DHS Table Tennis Rubber (No Sponge): C8 / C-8, Special 2.5mm Long-Pips, New
DHS is the No.1 Chinese Table Tennis Brand (by Sales). In China National Team, around 58% rubber sheets come from Double Happiness. This is among the best rubbers of Double Happiness.
C-8 long-pimples rubber, "Chinese Magic Racket", or "Chinese T.T. team Secret Weapon" ever called by the world T.T. field, makes a breath taking effect due to its irregular swing of super-long-pimples.
This is a special processed DHS C8 rubber sheet, with out sponge.
It is NOT allowed by ITTF! So can't be used by official tournament!
Long Pips Rubber Sheet
Pimples long: 2.5mm (compare to normal version is 1.7mm).
Fitted Play: Defense/Loop/Counter attack
No Sponge