With over 185 traditional recipes form the
Baltic to the Black Sea, shown step-by-step in
more than 750 stunning color photographs. - This
comprehensive and fascinating collection of
recipes includes the culinary delights of a
region that stretches from the Baltic Sea in the
north to the Black Sea in the south. Contains:
Russia, Poland and Ukrain in the first section.
Dishes such as Borshch and Beef Stroganov, and
delicious sweet breads such as Kulich and Babka.
Then the robust cusiines of Germany, Austria,
Hungary and the Czech Republic take up the
second section with Sauerkraut and Hungarian
Goulash, cakes and pasties - Dobos Torta and
Apple Strudel. The third section, which covers
Romania, Bulgaria and the East Adriatic, offers
a cuisine showing Mediterranean, Middle Eastern
and norther European influences, resulting in
wonderfully distinctive dishes - Cold Cucumber
and Yogurt Soup with Walnuts, Swordfish Kebabs
and Bulgarian Rice Pudding. Editor Lesley
Chamberlain, Trained Cordan Bleu cook Cahterine
Atkinson and Trish Davies.