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Most of our video are in Mandarin Chinese, usually with Simplified Chinese subtitle. Chinese Region-6 DVD, PAL format, No English/Cantonese except noted. If you are new to our store and not familiar with HDVD format etc. Please see more detail info below at the end.
We only sell legal/original. No copies. Quality Guarateed.
You are bidding an ancient action TV series: 少年包青天2 英雄本色(40集)
◆ 剧集:complete 40 episodes |
◆ language 语言: Chinese 国语 |
◆ subtitle 字幕:Chinese 中文 |
◆ 演员:陆毅 Lu Yi, 任泉 Ren Quan, 释小龙, 范冰冰 Fan Bing Bing |
◆ 介质:5HDVD |
《少年包青天》自推出以来即风靡全国及至港台各地,承接上辑掀起之追看热潮,新一辑将注入更多精彩元素及新鲜角色,剧情也更为出人意表。 话说少年包拯(陆毅饰)屡破奇案之后,声名大噪,更与当今皇上成为莫逆。然包拯不贪图名利,待母还乡后,于庐州当教书先生,春风化雨。无奈贪官污吏祸国殃民,包拯为救黎民百于水火,终敌不过仁宗的真诚相邀,接过御赐免死金牌,再次踏上征途。 公孙策(任泉饰)于包拯归隐期间,不断钻研星卜星相,充实才学。当得知包拯再次为民请命,公孙策誓死相随。 小展昭(释小龙饰)年少气盛,得包拯相邀共赴危艰,小展昭自然在所不辞与包拯、公孙策再次并肩作战…… 全新一辑《少年包青天Ⅱ》由国内偶像派首席小生陆毅出演少年包拯,联同任泉、释小龙、范冰冰等青春偶像明星组成的新阵营,必定令观众耳目一新,绝对是观众不容错失的年度大戏!
Bid with confidence, please see our 100% positive feedback.
Most of our video are in Mandarin Chinese, usually with Simplified Chinese subtitle. Chinese Region 6 DVD, PAL format(so please make sure your DVD player can play Region 6 DVD. They are cheap and easy to buy here in many USA store like Wal-mart, Best Buy etc. ), No English/Cantonese except noted.
HDVD (not HD DVD) is a recent DVD format. Its video quality is better than VCD/VHS, but not as good as regular DVD. But it can be playback in any DVD player. DVD-9 is a more recent format, holds more than DVD(=DVD-5), double the capacity. you will usually need a recent DVD player (within 2 - 3 years model) to play it.
Shipping and handling: many of our listing are in stock and can be shipped right away. We normally use Media Mail of USPS, it takes about 2 - 9 days. If not listed explicitly, we'll ship you item not later 72 hours after received your payment. If you have special needs please contact us ASAP.
For people in countries other than USA/Canada: All our price/charge are in USA dollar. it usually takes just 4 – 8 business days to arrive for many countries if shupped from Seattle, USA. Some of our items are shipped from China, the delivery time is similar for some main destinations, like UK/Europe, Singapore, Australia.
On Jun-17-07 at 00:22:27 PDT, seller added the following information: