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Packrat granny description
The Packrat is a furry little creature which usually is found in the desert and highlands, but are also frequently found in houses in attics and walls.
Packrats are a little smaller than the common rat and have long, sometimes bushy tails.
When they live in houses packrats are particular fond of shiny things, they will leave gathered nesting materials behind and will pack off the desired trinket to packrat them in their nest.
The term Pack rat is also used as slang for people who collect miscellaneous things and hold on to them.
Granny is also slang used for grandmother.
I always appreciated the value of pre-owned items, they have more charm and seem to last longer, but now they are timeless pieces of a century gone by. I first began collecting little antique and vintage items The collecting soon became a lifelong hobby.
My first collected antique items caught my eye because they were beautiful to look at. Then I found an incomplete set of vintage table ware. While trying to find missing pieces to complete the set, my passion for collecting all sorts of antique and vintage items came about.
Over the years my packrat collections grew quite large and I inherited the title Packrat Granny.