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Most of our video are in Mandarin Chinese, usually with Simplified Chinese subtitle. Chinese Region-6 DVD, PAL format, No English/Cantonese except noted. If you are new to our store and not familiar with HDVD format etc. Please see more detail info below at the end.
We only sell legal/original. No copies. Quality Guarateed.
You are bidding an ancient action TV series: 仙鹤神针 袋装 (30集)what you see is what you get
◆ 剧集:30 complete episodes |
◆ language 语言: Chinese 国语 |
◆ subtitle 字幕:no |
◆ 演员:翁虹 林祖辉 郑浩光 米雪 尹天照 杨玉梅 刘玉婷 麦丽红 高雄 刘丹 |
◆ 介质:4HDVD |
千年鹤,万年龟,百年秘笈重出江湖,谁主沉浮? 三百多年前,武林上有一部萬源归宗的武功绝学,名为“归元秘笈”。武林人士为争夺这部武林至宝,学得绝世武功而互相残杀。 孝宗年间,孝宗妃予诞下公主,奷妃不惜偷龙转凤,掉包换来皇子。此事被锦衣卫蓝海萍(高雄)得悉,将公主救走,并偷走宫中藏经阁的“归元秘笈”。锦衣卫统领林天獨(杨澤霖)亦覬觎秘笈之神功,奉命追杀萍,但被萍打落山崖,生死未卜。 自此萍将小公主改名为白云飞(麦丽红)与妻女匿居括苍山上,埋头钻研秘笈武功,萍妻子翠蝶(米雪)不甘受冷落,含恨偷走秘笈与女儿小蝶(黄丽梅)离去。 十年后,武林酝酿一场浩劫,少林与武当两派掌门人失踪,昆仑玄清急召武林大会,推举武林新盟主,昆仑派弟子马君武(郑浩光)与李青湾(杨玉梅)下山通知各派,并知会当时势力颇大的天龙镖局苏朋海(刘丹),海表面正直,实勾结奸臣之子严世藩(欧阳棠)私运军火,图谋作反。 武当与湾兵分两路,武偶然结识天龙镖局的苏飞凤(翁虹)与曹雄(林祖辉)。凤对开暗生情愫,而武、雄两人甘愿结拜为兄弟,雄心术不正,助其师海进行不法勾当,一心想娶师妹凤,独揽天龙大权,但后悉凤对武情意,视武为眼中钉,屡陷害之。 正当武林纷乱之际,又传出归元秘笈重出江湖的消息,原来这是西域盖天教的阴谋,盖天教主正是林天独,独学得一身魔功。籍此机会杀害武林中人,并引出萍查出归元秘笈下落 。 各派于冰岛展开大火拼,武身负创作,幸得女扮男装的飞施展神功将之救回括苍山治疗。武得飞、凤、蝶等悉心料理,渐渐康复,四角恋情亦相应产生。雄野心勃勃,趁机投靠盖天教,利用独铲除除萍与武等人,欲称霸武林,可惜事与愿违,但欲掀起一场武林浩劫……
Bid with confidence, please see our 100% positive feedback.
Most of our video are in Mandarin Chinese, usually with Simplified Chinese subtitle. Chinese Region 6 DVD, PAL format(so please make sure your DVD player can play Region 6 DVD. They are cheap and easy to buy here in many USA store like Wal-mart, Best Buy etc. ), No English/Cantonese except noted.
HDVD (not HD DVD) is a recent DVD format. Its video quality is better than VCD/VHS, but not as good as regular DVD. But it can be playback in any DVD player. DVD-9 is a more recent format, holds more than DVD(=DVD-5), double the capacity. you will usually need a recent DVD player (within 2 - 3 years model) to play it.
Shipping and handling: many of our listing are in stock and can be shipped right away. We normally use Media Mail of USPS, it takes about 2 - 9 days. If not listed explicitly, we'll ship you item not later 72 hours after received your payment. If you have special needs please contact us ASAP.
For people in countries other than USA/Canada: All our price/charge are in USA dollar. If you can allow us to remove the packaging, we can ship to you at a lower rate: $ 8-11 for a single item (possibly more depend on which items.) it usually takes just 4 – 6 business days to arrive for many countries.
On Jun-12-07 at 22:46:54 PDT, seller added the following information: