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We ship to US only. Your orders will be delivered using your choice from the available carriers.

We do not collect sales tax, except for orders shipping in our state. Please verify if the tax applies to you at checkout time by filling your ZIP code and reviewing your order.

Return policy: We generally accept returns. However, you may want to contact us in advance and make sure this applies for the item you are interested in. Please be aware of the return policy that is associated with the item that you buy.

Special Order Items
There are no returns allowed for products which have been specially ordered for you and drop shipped by the manufacturer. These items are not routinely stocked at our warehouse and therefore cannot be returned.

Cancelled Orders
An order that has shipped cannot be cancelled. If you refuse an order, it will then fall under our standard return policy.

Damaged Product
You must take the time to inspect the goods before you sign the delivery receipt from the carrier (if applicable). If USPS is used, insurance is sometimes optional, sometimes required, or not available at all.

Contact: Please do not hesitate to contact us here for any question, inquiry or suggestion. We value your opinion! E-mail us at [email protected].
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