Chinese doumentary DVD: Napoleon (also in English)
Price: $13.00


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discovery 历史人文系列拿破仑•风云秘史 (discovery napoleon)
拿破仑 | |
Media 介质 |
4 DVD |
Language 语言 |
Chinese Mandarin/English 国语/英语 |
Subtitle 字幕 |
Chinese/English 中文/英语 |
Episodes 剧集 |
Complete |
Description 剧情 |
拿破仑,一个凭借自信和勇气、凭借激情与幻想、凭借勤奋与意志响彻整个欧洲的名字;一个在西方世界中翻天覆地、掀起滔天巨浪、令世人敬仰的名字;一个跨越历史和国界的阻碍,震古铄今、空前绝后的名字。 从一文一名的炮兵上尉,到场势显赫的第一执政;从一心复国的科西平民,到 视全欧的法兰西皇帝......这样一个百年难得一遇的非凡人物,他的一生,给予了我们极大的好奇和向往。数十年来,全球各地忠实的拥护者们一直在钜细靡遗地搜寻他的生平事迹,死神和光阴都丝毫未曾削减他在人们心中的地位。 在本辑节目中,通过众多珍贵的史迹,discovery channel 将带领我们一同深入探索拿破仑传奇政治、军事生涯中的巨大转折点,并破解史上最在的谜团-----绵延达一个半世纪之久的拿破仑死因疑云。节目将重新审视这位毁誉参半的法国英雄并公布期死亡的真相......
1.《拿破仑远征埃及》napoleon's obsession;the quest for egypt
2.《拿破仑死亡之谜》the napoleon murder mystery
napoleon bonaparte,the french military leader,hero and genius,has always been a legand in history.through his military exploits and his ruthless efficiency,napoleon rose from obscurity to become napoleon i ,empereur des francais(emperor of the french).he is both a historical figure and a legend-and it is sometimes difficult to separate the two. the events of his life fired the imaginations of greate writers,filmmakers,and playwrights whose works have done much to create the napoleonic legend.now follow the napoleon series to uncover the truth behind this powerful conqueror,whose meteoric rise shocked not only france but all of europe ,and whose military conquests threatened the staility of the world.
随碟附赠拿破仑经典故事片一部 |
Stars 演员 |
| | | | |
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