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early animation
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This CD contains some of the rarest and earliest animation films
ever made.
."The development of early American animation is represented by this
collection of 21 animated films and 2 fragments, which spans the years 1900
to 1921. The films include clay, puppet, and cut-out animation, as well as
pen drawings. They point to a connection between newspaper comic strips and
early animated films, as represented by Keeping Up With the Joneses,
Krazy Kat, and The Katzenjammer Kids. As well as showing the
development of animation, these films also reveal the social attitudes of
early twentieth-century America.
Comments below and with the individual titles are from Notes
on the Origins of American Animation, 1900-1921 by Scott Simmon
"Animated drawings were introduced to film a full decade after George
Méliès had demonstrated in 1896 that objects could be set in
motion through single-frame exposures. J. Stuart Blacktons 1906 animated
chalk experiment Humorous Phases of Funny Faces was followed by the imaginative
works of Winsor McCay, who made between four thousand and ten thousand separate
line drawings for each of his three one-reel films released between 1911
and 1914. Only in the half-dozen years after 1914, with the technical
simplifications (and patent wars) involving tracing, printing, and celluloid
sheets, did animated cartoons become a thriving commercial enterprise. This
period--upon which this collection concentrates--brought assembly-line
standardization but also some surprisingly surreal wit to American animation.
The twenty-one films (and two Winsor McCay fragments) in this collection,
all from the Library of Congress holdings, include clay, puppet, and cut-out
animation as well as pen drawings. Beyond their artistic interest, these
tiny, often satiric, films tell much about the social fabric of World War
I-era America."
The Fable of the Phat Woman
The Fable of the phat woman / International Film Service, Inc. ; animator,
Raoul Barre.An animated cartoon about a fat lady who attempts unsuccessfully
to lose weight.
(1916, I.F.S.). Animator: Raoul Barré.
Duration: 2:08 |
Never Again, The Story of a Speeder Cop
International Film Service, Inc. ; animator, Raoul Barre. An animated
cartoon about an ineffectual policeman (Officer Heeler) who quits the force
after a losing battle against speeders.
(1916, I.F.S.). Animator: Raoul Barré.
Duration: 2:01 |
Mr Nobody Holme, He Buys a Jitney (car)
International Film Service, Inc. ; animator, Leon Searl.An animated cartoon
about Mr. Nobody Holme, who warms up his sluggish automobile with the assistance
of a stick of dynamite.
(1916, I.F.S.). Animator: Leon Searl.
These short satires of contemporary life are based on Tom Powerss
newspaper comics. The comic-strip structure is barely altered in the two
"Phables," from a seven-film series of 1915-16 animated by the Canadian
cartoonist Raoul Barré before he moved on to direct adaptations of
the Mutt and Jeff strip. Providing odd marginal commentary in each film are
the stick-figures "Joys and Gloom."
Duration: 1:21 |
[Gertie on tour--excerpts] / Winsor McCay.
United States : [Rialto Productions?, 1921].Gertie is a dinosaur who lives
in present times. She encounters a train and dreams of being the life of
the party in her time. Additional animators, John McCay, John Fitzsimmons.
Digital file includes a piano score composed and performed by Philip Carli.
Duration: 1:22 |
Mary and Gretel from Motoy Films, part 1and
part 2
Mary and Gretel / Toyland Films ; animator, Howard S. Moss.": Alice in
Wonderland meets the Garden of Eden in this surreal fable of a drunk rabbit,
bowling dwarfs, and the two bewildered girls of the title.". "Mary &
Gretel explore the forest and come across Rip Van Winkle, drunken woodsmen,
and a bunny. They pluck magic flowers and a fairy appears and sends them
home." Incomplete.
from Motoy Film Series (1917, Toyland Films). Animator: Howard S. Moss.
Alice in Wonderland meets the Garden of Eden in this surreal fable of
a drunken rabbit, bowling dwarfs, and the two bewildered girls of the title.
The short-lived "Motoy" stop-motion puppet series was animated by Howard
S. Moss in 1917.
Duration: 4:02 (part 1) Duration: 2:51 (part 2) |
The Dinosaur and the Missing Link, a Prehistoric Tragedy, part
1 andpart 2
The dinosaur and the missing link, a prehistoric tragedy / Thomas A. Edison,
Inc. ; animator and story, Willis O'Brien.Uses puppet animation to tell a
story of prehistoric times. Three suitors, named the Duke, Stonejaw Steve,
and Theophilus Ivoryhead, compete for the hand of Miss Araminta Rockface.
Ivoryhead, an unassuming weakling, wins her hand when the others mistakenly
believe that he has killed a large ape which was actually felled by a dinosaur.
(1917, Edison). Animator: Willis OBrien.
Fifteen years before creating his King Kong, former cartoonist Willis
OBrien animated these clay-modeled dinosaurs and giant ape. He produced
eight such one-reelers for the Edison Company in 1917.
Duration: 3:23 (part 1) and 2:50 (part 2) |
Humorous phases of funny faces
Vitagraph ; producer and animator, J. Stuart Blackton.Blackton (with only
his arm showing on film) "draws" a series of funny faces, including a line
drawing of two faces, a man with an umbrella, a line drawing of two faces
in profile, a clown, faces of "Coon and Cohen," the profile of a seated man,
and a bottle of Medoc.
(1906, Vitagraph). Director/animator: J. Stuart Blackton.
This earliest surviving American animated film--in the strict sense of
single exposures of drawings simulating movement--uses chalkboard sketches
and then cut-outs to simplify the process. The opening title, animated with
bits of paper, repeats a trick seen the previous year in Edison films. J.
Stuart Blackton had in 1897 co-founded the Vitagraph Company, producer of
the film. The flickering seen here was common to the earliest animation and
resulted from the camera operators failure to achieve consistent exposure
in manual one-frame cranking.
Duration: 3:00 |
W.S.S Thriftettes (WWI animation)
W.S.S. Thriftettes / Felton/BDF Films ; [animator unknown]. A promotion
for war savings stamps, reputed here to help confine Germany's Kaiser to
a circus cage.
(ca. 1918, BDF Films). Animator unknown.
Duration: 0:33 |
AWOL, All wrong Old Laddiebuck (military information), Part
1 and Part 2
AWOL--All wrong old laddiebuck / American Motion Picture Co. ; animator,
Charles Bowers.Concerns American soldiers in Europe after the armstice [sic].
One goes AWOL with "Joy" (Miss AWOL) and after a series of mishaps with her,
he is thrown in a guard house while his fellow soldiers go home.A cautionary
tale for troops impatient to return home after the November 1918 armistice.
(ca. 1919, American Motion Picture Co.). Animator: Charles Bowers.
Two World War I propaganda pieces, for home-front and overseas consumption,
respectively. W.S.S. Thriftettes is a promotion for war savings stamps, reputed
here to help confine Germanys Kaiser to a circus cage. AWOL, with simple
but effective line drawing from animator-entrepreneur Charles Bowers, is
a cautionary tale for troops impatient to return home after the November
1918 armistice and brings the "Joys and Gloom" to elaborate life.
Duration: 3:05 (part 1) Duration: 2:35 (part 2) |
The phable of a busted romance
International Film Service, Inc. ; animator, Raoul Barre.An animated cartoon
about a workman who recovers and returns Miss Gotrox's lost purse containing
10,000 dollars, and receives a Canadian dime as a reward.
(1916, International Film Service). Animator: Raoul Barré.
Duration: 1:58 |
Fun in a bakery shop
Thomas A. Edison, Inc. ; producer and camera, Edwin S. Porter.The set
is of the interior of a bakery. A man in a baker's hat and costume enters
and begins kneading some dough on a table by the oven. He notices a make-believe
rat crawling up the side of a nearby barrel and throws the dough at the rat,
covering it completely. He then goes over to the dough and begins to pummel
it with his hands. His back is to the camera, which obscures the actual
manipulation of the dough, but when he steps away there is now a sculptured
mask to admire. He sculpts another mask, and two other men, also dressed
as bakers, come in, see what he is doing, pick him up bodily, and stick him
head first into the flour barrel.
(1902, Edison). Director/cameraman: Edwin S. Porter.
Another proto-animation film, incorporating what might be called a "lightning
sketch" version of claymation. Presented as a one-shot film, it too uses
a stop-camera trick.
Duration: 1:19 |
Policy and Pie, from Original Katzenjammer Kids, Part 1 and
Part 2
Policy and pie / International Film Service, Inc. ; director and animator,
Gregory La Cava.The Captain gets a life insurance policy and gives it to
his wife. In gratitude she makes him a pie. The Katzenjammer Kids play a
trick on the Captain and sneak toads into his pie so that he would think
his wife is trying to poison him. From Original Katzenjammer Kids Series
(1918, International Film Service). Director/ [animator?]: Gregory La Cava.
Rudolph Dirkss comic about the immigrant German Katzenjammer family
(first published 1897) had been made into live-action films in 1912. This
animated version is labeled "Original" because its producer, W.R. Hearsts
International Film Service, had won a suit against Dirks (a former Hearst
newspaper cartoonist), forcing him to rename his strip after the mischievous
Katzenjammer children, "Hans und Fritz." Future Hollywood director Gregory
La Cava (My Man Godfrey, Stage Door) supervised this film and the earlier
Hearst shorts in this presentation. Anti-German sentiment brought The
Katzenjammer Kids film series to a halt later in 1918.
Duration: 3:31 (part 1) Duration: 3:29 (part 2) |
The Centaurs (Fragment) [The
Winsor McCay.A half human-half horse boy and girl meet and fall in love.
They have a baby and go home to their parents for a happy reunion.
(1921, Rialto Productions). Animators: Winsor McCay, John McCay, and John
Among the final films of master cartoonist Winsor McCay are these pieces
animated in collaboration with his son John and longtime assistant, John
Fitzsimmons. They may have been released as part of the 1921 series Dreams
of the Rarebit Fiend. Only these fragments seem to have survived.
Duration: 2:06 |
The First Circus, from Tony Sarg's Almanac Series, part
1 and part 2
The first circus / Dawley Prods. ; producer and co-animator, Herbert M.
Dawley ; animator, Tony Sarg. During the stone-age the Stonehenge Circus
entertained cavemen and women. The circus had a dinosaur that doubled as
a trampoline and tightrope for the acrobats. From Tony Sargs Almanac
(1921, Herbert M. Dawley). Animators: Tony Sarg and Herbert Dawley.
Illustrator and marionettist Tony Sargs Almanac series (1921-23)
showcased his mastery of an archaic form, the shadow silhouette. Co-animator
Herbert Dawley had produced Willis OBriens post-Edison claymations
of prehistoric animals, and some influence or common interest is apparent
here. The color tints are copied from an original print.
Duration: 2:24 (part 1) Duration: 3:28 (part 2 |
He resolves not to smoke
Essanay Film Manufacturing Co. ; by Wallace Carlson.Dreamy Dud steals
a man's pipe because he is fascinated with smoking and blowing smoke rings.
He smokes the pipe and the smoke turns into a ghost and carries him up to
the moon and leaves him. Dud falls off the moon and down to earth. He wakes
up on the floor of his room and resolves never to smoke.
Dreamy Dud Series (1915, Essanay). Animator/writer: Wallace Carlson.
Duration: 5:03 |
[Men's styles] Keeping Up with the Joneses
Produced by the Gaumont Company ; animator, Harry S. Palmer Based on the
newspaper comic strip by "Pop" Mormand, featuring a husband oppressed by
his wife's obsession with high society and consumer fashion.
(1915, Gaumont). Animator: Harry S. Palmer.
These two samples are from a series begun in September 1915 based on the
Keeping Up with the Joneses newspaper comic by "Pop" Momand. The films begin
with "out of the inkwell" drawings of the sort seen in Winsor McCay films
and later elaborated by Max Fleischer. Like other comic strips and animated
films of the era, notably Bringing Up Father (published from 1912; filmed
1916-18), Keeping Up with the Joneses features a husband oppressed by a
wifes obsession with high society and consumer fashion. The series
ended abruptly in February 1916 after its animator, Harry S. Palmer, lost
a patent infringement suit brought by John Randolph Bray over the use of
transparent celluloid sheets.
Duration: 3:34 |
[Women's styles]
Keeping Up with the Joneses
Produced by the Gaumont Company ; animator, Harry S. Palmer. Based on
the newspaper comic strip by "Pop" Mormand, featuring a husband oppressed
by his wife's obsession with high society and consumer fashion.
(1915, Gaumont). Animator: Harry S. Palmer.
Duration: 2:49. |
Bobby Bumps starts a lodge
Bray Studios, Inc. ; animator, Earl Hurd.Bobby Bumps plays a trick on
his friend who wants to be initiated into his lodge. When his friend outsmarts
him and saves his life, they both agree to be initiated into the lodge
(1916, Bray). Animator: Earl Hurd.
Probably the most popular of the several mischievous boy heroes in early
animation was "Bobby Bumps," whose series (1915-23) was inspired by R. F.
Outcaults comic strip "Buster Brown." Its creator, Earl Hurd, owned
a 1914 patent for the use of celluloid and his employment by J.R. Bray (at
whose studio this film was made) consolidated a near monopoly on streamlined
animation technology. Racial stereotypes, from J. Stuart Blacktons
"Cohen" and "Coon" caricatures in Lightning Sketches (1907) onward, are
depressingly endemic to early animated films. In Bobby Bumps Starts a Lodge,
there is, at least, a certain equality in the resolution.
Duration: 5:15 |
Dud leaves home
Bray Pictures Corporation ; animator and writer, Wallace Carlson.Dud wants
to buy his girlfriend Maime an ice cream cone so he breaks open his mother's
bank, and splits their last dime in half in the process. His mother punishes
him so he runs away. Dud is scared by imaginary ghosts in the dark, so he
runs back home where he gets a spanking from his mother.
from Us Fellers Series (1919, Bray). Animator/writer: Wallace Carlson.
These two variants of Wallace Carlsons "Dreamy Dud," a boy with
an overactive fantasy life and a down-to-earth dog, reveal how animation
history does not always parallel artistic progress. The 1915 film from the
Essanay Studio has a simpler line-drawing method but a sharper wit, and is
indebted in style and content to Winsor McCays dreamy hero, "Little
Nemo." The later version, from Carlsons 1919-20 Us Fellers series,
is more complicated but less comic, relying on the elaborate backgrounds
available through the Bray Studios patents.
Duration: 4:57 |
The enchanted drawing
Thomas A. Edison, Inc. ; producer, J. Stuart Blackton, Albert E. Smith.
From Edison films catalog: Upon a large sheet of white paper a cartoonist
is seen at work rapidly sketching the portrait of an elderly gentleman of
most comical feature and expression. After completing the likeness the artist
rapidly draws on the paper a clever sketch of a bottle of wine and a goblet,
and then, to the surprise of all, actually removes them from the paper on
which they were drawn and pours actual wine out of the bottle into a real
glass. Surprising effects quickly follow after this; and the numerous changes
of expression which flit over the face in the sketch cause a vast amount
of amusement and at the same time give a splendid illustration of the
caricaturist's art.
(1900, Edison). Animator/actor: J. Stuart Blackton. Although this is not
an animated film, the origins of animated film can be glimpsed here. J. Stuart
Blackton, then a cartoonist for the New York Evening World, is photographed
in Thomas Edisons New Jersey "Black Maria" studio performing a vaudeville
routine known as the "lightning sketch," supplemented by stop-camera tricks
that bring the drawn objects to life. Copyrighted in 1900, it was probably
filmed three or four years earlier. Duration: 1:26 |
Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse at the circus
International Film Service, Inc. ; animator, Leon Searl.An animated cartoon
about the adventures of Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse at the circus, where they
demonstrate their courage to each other by attempting to scare a woman.
(1916, I.F.S.). Animator: Leon Searl.
Surprisingly, the animal hero became widely popular in American animation
only in the 1920s, especially with "Felix the Cat." The earlier Krazy Kat
series (1916-29), based loosely on the comic strip by George Herriman, features
lovelorn Krazy and the brick-tossing object of his strange obsession, Ignatz
Duration: 3:00 |
Krazy Kat goes a-wooing
International Film Service, Inc. ; animator, Leon Searl. Krazy Kat's serenade
outside the window of Ignatz Mouse meets with a barrage of bricks.
(1916, International Film Service). Animator: Leon Searl.
Duration: 2:15 |
Krazy Kat, bugologist
International Film Service, Inc. ; animator, Leon Searl.While in the woods
studying bugs, Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse encounter a sleeping bee and an
angry elephant.
(1916, I.F.S.). Animator: Frank Moser.
Duration: 3:21 |
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