The largest member of the MacBook Pro family remains mostly unchanged, save for a few tweaks to improve performance. The quad-core Intel Core i7 now runs at 2.4GHz, while the 750GB hard drive and 4GB of RAM remain untouched. As before, the LED-backlit display can be ordered in either glossy or antiglare format, and features a resolution of 1920x1200 pixels. The 17-inch MacBook Pro now receives a more powerful AMD Radeon HD 6770M graphics processor with 1GB of memory, and the computer can automatically switch to the integrated Intel HD Graphics to conserve battery. Apple still claims 7 hours of run time even with the increased performance, though expect that figure to drop considerably when working this computer hard. Although Apple has aggressively rolled out the new Thunderbolt interface, the 17-inch MacBook Pro retains an ExpressCard/34 slot and remains the only MacBook model to do so. This model is best suited for desktop and studio use, as carrying around a 6.6 pound 17-inch laptop can get quite uncomfortable and inconvenient.