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长剑相思 (35集) 5HDVD. For combined shipping rate, check at the bottom.
◆ 剧集:35 |
◆ 语言: |
◆ 字幕:语言:国语 字幕:中文 |
◆ 演员:天心 王亚楠 李倩 黄觉 李冰冰 陈坤 |
明,中原大旱,亿万百姓流离失所,阉党专权,趁机想血洗江湖巩固进行的统治;江湖中的恶人也大肆搜刮百姓,趁火打劫,而且打着“惩善扬恶”的旗号,公然向天下挑战。一时生灵涂炭,民不聊生。 危急时刻,一直隐性埋名,背负“燕家堡”灭门惨祸血海深仇的十三少挺身而出,筹集善款欲拯救百姓于水火之中。围绕着护送善款,江湖正邪两派展开了惊心动魄的殊死争斗。江湖中的一片刀光剑影,血雨腥风! 英雄气短,儿女情长!十三少深仇未报自然无心儿女私情,于是有了怨,有了牵挂,有了剪不断、理还乱的爱恨情仇。 恩?仇?爱?欲?这不只是善道与恶首的冲突,正邪只是一念之差,侠未必正,盗亦有道,到底孰正孰邪? 真正的恶是潜藏在每个人的内心深处的名利和丧失理智的欲望。
Discount Rate (only apply to Buy-Now item, no aution item): Buy 2 - 3 Items, S/H fee is $5 each Item. Buy 4 - 7 Items, S/H fee is $4 each Item. Buy 8 - 16 Items, S/H fee is $3 each Item. Buy 17 Items & up, S/H fee is $2 each Item. Maximum S/H fee is $50, S/H for 26th and more item is FREE ! These are for domestic rate only, for international discount, email us. On Jun-20-08 at 16:32:49 PDT, seller added the following information:
On Jul-08-09 at 20:43:58 PDT, seller added the following information:
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