You are buying one Sealless Steel Strapping Tool. This is new and shipped directly from the manufacturer. The facts for this item are listed below. Please browse through our eBay store for more products and feel free to send any questions. Also Available 5/8" & 3/4" Strapping Tool, go to your eBay Store to buy these now, the price is the same for each.
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Rugged construction, but lightweight for easy handling. Excellent mechanical sealing mechanism makes an effective seal with minimal effort. Affordable. Cuts strapping thickness from .020" to .023". Weighs 8 Lbs. and has a 1/2" strap width.
Handy light weight sealless combination tool to strap flat packages (i.e. pallets, bales, crates, cases, various packages)
Permits a very easy and efficient operation and outperforms other strapping tools by its ruggedness and its high reliability.
The sealless joint reduces the overall strapping costs by approx. 10% through the elimination of the seals.
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