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Most of our video are in Mandarin Chinese, usually with Simplified Chinese subtitle. Chinese Region-6 DVD, PAL format, No English/Cantonese except noted. If you are new to our store and not familiar with HDVD format etc. Please see more detail info below at the end.
We only sell legal/original. No copies. Quality Guarateed.
You are bidding an ancient action TV series: 恭亲王 一生为奴 袋装 (42集)what you see is what you get
◆ 剧集:42 complete episodes |
◆ language 语言: Chinese 国语 |
◆ subtitle 字幕: no |
◆ 演员:陈宝国 袁立 秦焰 王刚 |
◆ 介质:6HDVD |
大型电视连续剧一生为奴 谁没理想,谁不想干大事业。只是,徒具天赋并不足够,重要的是审时度世,善用客观条件,配合天时、地利、人和才能水到渠成,深明此道,与时并进。慈禧爱恨有加,使其壮志未酬、郁郁终生。 贤能的六阿哥奕忻因不善逢迎揣摩道光帝的心理,在与四皇子奕宁的皇位争夺中落败,被封为恭亲王;奕宁即位后,忌其才华以福晋佳佳失仪为由免去奕忻一切职位。 咸丰六年,英法联军火烧圆明园,咸丰避居承德。临危授命恭亲王与敌议和,恭亲王凭借机智从洋人口中夺回不少尊严,令朝野称誉。咸丰病危,肃顺以辅助幼主为名胁迫咸丰拟订了顾命八大臣,排斥奕忻。为防止肃顺独揽朝政,奕忻联合慈禧太后发动辛西政变,铲除肃顺等人;而此时他已与慈禧互生情愫。 政变后,奕忻被授为议政王,兼管各国事务衙门。为富国强兵,奕忻大力推行洋务运动。数年后,慈禧逐渐势力强大,疑忌奕忻的权势以及奕忻与肃顺养女玉儿的恋情而起冲突。为独揽朝政,慈禧以御史蔡寿祺不明真相的弹劾,罢免奕忻的一切职权。捻军之乱使奕忻再度复出,平定后动因反对贸然抗击法国而再次被罢。在中日甲午战争危机之时,进行再次起用奕忻,但终因国势衰败,慈禧胡作非为而致败局。此次复出奕忻未能扭转战局却为慈禧背上战败的黑锅。它成了奕忻最后的梦魇;他被爱他的女人——慈禧彻底打垮了。数次起落,恭亲王空有帝王之才却无帝王之命,只落得一生为奴。
Bid with confidence, please see our 100% positive feedback.
Most of our video are in Mandarin Chinese, usually with Simplified Chinese subtitle. Chinese Region 6 DVD, PAL format(so please make sure your DVD player can play Region 6 DVD. They are cheap and easy to buy here in many USA store like Wal-mart, Best Buy etc. ), No English/Cantonese except noted.
HDVD (not HD DVD) is a recent DVD format. Its video quality is better than VCD/VHS, but not as good as regular DVD. But it can be playback in any DVD player. DVD-9 is a more recent format, holds more than DVD(=DVD-5), double the capacity. you will usually need a recent DVD player (within 2 - 3 years model) to play it.
Shipping and handling: many of our listing are in stock and can be shipped right away. We normally use Media Mail of USPS, it takes about 2 - 9 days. If not listed explicitly, we'll ship you item not later 72 hours after received your payment. If you have special needs please contact us ASAP.
For people in countries other than USA/Canada: All our price/charge are in USA dollar. If you can allow us to remove the packaging, we can ship to you at a lower rate: $ 8-11 for a single item (possibly more depend on which items.) it usually takes just 4 – 6 business days to arrive for many countries.
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