuve St. Louis, faite par Jean Lefargue, Bayonne, le 20
fevrier, 1768. |
Map of Mississippi, Louisiana & Arkansas exhibiting the post
offices, post roads, canals, rail roads, &c. / by David H. Burr (late
topographer to the Post Office), Geographer to the House of Representatives
of the U.S. 1839 |
Norman's plan of New Orleans & environs, 1845. |
Louisiana.1805 |
A Plan of the coast of part of west Florida & Louisiana : including
the River Yazous / Surveyed by George Gauld M.A. for the Right Honourable
the Board of Admiralty. |
Plan de la Nouvelle Orleans. 1764 |
Map of the United States including Louisiana. 1818 |
Plan of New Orleans. 1770 |
New Orleans, La. and its vicinity. J. Wells, del. W. Ridgway, sc.
1863 |
Plan showing the boundaries of the great conflagration of New Orleans
on the 21st of March 1788. |
Falls in Red River, surveyed by L. G. De Russy. 1864 |
Plaza de la villa de Galvez.1778 |
Plan of the city and suburbs of New Orleans : from an actual survey
made in 1815 / by I. Tanesse ; Rollinson, sc. |
Franquelin's map of Louisiana. 1896 |
Plan de la Nouvelle Orleans / Anonymous. 1722 |
Plan of the City of New Orleans and adjacent plantations / compiled
in accordance with and Ordinance of the Illustrious Ministry and Royal Charter,
24 December, 1798. Signed: Carlos Trudeau. |
A map of Louisiana and of the river Mississipi [i.e. Mississippi]
: this map of the Mississipi [i.e. Mississippi] is most humbly inscribed
to William Law of Lanreston, esq. / by Iohn Senex. 1721 |
Port Hudson Compiled from government surveys and other sources and
drawn by Charles McGregor, Historian of the 15th N.H. Volunterrs. [Lith.
by] Geo. H. Walker & Co., Boston.c1900 |
Campaign map of Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas, showing all the battle
fields and also the marches of Walker's Division. [1861-65] Entered according
to Act of Congress in the year 1871 by E. H. Cushing. Engraved, printed and
manufactured by G. W. & C. B. Colton & Co., New York. 1871 |
Port Hudson and its defences Constructed and engraved to illustrate
"The war with the South." [Compiled by Charles Sholl] Engd. by W. Kemble.
1863 |
Suite du cours du fleuve St. Louis depuis la rivière d'Iberville
jusq'à celle des Yasous, et les parties connues de la Rivière
Rouge et la Rivière Noire. 1764 |
Birds eye view of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and part of Florida
Drawn from nature and lith. by John Bachmann. c1861 |
Birds eye view of the Mississippi Valley from Cairo to the Gulf
of Mexico Drawn from government surveys and other authentic sources by M.K.
Couzens, Civ. Eng. Printed by Lang & Laing, lith. 1861 |
Plan of Fort Jackson, showing the effect of the bombardment by the
U.S. mortar flotilla and gunboats, April 18th to 24th 1862 : flag officer
D.G. Farragut commanding fleet, Com. D.D. Porter commanding flotilla / surveyed
by J.S. Harris under the direction of F.H. Gerdes, asst., U.S. Coast Survey,
A.D. Bache, supdt. ; drawn by E. Hergesheimer.1862 |