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Chinese DVD:Yao Long Men 4HDVD
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QUALITY We guarantee the quality of our product, if it has defects, we'll send you replacement.
DVD region Many of our video are Chinese region (6), HDVD format (an economy DVD format), so you do need an all region DVD player, which you can easily buy in north America and other countries.
Yao Long Men
Media 介质 |
Language 语言 |
Chinese Mandarin 国语
Subtitle 字幕 |
Chinese 中文 |
Episodes 剧集 |
Complete Episodes 30 集 |
Description 剧情 |
新任江苏巡抚张伯行临危受命调查科考案,一接手即感事态复杂:贩卖夹带(作弊资料)的老板猝死狱中;新科举人之父被人杀害;按察使被人秘密活埋……不仅如此,自皇亲国戚至钦差、巡抚、总督,掌权牟利的封疆大吏对张伯行群起而攻,在凶险的“权谋”争斗中,张伯行锒铛入狱,美貌娇妻惨遭迫害……康熙大帝深感案情关系社稷安危,民心向背,于是亲临查案,想以雷霆手段力挽狂澜……!! |
Stars 演员 |
李保田 姚鲁 陶慧敏 茹萍 陈锐 王璐璐 寇振海 |
On Nov-11-09 at 23:41:56 PST, seller added the following information: