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Most of our video are in Mandarin Chinese, usually with Simplified Chinese subtitle. Chinese Region-6 DVD, PAL format, No English/Cantonese except noted. If you are new to our store and not familiar with HDVD format etc. Please see more detail info below at the end.
We only sell legal/original. No copies. Quality Guarateed.
You are bidding an ancient action TV series: 少林武王(22集)what you see is what you get
◆ 剧集:22 complete episodes |
◆ language 语言: Chinese 国语 |
◆ subtitle 字幕:Chinese 简体中文字幕 |
◆ 演员:吴京 法提麦·雅琦 |
◆ 介质:3HDVD |
明朝末年朝庭不振,内有奸官当道,外有倭寇横行,为使百姓免遭涂炭之苦,大将戚继沅和其堂弟、兵部侍郎石油继宇厣精图治,联手组建戚家军,在抗击倭寇的战斗中捷报传来。 倭寇首领大岛正雄不苦心自己的失败,施重金贿赂昏君腹、司礼大太监童大宝向昏君进谗言,以图谋造反的罪名欲将闻名天下的戚家军就地解散。 刚下在不阿的戚继宇在儿子石油少正的协助下得到了童大宝暗通倭寇的证据不料消息败露,童大宝抢先下毒手,不仅将戚继宇手中的证据销毁,而且以莫须有的罪名将石油家满门抄斩。并为斩草除根,悬重金追杀石油家惟一幸存的后人戚少正。 走投无路的石油少正被北少林的主持方太至一收为徒弟,取法号云志。童大宝率锦衣卫赶来,以血先少林相威胁,要他们交出云志。少林众僧宁死不屈,奋力推荐抗。丧心病狂的童大宝下令火烧少林,至一师舍身护法,在熊熊烈火中成就大善。临终前,他命武僧三脚带着自己的血书,护送云志投奔南少要的圆照方丈。 云志和师兄踏上了去南少林学艺的征途。一路上云志结识了一班性格各异的师兄弟,甚至还结识了墙院旁边一群小尼姑,更与女扮男装混入少林学艺的日本女孩华子结为好友,演出了一段梁山伯与祝英台的故事。 云志和一群志同道合的年轻人同斗学艺,同仇适度气,终于重建戚家军,将残暴的倭寇彻底的消灭,而云志也以自己的旷世武功,手刃了以童大宝为首的奸党,报了国恨家仇。 曾经先后和云志产生过情感纠葛的小妮、红莲、白荷 和华子纷纷赶来,这些不同性情却同样可爱的女子,哪 一个才是他的真爱所归,处立在于自己有再造之恩的少林寺中,面对千百年来的佛法清远见,云志陷入了难以选择的彷徨之中……
Bid with confidence, please see our 100% positive feedback.
Most of our video are in Mandarin Chinese, usually with Simplified Chinese subtitle. Chinese Region 6 DVD, PAL format(so please make sure your DVD player can play Region 6 DVD. They are cheap and easy to buy here in many USA store like Wal-mart, Best Buy etc. ), No English/Cantonese except noted.
HDVD (not HD DVD) is a recent DVD format. Its video quality is better than VCD/VHS, but not as good as regular DVD. But it can be playback in any DVD player. DVD-9 is a more recent format, holds more than DVD(=DVD-5), double the capacity. you will usually need a recent DVD player (within 2 - 3 years model) to play it.
Shipping and handling: many of our listing are in stock and can be shipped right away. We normally use Media Mail of USPS, it takes about 2 - 9 days. If not listed explicitly, we'll ship you item not later 72 hours after received your payment. If you have special needs please contact us ASAP.
For people in countries other than USA/Canada: All our price/charge are in USA dollar. If you can allow us to remove the packaging, we can ship to you at a lower rate: $ 8-11 for a single item (possibly more depend on which items.) it usually takes just 4 – 6 business days to arrive for many countries.
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