63 Books on data DVD
This disk contains the following
Balcony House: A History of a Cliff Dwelling,
Mesa Verge National Park, Colorado
The city of Denver and state of Colorado
Civil government of Colorado
Colorado volunteers in the civil war; the
New Mexico campaign in 1862 (1906)
Colorado history and government, with state
constitution ([1904])
Complete roster of members of the Grand Army
of the Republic, Department of Colorado and Wyoming : containing the names
of every comrade who has ever joined the G.A.R. in this Department since
its organization up to January 1, 1895 (1895)
History of the Arkansas Valley, Colorado
History of Larimer County, Colorado
The editor's run in New Mexico and Colorado,
embracing twenty-eight letters on stock raising agriculture, territorial
history .. (1882])
Education in Colorado, 1861-1885 : a brief
history of the early educational interests of Colorado, together with the
history of the State Teachers' Association, and short sketches of private
and denominational institutions (1885)
Exploration of the Colorado River of the
West and its tributaries : Explored in 1869, 1870, 1871, and 1872, under
the direction of the secretary of the Smithsonian institution
The historical opportunity in Colorado
History of Colorado (1927) Volume
History of Colorado (1927) Volume
History of Colorado (1927) Volume
History of Colorado (1927) Volume
History of Colorado (1927) Volume
A history, Greeley and the Union Colony of
Colorado (1890)
A history of the birds of Colorado
History of the city of Denver, Arapahoe County,
and Colorado : containing a history of the state of Colorado ... a condensed
sketch of Arapahoe County ... a history of the city of Denver ... biographical
sketches .. (1880)
History of Clear Creek and Boulder valleys,
Colorado : containing a brief history of the state of Colorado ... an account
of the Ute trouble : a history of Gilpin, Clear Creek, Boulder, and Jefferson
counties, and biographical sketches (1880)
History of Colorado; (1918) Stone, Wilbur
Fiske Volume 1
History of Colorado; (1918) Stone, Wilbur
Fiske Volume 2
History of Colorado; (1918) Stone, Wilbur
Fiske Volume 3
History of Colorado; (1918) Stone, Wilbur
Fiske Volume 4
History of the German element in the state
of Colorado .. (1917)
History of Nevada, Colorado, and Wyoming,
1540-1888 (1890)
History of the State of Colorado, embracing
accounts of the pre-historic races and their remains : the earliest Spanish,
French and American explorations ... the first American settlements founded,
the original discoveries of gold in the Rocky Mountains, the development
of cities and towns, with the various phases of industrial and political
transition, from 1858 to 1890 ... (1889) Volume 1
History of the State of Colorado, embracing
accounts of the pre-historic races and their remains : the earliest Spanish,
French and American explorations ... the first American settlements founded,
the original discoveries of gold in the Rocky Mountains, the development
of cities and towns, with the various phases of industrial and political
transition, from 1858 to 1890 ... (1889) Volume 2
History of the State of Colorado, embracing
accounts of the pre-historic races and their remains : the earliest Spanish,
French and American explorations ... the first American settlements founded,
the original discoveries of gold in the Rocky Mountains, the development
of cities and towns, with the various phases of industrial and political
transition, from 1858 to 1890 ... (1889) Volume 3
History of the State of Colorado, embracing
accounts of the pre-historic races and their remains : the earliest Spanish,
French and American explorations ... the first American settlements founded,
the original discoveries of gold in the Rocky Mountains, the development
of cities and towns, with the various phases of industrial and political
transition, from 1858 to 1890 ... (1889) Volume 4
History of the Welsh people of Colorado
The Indians of the Pike's Peak region, including
an account of the battle of Sand Creek, and of occurrences in El Paso County,
Colorado, during the war with the Cheyennes and Arapahoes, in 1864 and 1868
The Indian war of 1864 : being a fragment
of the early history of Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming (1911)
A journey across the continent by the scenic
route, Colorado, Utah (1890)
The labor history of the Cripple Creek district
: a study in industrial evolution (1908)
Legislative, historical and biographical
compendium of Colorado : embracing information pertinent to the formation
of its territorial and state governments, together with a full list of officers
and legislators, and interesting biographical sketches ... (1887)
Ludlow, being the report of the Special Board
of Officers appointed by the Governor of Colorado to investigate and determine
the facts with reference to the armed conflict between the Colorado National
Guard and certain persons engaged at the coal mining strike at Ludlow, Colo.,
April 20, 1914
The making of Colorado: a historical sketch
Modified basket maker sites, Ackmen-Lowry
area, southwestern Colorado, 1938 (1939)
Bancroft's Works: Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming
Official history of the operations of the
First Colorado Infantry, U.S.V. in the campaign in the Philippine Islands
Official roster, Department of Colorado and
Wyoming, Grand army of the republic; embracing a digest of the history,
organization and growth of the Grand army of the republic, Ladies of the
Grand army, Woman's relief corps and Loyal legion (c1910])
Over the plains, on the mountains, or, Kansas,
Colorado, and the Rocky Mountains: agriculturally, mineralogically and
aesthetically described, by John H. Tice (1872)
Pathbreakers and pioneers of the Pueblo region
Pueblo period sites in the Piedra River section,
Navajo Reservoir District
Ranch life, and other sketches
Rand, McNally & Co.'s new overland guide
to the Pacific Coast : California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Kansas
The Rocky Mountain directory and Colorado
gazetteer, for 1871, comprising a brief history of Colorado ... together
with a complete and accurate directory of Denver, Golden City, Black Hawk,
Central City, Nevada, Idaho, Georgetown ... First year of publication (1870)
Semi-centennial history of the state of Colorado
.. (1913) Volume 1
Semi-centennial history of the state of Colorado
.. (1913) Volume 2
Sixty years in Colorado; reminiscences and
reflections of a pioneer of 1860 (1922)
Soldiers of the cross. Notes on the
ecclesiastical history of New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado
The spell of the Rockies
The story of a pioneer; an historical sketch
in which is depicted some of the struggles and exciting incidents pertaining
to the early settlement of Colorado (1904)
he territory of Colorado
Three years and a half in the army; or, History
of the Second Colorados ([c1885])
True history of some of the pioneers of Colorado
Under an alias : a story of war, of love
and of Colorado (c1883)
The Ute war : a history of the White River
massacre and the privations and hardships of the captive white women among
the hostiles on Grand River (1879)
Vanishing trails of romance; legendary and
historical tales and events gleaned along moccasin-winged trails of Aztec
and Indian, and the blazed trails of explorer and pioneer settler in enchanting
Colorado .. (1923)
Wild life on the Rockies
The Union Colony at Greeley, Colorado, 1869-1871
(1918) Volume 1 |