Shipping: | Destination: Hong Kong |
CUSTOM | Air shipping register | $3.00 | $1.50 | |
Handling: | $0.00(Domestic) $0.00(International) |
Insurance: | Not Offered (Domestic)
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
VISA | We will provide our visa info |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
Shipping: | Destination: Hong Kong |
CUSTOM | Air shipping register | $3.00 | $1.50 | |
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | Tso Ching Poing
| Money Order | | VISA | |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
Shipping: | Destination: Hong Kong |
CUSTOM | Air shipping register | $3.00 | $1.50 | |
Handling: | $0.00(Domestic) $0.00(International) |
Insurance: | Not Offered (Domestic)
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | Tso Ching Poing
| Money Order | | VISA | |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
Shipping: | Destination: Hong Kong |
CUSTOM | Air shipping register | $3.00 | $1.50 | |
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
VISA | We will provide our visa info |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
Shipping: | Destination: Hong Kong |
CUSTOM | Air shipping register | $3.00 | $1.50 | |
Handling: | $0.00(Domestic) $0.00(International) |
Insurance: | Not Offered (Domestic)
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
VISA | We will provide our visa info |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
| Special promotion until end of the year all products are 4.99 or less |
Shipping: | Destination: Hong Kong |
CUSTOM | Air shipping register | $3.00 | $1.50 | |
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
VISA | We will provide our visa info |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
Shipping: | Destination: Hong Kong |
CUSTOM | Air shipping register | $3.00 | $1.50 | |
Handling: | $0.00(Domestic) $0.00(International) |
Insurance: | Not Offered (Domestic)
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
VISA | We will provide our visa info |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
| We sell all products with shipping free
Shipping: | Destination: Hong Kong |
CUSTOM | Air shipping register | $3.00 | $1.50 | |
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
VISA | We will provide our visa info |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |