Old Chinese Calligraphy Pair by Li Xiong Cai 黎雄才書法對聯掛軸

Price: $6,888.00

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Genuine Chinese Calligraphy Pair

by Li Xiong Cai 黎雄才 (1910-2000)

Vice Chairman of National Art Society Guangdong Branch, Vice Principal of Guangzhou Art Academy, World Famous Art Master in People Republic of China.

Calligraphy Sizes:

50" x 14"/ 127 x 36 cm x 2 scrolls

Real Old Chinese Calligraphy Pair 名家書法對聯掛軸

黎雄才 (1910~2000) 廣東人。曾任廣州美術學院副院長、中國美術家協會理事及美協廣東分會副主席等。 自幼酷愛繪畫。年少時便顯露藝術天份,為高劍父激賞,召送至春睡畫院習畫深造。後負笈日本,於東京日本美術學校攻讀日本畫科,其間畫藝大增,並趨成熟。回國後,遍游名山大川,寫生及收集創作素材,寫出大量優秀作品。先後任教於重慶藝術專科學校、廣州市立藝術專科學校、華南文學藝術學院、中南美術專科學校及廣州美術學院。 黎氏擅畫山水、蒼松旁及花鳥魚蟲。他著重寫生,並融合西畫透視和明暗等技巧,構圖嚴謹,且好用焦墨,講究黑白對比所產生的藝術效果。風格沉雄穩健,獨成一派。 黎氏以其刻苦探索精神和豐厚的藝術成就,在中國畫壇影響深遠,並為嶺南畫派重要代表人物。


Recent realized auction prices in China 最近中國拍賣成交價: http://artso.artron.net/auction/actionsearch.php?sort=pm&keyword=%E9%BB%8E%E9%9B%84%E6%89%8D+%E4%B9%A6%E6%B3%95&tj=cj&type=

High Market Value

Authentic Guaranteed!

Now you can Buy It Now at $6,888 or make offer!

Pls feel free to make your offer, may be you're the winner!

*歡迎還價,可能您就是勝利買家! *


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To Hong Kong - US$ 4.00

To All Other Countries - US$ 7.50

Now you can buy high quality real antique Chinese calligraphy pairs at Super Low Price, don't miss this chance to build up your Chinese calligraphy collections today!

Item sold will be shipped from Hong Kong within 3-5 business days upon receipt of payment, pls allow 10-20 days for the delivery, but usually it will take only around 10 days to worldwide under normal situation, pls kindly be patient to wait. For further questions please don't hesitate to email me at [email protected] , thank you!

Items must be returned within 7 days .
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Refund policy details:
Exchange for defected item only, buyer pay the return postage, pls email or send message to me for any problem may occur, I will glad to resolve with the buyer.

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