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Most of our video are in Mandarin Chinese, usually with Simplified Chinese subtitle. Chinese Region-6 DVD, PAL format, No English/Cantonese except noted.
We only sell legal/original. No copies. Quality Guarateed.
(this drama is very popular among Chinese all over the world): 宰相刘罗锅(40集). (The auction picture is for 4HDVD version, content is the same)
◆ 剧集:40 complete episodes |
◆ language 语言: Chinese 国语 |
◆ subtitle 字幕:Chinese 中文 |
◆ 演员:李保田 张国立 王刚 邓婕 李丁 |
◆ 介质:6HDVD All region NTSC |
《宰相刘罗锅》曾红遍祖国上下、大江南北,当时街头巷尾,人人争说。 刘墉—乾坤盛事著名清官。他刚正不阿、不畏权势;铁齿铜牙,秉公执法;披肝沥胆、整肃吏治;斗智斗勇、反腐倡廉。他体恤百姓、清正廉洁、为民请命的诸多故事,广为民间流传。 剧中李保田(饰刘墉)诙谐幽默、机智逗趣、敢说敢为的表演与王刚(饰和珅)溜须拍马、贼心贼胆、狐假虎威的相争相斗,令全剧生辉! 这部戏上演后,不仅席卷港、澳、台,而且风靡东南亚、北美、西欧及全球的华人聚集地。
Bid with confidence, please see our 100% positive feedback.
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