Scarce Genuine Antique Chinese Calligraphy Pair
by He Shao Ji 何紹基 (1799-1873)
Famous Poet, Scholar, Educationist, Literature Collector & Calligrapher of China Qing Dynasty
Calligraphy Size:
50" x 14"/ 127 x 36 cm x 2 scrolls
Real Old Chinese Calligraphy Pair 名家書法對聯掛軸
何紹基 (1799~1873) 清代詩人、學者、書法家。字子貞,號東洲,別號東洲居士,晚號蝯叟。湖南道州(今道縣)人。出身於書香門第,其父何凌漢曾任戶部尚書,是知名的藏書家。道光十五年(1835)舉人,次年中進士,授翰林院編修。歷任文淵閣校理、國史館提調等職,曾充福建、貴州、廣東鄉試主考官。咸豐二年(1852)任四川學政。為官僅兩年,次年因條陳時務得罪權貴,被斥為"肆意妄言",受讒言所害,降官調職。遂辭去官職,創立草堂書院,講學授徒,1856年,由四川出發,經陝西等地到達濟南,主講於山東濼物書院。講學之餘,盡游濟南大明湖、趵突泉、珍珠泉、千佛山等處,留下許多詩句。1860年,受長沙城南書院之邀離開濟南赴長沙。前後在山東和長沙城南書院教書達十餘年。晚年主持蘇州、揚州書局,校刊《十三經註疏》,主講浙江孝廉堂,往來吳越,教授生徒。一生豪飲健游,多歷名山勝地,拓碑訪古。著有《東洲草堂金石跋》、《東洲草堂詩鈔》30卷。
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Now you can buy high quality real antique Chinese calligraphy pairs at Super Low Price, don't miss this chance to build up your valuable calligrahy collections today!
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