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You are bidding: 陈真(2HDVD) 梁小龙主演 20集 (actual cover is slightly different)
If you are new to our store and not familiar with HDVD format etc. Please see more detail info below at the end.
◆ Episodes 剧集:Complete 20 Episodes. |
◆ Audio/Language: Chinese Mandarin 语言:国语 |
◆ Subtitle/字幕:Simplified Chinese |
◆ Stars 演员:梁小龙 刘续民 郑雷 余安安 张瑛 徐小明
驱逐倭寇,血国耻,热血男儿,扬国术,一代硬汉形象体现中华民族的傲骨与霸气。 该剧集为《大侠替元甲》的续篇,写的是霍元甲的徒弟陈真(梁 小龙饰)九死一生携带着霍元甲的独生子霍东阁流浪江湖,立志不忘把师傅的骨肉培养成人。以承父志… 以佐藤为首的东洋邪恶势力东瀛武者,妄图称霸中华武林,到处挑起事端正,陈真见状决心重建“精武门”使佐藤等阴谋不能得逞。佐藤一伙不甘失败,用卑鄙的手段绑架了霍东阁,诱杀陈真,陈真不顾一切深入虎穴,不幸中计遇害。这位铁血男儿,铮铮汉子时刻不忘师傅的遗训,临死之际,力歼群魔,宏扬了中华民族正气。
The story is read as the upcoming chapter of The student of Master Huo Yuan Jia,Chen Zhen escaped with Yuanjia's second son,Huo Dong'ge after a reckless actions.He made a resolution to teach Dong'ge to be another martial artist. A group of Japanese fighter,led by Satoh,came to China and made chaos everywhere.Chen Zhen,hence,want to rebuild Jing Wu Men and stop them.Wicked Satoh took a dirty trick to kidnap Dongge to attract Chen Zhen,who finally killed in this conspiracy.Chen Zhen,as another legendary martial artists beared his teacher Huo Yuanjia's words in mind and beated all the Japanese fighter before his death.
ALL our video are legal/original, not copies, good quality guaranteed. new&sealed. More similar video can also be found here:
Most of our video are in Mandarin Chinese, usually with Simplified Chinese subtitle. Chinese Region 6 DVD, PAL format(so please make sure your DVD player can play Region 6 DVD. They are cheap and easy to buy here in many USA store like Wal-mart, Best Buy etc. ), No English/Cantonese except noted.
HDVD (not HD DVD) is a recent DVD format. Its video quality is better than VCD/VHS, but not as good as regular DVD. But it can be playback in any DVD player. DVD-9 is a more recent format, holds more than DVD(=DVD-5), double the capacity. you will usually need a recent DVD player (within 2 - 3 years model) to play it.
Shipping and handling: many of our listing are in stock and can be shipped right away. If not listed explicitly, we'll ship you item not later 72 hours after received your payment. If you have special needs please contact us ASAP.
For people in countries other than USA/Canada: All our price/charge are in USA dollar. If you can allow us to remove the packaging, we can ship to you at a lower rate: $ 8-11 for a single item (possibly more depend on which items.) it usually takes just 4 – 6 business days to arrive for many countries.
On Jun-28-09 at 11:14:17 PDT, seller added the following information: