Recent Chinese DVD: Shanghai, Shangha! 上海,上海
Price: $23.00
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Chinese DVD: Shanghai, Shangha! 6DVD
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PRODUCT We only sell legal, original products, never sell bootleg, illegal ones.
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SHIPPING We ship very fast (witin 1-2days of your payment), especially for those in stock in Seattle (you will see "fast sh*** " in the item title. But if you are very sensitive to the shipping time, please email us ASAP, so we can make sure we do our best to meet your expectation.
QUALITY We guarantee the quality of our product, if it has defects, we'll send you replacement.
DVD region Many of our video are Chinese region (6), HDVD format (an economy DVD format), so you do need an all region DVD player, which you can easily buy in north America and other countries.
Media 介质 |
6 HDVD |
Language 语言 |
Chinese Mandarin 国语 |
Subtitle 字幕 |
Chinese 中文 |
Episodes 剧集 |
Complete episodes
Description 剧情 |
《上海,上海》讲述1911年末,武昌起义爆发之后,上海光复前夕,留洋归来继承家业的青年刘恭正,和另两个青年:负有使命回国的革命党人佟光夫,还有只身到上海来谋生的英国青年丹顿,同船抵达上海。从此开始了他们在上海这个东方巴黎的生活和奋斗。 极具生意头脑的刘恭正从经营大新舞台开始,到成功地创办了大世界游乐场,成为上海首屈一指的娱乐界大亨。深受西方金融思想熏陶的佟光夫从开办小银行做起,后来成为国内著名的金融家和国民政府的财政大员。而生性耿直的赫尔曼被英国人把持的海关辞退后,靠若为刘恭正这样的中国商人做“买办”,也成为了在上海立住脚的外国商人。 韩如冰是一个侠骨柔肠,却又性情乖张的奇女子,奇特的身世铸就了奇特的性格和命运。爱到消魂,恨到蚀骨。刘恭正成功时天马行空,落魄时陷入泥沼,在很大程度上都是因为她的存在。她不能与刘恭正结婚,却又深爱于他,因为爱之深,所以又恨之切。每当刘恭正处于上升或跌落的重要关头时,往往是她的行为决定了刘恭正的成败沉浮。
上海世博会献礼剧。重金打造一部讲述从民国初年到抗战胜利的旧上海风云变幻的史诗。上演了一出出令人惊喜、令人叫绝、使人扼腕又使人落泪的悲喜剧。 |
Stars 演员 |
段奕宏, 吴秀波, 左小青, 杜志国, 等 |
On Oct-08-09 at 14:18:16 PDT, seller added the following information:
Destination: United States |
USPS | Media Mail® | $3.00 | | | Destination: Worldwide |
STANDARD | Standard | $11.00 | | | Destination: Canada |
STANDARD | Standard | $6.00 | | |
Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | null |