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The DeckSaver
by GardenRite
Pot Toes (TM), solves a problem - getting pots and containers of all types off the surface of decks, porches and patios, to eliminate the staining - and sometimes rotting -- that results when a container sits directly on the deck or patio surface. The improved air and water circulation also helps plants thrive. You can stack the pot toes to raise the pot to your desired height.
How To Use Pot Toes
Tilt the container and slip Pot Toes under as shown on the left. Push in until only the "toe" is visible. The "toe" always points up.

Round Pots
For a round pot or container, use three Pot Toes, spaced evenly around the pot.

Square/Rectangular Planter
For a square or rectangular pot, planter or container, use four Pot Toes, typically two Pot Toes on each long side.

To increase the height of the container above the deck or patio surface, stack Pot Toes two high.
