Shipping: | Destination: United States |
USPS | First Class® | $6.59 | | | Destination: Worldwide |
USPS | First-Class Mail Intl® | $25.00 | | |
Insurance: | Not Offered (Domestic)
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | null |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
Shipping: | Destination: United States |
USPS | First Class® | $6.49 | | | Destination: Worldwide |
USPS | Priority Mail Intl® | $25.00 | | |
Insurance: | Not Offered (Domestic)
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | null |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
Shipping: | Destination: United States |
USPS | First Class® | $6.59 | | | Destination: Worldwide |
USPS | First-Class Mail Intl® | $25.00 | | |
Insurance: | Not Offered (Domestic)
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | null |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
Shipping: | Destination: United States |
USPS | First Class® | $5.99 | | |
Insurance: | Not Offered (Domestic)
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | Make sure that you have received a Finalized invoice with S & H, Sales Tax, etc. before making payment. | Visa/Mastercard | Call us at 606-666-7913 if you want to use your Visa/Mastercard for payment. | Money Order | We accept Postal Money Orders or the Wal-Mart issued Money Orders only. No others will be accepted. |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
Shipping: | Destination: United States |
USPS | First Class® | $4.99 | | |
Insurance: | Not Offered (Domestic)
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | Make sure that you have received a Finalized invoice with S & H, Sales Tax, etc. before making payment. | Visa/Mastercard | Call us at 606-666-7913 if you want to use your Visa/Mastercard for payment. | Money Order | We accept Postal Money Orders or the Wal-Mart issued Money Orders only. No others will be accepted. |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
Shipping: | Destination: United States |
USPS | First Class® | $5.99 | | |
Insurance: | Not Offered (Domestic)
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | Make sure that you have received a Finalized invoice with S & H, Sales Tax, etc. before making payment. | Visa/Mastercard | Call us at 606-666-7913 if you want to use your Visa/Mastercard for payment. | Money Order | We accept Postal Money Orders or the Wal-Mart issued Money Orders only. No others will be accepted. |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
Shipping: | Destination: United States |
USPS | First Class® | $6.99 | | | Destination: Worldwide |
USPS | First-Class Mail Intl® | $25.00 | | |
Insurance: | Not Offered (Domestic)
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | null |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |
Shipping: | Destination: United States |
USPS | First Class® | $6.99 | | | Destination: Worldwide |
USPS | First-Class Mail Intl® | $25.00 | | |
Insurance: | Not Offered (Domestic)
Payment method: | Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | null |
Return Policy: | I do not accept returns |