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Up for bid are these two ANTIQUE CHARCOAL PORTRAITS. I purchases them at a tag sale a number of years ago. They have been hanging in our 15 room farm house where we lived for 23 years and ,we have moved so I'm down sizing. I have done some research but, I am no expert to say the least. I do know they are charcoal as their are finger prints on the back of the portraits and they will smudge if you touch them. They are done on thick paper board of some sort. I had to take them apart in order to take pics. The backs of the portraits are initialed what looks to be (KAB) OR (KJB) in cursive writing. They number 8485/6 on both of them. The frames are numbered on the back of the outer cardboard as well. One says 65-66-67 the other one says 65-6-7. The frames are made of wood and what looks to be 4 layers, on the front they are painted gold and a beautiful dark wood of some sort is on one layer. They are matted with nails everywhere. I know it's wood because their are not a lot of chips on either frame. I've seen the plaster ones and they chip very easy. The portraits measure appx 20 x 16" and the frames are appx 27 1/2 x 23 1/2". On the portraits themselves (the part that went under the matting) their is some yellowing and spotting. I can also see minimal spotting on the portraits themselves. The portrait of the lady has two what looks like chalk marks on her earlobes like earrings, maybe they are earrings. On the man portrait their are 3 white dots on his tie. I'm sure they have a smudge here and there but, I've tried to describe them as best as I can. I will be doing no cleaning to these pieces not even the glass because I'm afraid they might stick or something when I ship them and the glass is dirty. I'll ship the safest way I can and, I don' know how much it will cost yet so I'll just guestimate. I want to thank you for looking and don't forget to take a peek in my store, their are a couple other pictures in their. Have a great day and may GOD BLESS!!