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Esther 1/4 Hour
Price: $5.15
Esthers painting
Items must be returned within 30 days . Refund will be given as Money back or exchange/replacement. Refund policy details: This item can be returned within 30 days. Returns and Warranties are not the same. A return is for any reason you don't want to purchase the item (ordered the wrong item, found the one you knew you had, etc.) Warranty on some items can be as long as a year, long after the 30 day return period. Either way, if you want to return it, contact us first to receive a RMA (Return Material Authorization number) or it may not be credited properly. Under most return request it will be YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO RETURN THE PRODUCT TO US (you pay the shipping). Please read the item detail for the the full warranty explanation. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us. PLEASE NOTE: OUR ITEMS ARE SERIAL NUMBERED TO PREVENT FRAUDULENT RETURNS (swapping bad for good). All returns and warrantied items are inspected when received.
Destination: United States |
NONE | Local Pickup | $0.00 | $0.00 | | CUSTOM | Grand Rapids Greater Area Delivery | $10.00 | $10.00 | |
Payment Method
Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | Visa an MasterCard are accepted through PayPal | Money Order | We may hold order until MO Clears | Check | We may hold order until Check Clears | COD | Payment can be arranged at the time of pick-up |
$0.00(Domestic) $0.00(International)
Not Offered (Domestic)