A treatise on the prevention of diseases incidental
to horses : from bad management in regard to stables, food, water, air, and
exercise : to which are subjoined observations on some of the surgical and
medical branches of farriery (1791) |
The gentleman's pocket-farrier : showing how
to use your horse on a journey, and what remedies are proper for common accidents
that may befal [sic] him on the road (1834) |
The new American pocket farrier and farmer's
guide : in the choice and management of horses, neat cattle, sheep and swine
: including a description of their internal structure, their digestive system,
the diseases to which they are liable, with their causes, symptoms, and most
approved methods of cure (1845) |
The citizen and countryman's experienced farrier
... : to all which is added, a valuable and fine collection of the surest
and best receipts in the known world for the cure of all maladies and distempers
that are incident to horses of what kind soever, with directions to know
what is the ailment, or disease (1764) |
The gentleman farrier's repository, of elegant
and approved remedies for the diseases of horses : in two books ... ; with
suitable remarks on the whole ; to which are now added ; observations on
broken-winded horses, endeavouring to prove the seat of that malady not to
be in the lungs (1775) |
Practical horse farrier, or, The traveller's
pocket companion : shewing the best method to preserve the horse in health;
and likewise the cure of the most prominent diseases to which this noble
animal is subject, in the United States of America : the whole being the
result of nearly forty years' experience, with an extensive practice
(1820) |
The American farrier : adapted for the convenience
of the farmer, gentleman, and smith : being a sure guide to prevent and cure
all maladies and distempers that are incident to horses, of what kind soever
: with a variety of other valuable things relating to them : and also, for
the diseases incident to cattle (1803) |
The citizen and countryman's experienced farrier
... : to all which is added : a valuable and fine collection of the surest
and best receipts in the known world for the cure of all maladies and distempers
that are incident to horses of what kind soever, with directions to know
what is the ailment, or disease (1797) |
The pocket farrier, or, Approved receipts
: collected from different authors with an intent to cure or assist any immediate
accidents that may happen to a horse till further help can be had
(1807) |
Taplin improved, or A complete treatise on
the art of farriery : wherein are fully explained the nature and structure
of that useful creature, a horse ; with the diseases and accidents he is
liable to ; and the methods of cure ; exemplified by ten elegant cuts, each
the full figure of a horse, describing all the various parts of that noble
animal ; likewise, rules for breeding and training of colts : practical receipts
for the cure of common distempers incident to oxen, cows, calves, sheep,
lambs, hogs, &c ; to which is prefixed ten minutes advice to the purchasers
of horses (1815) |
The western gentleman's farrier : containing
remedies for the different diseases to which horses are incident in the Western
and South Western States (1832) |
The New England farrier, and Family physician
(1828) |
The New-England farriery, or, A compendium
of farrier : in four parts, wherein most of the diseases to which horses,
neat cattle, sheep and swine are incident, are treated, with medical and
surgical observations thereon ... : intended for the use of private gentlemen
and farmers (1806) |
An academy for grown horsemen : containing
the completest instructions for walking, trotting, cantering, galloping,
stumbling, and tumbling ; illustrated with copper plates, and adorned with
a portrait of the author (1787) |
Advice to purchasers of horses : being a short
and familiar treatise on the external conformation of the horse : the nature
of soundness & unsoundness : and the laws relating to sale and warranty
(1835) |
The American farmer's horse book;
(1867) |
The American farrier, and family medical
companion; (1852) |
The American farrier and horseman's companion
(1865) |
The American horsewoman (1884) |
The American pocket farrier; comprehending
a description of the various diseases incident to horses, and prescriptions
for their cure. To which is added an appendix: containing directions for
the management of those animals (1825) |
An analysis of horsemanship : teaching the
whole art of riding, in the manege, military, hunting, racing, and travelling
system : together with the method of breaking horses, for every purpose to
which those noble animals are adapted (1805) |
An analysis of horsemanship : teaching the
whole art of riding, in the manege, military, hunting, racing, and travelling
system : together with the method of breaking horses, for every purpose to
which those noble animals are adapted (1805) |
Anglo-French horsemanship
([191-?]) |
Annals of horsemanship : containing accounts
of accidental experiments, and experimental accidents ... communicated by
various correspondents to Geoffrey Gambado [pseud] ... by the ed. of the
academy for grown horsemen. Illustrated with cuts by the most eminent artists
(1792) |
The Arabian art of taming and training wild
and vicious horses (1858) |
The art of horsemanship : altered and abbreviated,
according to the principles of the late Sir Sidney Medows (1806) |
The art of horsemanship (1893) |
The art of riding (1890) |
Astley's system of equestrian education :
exhibiting the beauties and defects of the horse, with serious and important
observations on his general excellence, preserving him in health, grooming,
&c (1802) |
The barb and the bridle : a handbook of equitation
for ladies, and manual of instruction in the science of riding, from the
preparatory supplying exercises on foot, to the form in which a lady should
ride to hounds (1874) |
Biggle horse book : a concise and practical
treatise on the horse : adopted to the needs of farmers and others who have
a kindly regard for this noble servitor of man (1895) |
The book of the horse : thorough-bred, half-bred,
cart-bred, saddle and harness, British and foreign, with hints on horsemanship;
the management of the stable; breeding, breaking and training for the road,
the park, and the field (1880) |
The bridle bits : a treatise on practical
horsemanship (1886) |
Catalogue no. 8 : wholesale manufacturers
of harness, saddlery, horse collars and saddles, wholesale dealers in saddlery
hardware, blankets and robes, fly nets and dusters (1900) |
Cavalry horsemanship and horse training :
(Responses an questionnaire D'Equitation de l'Ecole de cavalerie)
(1919) |
"Centaur" : or The "turn out," a practical
treatise on the (humane) management of horses, either in harness, saddle,
or stable; with hints respecting the harness-room, coach-house, &c
(1885) |
The Horseman's guide and farrier |
The Canadian farrier, and cattle-keeper's
guide : being a complete directory for the choice and management of cattle,
whether horses, oxen, cows, calves, sheep, lambs, or hogs ; with a description
of the symptoms, and most approved methods of curing every disorder they
are subject to : to which is added, the art measuring cattle, to ascertain
their weight while living (1871) |
Comments on hacks and hunters
(1921) |
The compleat horseman : or, perfect farrier
: in two parts : part I. discovering the surest marks of the beauty, goodness
faults, and imperfections of horses ; the best method of breeding and backing
of colts, making their mouths, buying, dieting, and otherwise ordering of
horses ; the art of shoeing, with the several sorts of shoes, adapted to
the various defects of bad feet, and the preservation of good : the art of
riding and managing the great horse, &c. : part II. contains the signs
and causes of their diseases, with the true method of curing them
(1717) |
The complete farrier or horse-doctor..
(1851) |
The complete farrier and British sportsman,
containing a systematic enquiry into the structure and animal economy of
the horse, the causes, symptoms, and most approved methods of prevention
and cure for every disease to which he is liable ... : Including a faithful
delineation of the various dogs used in the sports of the field, with canine
pathology (1816) |
The complete farrier, or horse-doctor. A treatise
on the diseases of horses: written in plain language, which those who can
read may easily understand .. ([185-?]) |
The complete horseman (1913) |
The complete modern farrier : a compendium
of veterinary science and practice showing ... methods for the prevention
of all diseases to which farm live-stock are liable (1904) |
completemodernfa00browrich |
Horses, asses, zebras, mules, and mule breeding
(1895) |
American horses and horse breeding. A complete
history of the horse from the remotest period in his history to date. The
horseman's encyclopedia and standard authority on horses, embracing breeds,
families, breeding, training, shoeing, and general management. The modern
and practical horse doctor on the cause, nature, symptoms, and treatment
of diseases of all kinds .. (1895) |
Elements of hippology (1908) |
The complete modern farrier, a compendium
of veterinary science and practice .. (1900) |
Radical-mechanics of animal locomotion. With
remarks on the setting-up of soldiers, horse and foot, and on the supplying
of cavalry horses (1880) |
The family horse : its stabling, care and
feeding : a practical manual for horse-keepers (1911) |
Breaking and riding, with military commentaries
([190-?]) |
Hints on horses; how to judge them, buy them,
ride them, drive them and depict them (1905) |
Modern horsemanship. Three schools of riding,
an original method of teaching the art by means of pictures from the life
(1889) |
Curb, snaffle, and spur (1894) |
A day with the harriers : an extract from
"Happy thoughts" (1885) |
De Witt's complete American farrier and horse
doctor ... with copious notes from the best English and American authorities
.. (1870) |
Dictionary or glossary of racing terms and
slang. Also, a brief description of the diseases and blemishes to which
racehorses are most liable |
Domestic animal's friend, or, The complete
Virginia and Maryland farrier: being a copious selection from the best treatises
on farriery now extant in the United States (1818) |
Dr. Chase's family physician, farrier, bee-keeper,
and second receipt book (1873) |
Elementary riding lessons for beginners
(1900) |
An encyclopaedia of rural sports : or a complete
account, historical, practical, and descriptive, of hunting, shooting, fishing,
racing, and other field sports and athletic amusements of the present day
(1840) |
The encyclopædia of the stable: a complete
manual of the horse, its breeds, anatomy, physiology, diseases, breeding,
breaking, training and management, with articles on harness, farriery, carriages,
etc. comprising a thousand hints to horse owners (1909) |
Equitation (1922) |
Every horse owners' cyclopedia ..
(1872) |
Every man his own farrier, a treatise on horses
and cattle; with remedies for every disease (1875) |
Every man his own farrier; or, the whole art
of farriery laid open: containing ...the causes, symptoms, and most approved
methods of cure, for every disease to which the horse is liable. With an
appendix (1813) |
Every man his own farrier : common-sense
instructions for shoeing horses, balancing trotter, pacer, runner without
aid of mechanical appliances (1895) |
Every man his own farrier: (1845) |
Every man his own farrier : containing the
causes, symptoms, and most approved methods of cure for every disease to
which the horse is liable; with a veterinary pharmacopoeia
(1826) |
Famous horses, with portraits, pedigrees,
principal performances, description of races and various interesting items
extending over a period of nearly two centuries (1901) |
The farmer's complete farrier
(1844) |
The farrier's and horseman's dictionary :
being a compleat system of horsemanship ... (1726) |
The farrier's and horseman's complete dictionary
: containing the art of farriery in all its branches ... ; as delivered by
the best writers upon these subjects (1759) |
The farrier's new guide : containing, first,
the anatomy of a horse ... : secondly, an account of all the diseases incident
to horses, with their signs, causes, and method of cure ...
(1738) |
The farrier's new guide. Containing, first,
The anatomy of a horse, being an exact and compendious description of all
his parts, with their actions and uses ... secondly, An account of all the
diseases incident to horses, with their signs, causes, and method of cure
.. (1738) |
Frank Forester's horse and horsemanship of
the United States and British provinces of North America (1857) |
The gentleman's new pocket farrier : comprising
a general description of the noble and useful animal, the horse ... : also,
a concise account of the diseases to which the horse is subject ...
(1842) |
The gentleman's pocket-farrier:
(1836) |
Gleason's horse book : the only authorized
work by America's king of horse tamers comprising history, breeding, training,
breaking, buying, feeding, grooming, shoeing, doctoring, telling age, and
general care of the horse (1892 |
gracefulridingpo00wayt |
The groom (1862) |
The habit and the horse : a treatise on female
equitation. (1857) |
Hand-book for horsewomen (1884) |
The handbook of horsemanship : containing
plain practical rules for riding, driving, and the management of horses (1842)
Handbook of the turf : a treasury of information
for horsemen, embracing ... miscellaneous information about horses, tracks
and racing (1895) |
The handy horse-book : or, Practical instructions
in driving, riding, and general care and management of horses
(1866) |
Hind's farriery and stud book : farriery,
taught on a new and easy plan : being a treatise on the diseases and accidents
of the horse : with instructions to the shoeing-smith, farrier, and groom
: preceded by a popular description of the animal functions in health, and
how these are to be restored when disordered (1867) |
Hints on colt-breaking (1892) |
Hints on horsemanship, to a nephew and niece;
or, Common sense and common errors in common riding (1861) |
Hints on horsemanship (1919) |
Hints to horse-keepers : a complete manual
for horsemen ... And chapters on mules and ponies (1859) |
The history and art of horsemanship
(1771) |
Horoscopes of 100 great horses, containing
rules for determining the speed, gait and sex (1915) |
The horse (1922) |
Horse-back riding, from a medical point of
view (1878) |
Horseback riding : a practical guide for
beginners, containing brief and helpful hints on how to ride a horse, riding
equipment and the acquirement of skill and good form in riding
(1922) |
Horse-breeding : being the general principles
of heredity applied to the business of breeding horses, with instructions
for the management of stallions, brood mares and young foals, and selection
of breeding stock (1893) |
The horse for work or pleasure : with chapters
on feeding, management, diseases, and accidents (1907) |
The horse and his rider (1861) |
The Horse and his rider (1861) |
The horse and his rider : an anecdotic medley
(1888) |
The horse (1922) |
The horse and the hound : their various uses
and treatment, including practical illustrations in horsemanship and a treatise
on horse-dealing (1842) |
The horse; how to buy and sell. Giving the
points which distinguish a sound from an unsound horse (1882) |
The horse and how to care for him : how to
choose a horse, tell his age, feed, stable, harness and train him, and keep
him in good health (1911) |
The horse in America; a practical treatise
on the various types common in the United States, with something of their
history and varying characteristics (1905) |
The horse in health, accident & disease
: a thoroughly practical guide for every horse owner (1921) |
The Horse : its treatment in health and disease,
with a complete guide to breeding, training and management (1905) Volume
1 |
The Horse : its treatment in health and disease,
with a complete guide to breeding, training and management (1905) Volume
2 |
The Horse : its treatment in health and disease,
with a complete guide to breeding, training and management (1905) Volume
3 |
The Horse : its treatment in health and disease,
with a complete guide to breeding, training and management (1905) Volume
4 |
The Horse : its treatment in health and disease,
with a complete guide to breeding, training and management (1905) Volume
5 |
The Horse : its treatment in health and disease,
with a complete guide to breeding, training and management (1905) Volume
6 |
The Horse : its treatment in health and disease,
with a complete guide to breeding, training and management (1905) Volume
7 |
The Horse : its treatment in health and disease,
with a complete guide to breeding, training and management (1905) Volume
8 |
The Horse : its treatment in health and disease,
with a complete guide to breeding, training and management (1905) Volume
9 |
The horse : its varieties and management in
health and disease (1896) |
Horse laughs (1891) |
The horseman's guide and farrier : a new and
improved system of handling and educating the horse, together with diseases
and their treatment (1868) |
A method of horsemanship : founded upon new
principles: including the breaking and training of horses : with instructions
for obtaining a good seat (1852) |
Horsemanship, or, The art of riding and managing
a horse : adapted for the guidance of ladies and gentlemen, on the road and
in the field : with instructions for breaking in colts and young horses
(1853) |
The horseman's pocket book: containing a complete
guide to horsemanship (1884) |
The horsemans practical guide
(1890) |
The horseman. A work on horsemanship; containing
plain practical rules for riding, and hints to the reader on the selection
of horses. To which is annexed a sabre exercise for mounted and dismounted
service (1844) |
Horse-mastership : a lecture with an appendix
including some notes on the schooling of jumpers, the bacteriology of coughing,
and the diseases carried by horse-flies, ticks, and tsetse flies.
(1911) |
The horsemen's guide and farrier, the external
and internal structure of the horse, and the diseases and lameness to which
he is liable .. (1868) |
The horse of America in his derivation, history,
and development .. (1897) |
The horse-owner's guide : or, Practical
instructions on the horseman's points, the horse in health, the horse in
sickness ... embracing, also, a number of the most valuable recipes in use
by the best European veterinarians ... (1861) |
Horse secrets, written (1909) |
Horse secrets written, comp. and now disclosed
(1913) |
Horses and horsemastership (1909) |
Horses, how they ought to be shod: being a
plain and practical treatise on the principles ... of the farrier's art ..
(1869) |
Horses and riding (1909) |
Horses, saddles and bridles
(1906) |
The horse-trainer's and sportsman's guide
: with additional condiserations on the duties of grooms, on purchasing blood
stock, and on veterinary examination (1865) |
Horse training upon new principles : ladies'
horsemanship, and tight lacing (1852) |
The horsewoman; a practical guide to side-saddle
riding (1903) |
How to choose a horse : or, Selection before
purchase (1901) |
How to judge a horse; a concise teatise as
to its qualities and soundness, including bits and bitting--saddles and
saddling--stable drainage--driving one horse, a pair, four-in-hand, or tandem;
and extracts from Rarey's and Rockwell's method of training young and obstinate
horses (1893) |
How to ride (1891) |
How to ride and school a horse : with a system
of horse gymnastics (1892) |
How to ride and school a horse : with a system
of horse gymnastics (1881) |
How to tell the age of a horse. A pocket manual
.. (1884) |
How women should ride (1892) |
Hunting, racing and polo things and how to
clean them (1902) |
Illustrated horse breaking (1895) |
The illustrated horse management : containing
descriptive remarks upon anatomy, medicine, shoeing, teeth, food, vices,
stables : likewise a plain account of the situation, nature, and value of
the various points together with comments on grooms, dealers, breeders, breakers,
and trainers, also on carriages and harness (1800) |
Illustrated lectures on horsemanship
(1895) |
In the riding school : chats with Esmeralda
(1890) |
Jesse Beery's practical system of colt training
(1890) |
Jumping and cross country riding
(1913) |
Ladies on horseback : learning, park-riding,
and hunting, with hints upon costume, and numerous anecdotes
(1881) |
The lady and her horse : being hints selected
from various sources and compiled into a system of equitation
(1857) |
The lady's equestrian manual : in which the
principles and practice of horsemanship for ladies are thoroughly explained,
to enable every lady to ride with comfort and elegance : with fifty illustrations
(1854) |
Lectures on horsemanship wherein is explained
every necessary instruction for both ladies and gentlemen in the useful and
polite art of riding .. (1793) |
Long-distance riding ([1894]) |
Lovers of the horse : brief sketches of men
and women of the Dominion of Canada devoted to the noblest of animals. --
(1909) |
Markham's master-piece : containing all knowledge
belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all
diseases in horses. Drawn with great pains and approved experience, and the
publick practice of the best horse-marshals in Christendom. Divided into
two books. The I. Containing cures physical: The II. All cures chyrurgical.
Together with the nature, use, and quality of every simple mentioned through
the whole work. Now the nineteenth time printed, corrected and augmented,
with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines, heretofore never
published. To which is added, the exactest receipts for curing all diseases,
in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, dogs, and all small cattle. Also the Compleat
jockey. Containing methods for the training horses up for racing, with their
heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. Also, instructions to avoid
being cheated by horse-coursers. To which is added in this nineteenth impression,
directions to preserve all sorts of cattle from all manner of diseases, and
to feed cattle fat, without corn, hay, or grass. Also the way to improve
St-Foin. With divers other things never before made publick
(1717) |
Mason's farrier and stud-book. The gentleman's
new pocket farrier: comprising a general description of the noble and useful
animal, the horse; with modes of management in all cases, and treatment in
disease (1873) Volume 1 |
Mason's farrier and stud-book. The gentleman's
new pocket farrier: comprising a general description of the noble and useful
animal, the horse; with modes of management in all cases, and treatment in
disease (1873) Volume 2 |
A method of horsemanship, founded upon new
priciples: (1851) |
Modern horsemanship (1884) |
Modern horsemanship : three schools of riding
: an original method of teaching the art by means of pictures from the life
(1886) |
Modern riding and horse education
(1912) |
The new American pocket farrier and farmer's
guide in the choice and management of horses, neat cattle, sheep and swine
: including a description of their internal structure, their digestive system,
the diseases to which they are liable, cure (1845) |
The new book of the horse (1911) |
The New England farrier; or, Farmer's receipt
book, a selection of valuable receipts for the cure of diseases in horses,
cattle, sheep & swine, with directions to farmers for choosing good stock,
also a variety of agricultural and miscellaneous receipts (1840) |
No. 2 illustrated price list of tubular, scotch
and steel hames (1900) |
Notes on equitation and horse training : in
answer to the examination questions at the School of Application for Cavalry
at Saumur, France (1909) |
Notes on horsemastership (1919) |
Old Jim Avery's own farrier and recipe book
: ... disclosing the whole secret ... of training and educating the horse
: together with hints onbreeding and surgery, containing over one hundred
choice recipes, for the prevention and cure of diseases in horses ... to
which is prefixed a biography of the author, by a friend ..
(1859) |
Old Jim Avery's own farrier and recipe book
... disclosing the whole secret ... of training and educating the horse ..
(1859) |
The Oriental or Arabian art of charming horses
and breaking colts. Containing full instructions for raising, training, riding,
driving, stabling, feeding, and doctoring horses (1861) |
Our horses : being anecdotes from personal
experience of individual horses; with brief practical hints on breeding,
buying and selling, breaking, shoeing, doctoring, &c. (1878) |
Park riding : with some remarks on the art
of horsemanship (1859) |
The perfect horse : how to know him, how to
breed him, how to train him, how to shoe him, how to drive him
(1876) |
Pocket farrier for the care and treatment
of horses, cattle and dogs: plainly describing diseases to which they are
subject ... and proper treatment; also management in cases of accident; briefly
digested from the most approved practice in European veterinary institutions
(1874) |
Points of the horse; a treatise on the
conformation, movements, breeds and evolution of the horse
(1904) |
The practical farrier, for farmers : comprising
a genereal description of the noble and useful animal, the horse : with modes
of management in all cases, and treatment in disease : To which is added,
a prize essay on mules : an appendix, containing recipes for diseases of
horses, oxen, cows, calves, sheep, dogs, swine, etc. etc. (1860,
c1848) |
Practical horse farrier; (1820) |
Practical horsemanship (1850) |
Practical horsemanship (1891) |
The practical horseshoer : being a collection
of articles on horseshoeing in all its branches which have appeared from
time to time in the columns of "The Blacksmith and wheelwright" including
a chapter on horse physiognomy and another on ox shoeing (1890) |
Practical instructions in horsemanship : including
hints for instruction, an essay on proper bridling, and on the method of
correcting the usual defects in the working of the curb reins
(1868) |
The prairie farmer horse book. A concise manual
for horse owners (1891) |
The principles of the art of modern horsemanship
for ladies and gentlemen : in which all late improvements are applied to
practice (1833) |
Progressive control over colts and horses
: practical instructions in controlling and educating the colt and horse
(1886) |
Pure saddle-horses and how to breed them in
Australia : together with a consideration of the history and merits of the
English, Arab, Andalusian, & Australian breeds of horses
(1863) |
R.A. school of equitation, India
(1922) |
The reproduction of the horse and the mule
(1881) |
Riding, driving, fencing, for young people
: long-distance riding, etc. (1898) |
Riding and driving for women
(1912) |
Riding and driving horses : their breeding
and rearing (1907) |
Riding, driving and kindred sports
(1899) |
Riding and driving. A useful handbook of valuable
information on man's most faithful friend--the horse .. (1891) |
Riding for ladies : with hints on the stable
(1887) |
Riding for ladies : with hints on the stable
(1887) |
Riding recollections; ([19--]) |
Ring-riding : being a collection of movements
and commands designed for the use of riding-schools and riding-clubs
(1891) |
Road, track, and stable : chapters about horses
and their treatment (1892) |
Rules for bad horsemen : hints to inexpert
travellers; and maxims worth remembering by the most experienced equestrians
(1830) |
The saddle-horse : a complete guide for riding
and training (1881) |
The saddle-horse. : a complete guide for riding
and training (1891) |
The saddle-horse. A complete guide for riding
and training (1881) |
Savigear's guide to horsemanship and horse
traning (1899) |
Stephenson's pocket farrier;
(1872) |
Stylish riding clothes (1920) |
Taming or breaking the horse : by a new and
improved method, as practiced with great success in the United States, and
in all the countries of Europe ... (1858) |
Taming or breaking the horse : by a new and
improved method ... (1857) |
Through the stable and saddle-room
(1890) |
The Torrance-Clendennin episode and the Melville
letters : on racing, hunting, steeplechasing, clubs and club life, etc.
(c1892) |
Unasked advice : a series of articles on horses
and hunting, reprinted from "The Field" (1872) |
Vice in the horse : and other papers on horses
and riding (1887) |
Works on horsemanship and swordsmanship in
the library of F.H. Huth (1890) |
Works on horses and equitation : a bibliographical
record of hippology (1887) |
Youatt's history, treatment, and diseases
of the horse : embracing an account of his introduction and use in various
countries; general management under all peculiar circumstances; an abstract
of the best veterinary practice; useful medicinal and other recipes; articles
of food, etc. with a treatise on draught and a copious index (1868)
The young horsewoman's compendium of the modern
art of riding; comprising a progressive course of lessons; designed to give
ladies a secure and graceful seat on horseback; at the same time, so effectively
to form the hand, that they may, in a short time, acquire perfect command
of their horses (1827) |
The young lady's equestrian manual
(1838) |