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Chinese DVD:Ri Luo Can Yang 6HDVD
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PRODUCT We only sell legal, original products, never sell bootleg, illegal ones.
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SHIPPING We ship very fast (witin 1-2days of your payment), especially for those in stock in Seattle (you will see "fast sh*** " in the item title. But if you are very sensitive to the shipping time, please email us ASAP, so we can make sure we do our best to meet your expectation.
QUALITY We guarantee the quality of our product, if it has defects, we'll send you replacement.
DVD region Many of our video are Chinese region (6), HDVD format (an economy DVD format), so you do need an all region DVD player, which you can easily buy in north America and other countries.
Ri Luo Can Yang
Media 介质 |
Language 语言 |
Chinese Mandarin 国语
Subtitle 字幕 |
Chinese 中文 |
Episodes 剧集 |
Complete Episodes 未知集 |
Description 剧情 |
清朝末年,紫禁城中洋溢着外喷内张的紧绷气氛。满洲亲贵们见政权岌岌可危,充满危机感,故格外揽权,引起朝野有识之士的极度不满。颖亲王之女宝龄格格,自幼温柔清秀,灵巧可人,深得隆裕太后喜爱,时常被唤进宫承欢膝下。隆裕太后曾在说笑间欲将宝龄指婚给亲王之子多罗贝勒溥俊,权贵们也认为他俩是门当户对的一对璧人…… |
Stars 演员 |
宁静 刘德凯 陶虹 潘虹 |
On Jan-01-09 at 15:59:58 PST, seller added the following information:
On Dec-03-09 at 01:06:04 PST, seller added the following information:
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