Reflexology Sandals
Condition: New
Price: $27.02
On the baseboard of the feet, there are 68 acupuncture points which is in charge of the functions of different body organs. If people seldom move, the acupuncture points will age, so do the other body organs, then the whole body does! The massage slippers are developed based on this theory. It has wooden sole. The massage parts - 136 wooden nails with round top fixed all over the sole, high and low. It can massage every acupuncture points of the baseboard, thus strengthens the functions of the body organs! Completely environment friendly! They are made of natural wood and real leather. They are very nice health care appliances. When you wear the slippers, you can do massage at the same time and keep healthy. Doing massage is so easy! The sandals size is about 9 inch long (23 cm).
Items must be returned within 14 days . Refund will be given as Money back. Refund policy details: You may return a defective product up to 14 days after you receive it. NO REFUNDS WILL BE AUTHORIZED AFTER 14 DAYS. Case lots must be returned in the original shipping carton with all individual items unopened. No partial returns will be accepted. All returns require a Return Merchandise Authorization number (RMA#) which is good for 14 days. No returns will be accepted without an RMA#. If you decide to return undamaged or non-defective products, you will be responsible for a 20% restocking fee.
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