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Chinese DVD: Hui Zhou Nv Ren 8 DVD
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PRODUCT We only sell legal, original products, never sell bootleg, illegal ones.
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QUALITY We guarantee the quality of our product, if it has defects, we'll send you replacement.
DVD region Many of our video are Chinese region (6), HDVD format (an economy DVD format), so you do need an all region DVD player, which you can easily buy in north America and other countries.
Media 介质 |
8 HDVD |
Language 语言 |
Chinese Mandarin 国语 |
Subtitle 字幕 |
Chinese 中文 |
Episodes 剧集 |
Complete 24 episodes
24 集 |
Description 剧情 |
本剧以晚清时期徽州富商之家程府一群女人哀婉、凄美、动人心魄的故事和人生命运为线索,集中展示了封建礼教重压下女性对美好情爱生活的渴望,歌颂了所谓 叛逆者 对自由恋爱的勇敢追求。
剧中集中刻画的一群女人,是那个时代徽州女人乃至中国女性的群像缩影,她们有的从身份低微的奴婢,经过艰辛的努力和巨大的牺牲付出,终于成为大家庭的掌门人;有的知书达礼、品行端庄、大贤大德的贤妻良母,最终成为封建礼教的牺牲品;也有少数“叛逆者”看透封建礼教的虚伪,自愿放弃尊贵的身份和富贵荣华的生活,决心奔向心仪已久的自由天地。这些不同的人生命运纠缠在一起,使得该剧剧情跌宕起伏,故事扣人心弦。 |
Stars 演员 |
归亚蕾 茹萍 王维维 曹艳艳 高榕 | |
On Aug-31-09 at 00:34:52 PDT, seller added the following information: