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Burdock root

Burdock or cocklebur - a two-year plant, with fleshy, rod, malovetvistym roots with the roots of up to 60 cm stalk him erect, ribbed, reddish in the upper part branching, up to 170 cm as a vegetable burdock plant is widely cultivated in U.S., France, China and Japan. In culture, it is grown in moist soils by seedlings or sowing seed in the ground. In the food from the vegetable noodle use, and roots, and young leaves and petioles. Pulp from burdock roots grayish white, juicy, sweetish, pleasant to taste. They can replace the parsnips, parsley, and even carrots. In recent years, Russian breeders had quite a good variety of vegetable noodle. The most famous of them Russian variety with a Japanese name - Samurai.
And the roots, leaves and burdock have a rich chemical composition. In young leaves of burdock contains vitamin C, which is 6 times higher than in the hallowed all the lemon and as much as it contains vegetable champion - the sweet pepper and many, many times greater than in the beet, potatoes, carrots, zucchini and other vegetables. And in burdock root vegetables contain a large number of polysaccharide inulin (35%), which defines a sweetish taste of the root, it is completely safe for diabetics. Great burdock root vegetables also contain protein, essential oils, sitosterol, anthocyanins, carotene, resin and tannins, etc. For therapeutic purposes, use the roots of plants burdock first year of life when they are juicy and fleshy. They are easy to identify by the absence of the flower stalk. Gather burdock roots in the fall. They are washed thoroughly, peel, cut into pieces and dried in a well ventilated area. Dry roots are peculiar faint odor and a sweetish taste.
Excellent tool for dry hair is fitokrem of burdock. To cook it you need 2 tablespoons. tablespoons shredded burdock root boiled in 1 cup of water. Broth drain and add to it 6 tablespoons melted lard. The mixture was put in a cool oven for 2-3 hours. The resulting cream pour into a jar and cool. Rub into the scalp daily or every other day for 4-6 weeks.
Useful and lotion from burdock roots. For its preparation 1 tbsp. teaspoon crushed dried burdock root sugar and 1 cup of boiling water, simmer on low heat for 15 minutes, drain. The resulting lotion rubbed into the scalp 2-3 times a week to strengthen hair.
To strengthen the hair and early graying use a decoction of burdock root and fennel seeds. To cook it 2 tbsp. tablespoons shredded burdock root pour 0.5 liters of water, simmer on low heat to reduce volume by half, add 2 teaspoons fennel seeds, infuse in a warm place for 4 hours, strain. Decoction daily rubbed into the scalp for two months.
For the same purposes apply the mixture of 6 parts of decoction of burdock root, 4 parts of the strained onion juice and 1 part cognac. The mixture was rubbed into the scalp, cover head with a towel to warm for 2 hours, then wash. The procedure is repeated weekly.
Hair loss, itching and dandruff head wash decoction of burdock root and willow roots, taken in equal proportions. For its preparation 4 tbsp. chopped mixture of sugar and 1 liter of boiling water, simmer on low heat for 30 minutes, infuse 1 hour, drain and wash my hair.
When alopecia head is useful collection, which consists of 4 parts burdock root, 4 parts of the rhizomes of calamus, 3 parts of hop cones and 2 parts calendula flowers. For the preparation of the present need 3 tbsp. chopped mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, infuse in a warm place for 2 hours, drain. Lubricate the scalp at night with alopecia. And when nesting hair loss (baldness) should be worked into place baldness burdock oil for 1,5-2 months.
When acne is effective collection, consisting of equal parts burdock root, herb St. John's wort, Elecampane root and leaves of a walnut. To prepare the infusion should be 1st. spoon mixture of sugar and 1 cup boiling water, leave in a warm place 1 hour, drain. Take 1 glass 2-3 times a day.
Burdock is extremely useful in home cooking. Of its young leaves are prepared salads. For the salad or salad using cooked sweet roots and skinless, cooked stalks. Fresh leaves and petioles are added to green cabbage. Especially tasty fried or baked roots of burdock. Of them also produce jam. A flour made from burdock roots, mixed in a 1:2 ratio with rye flour suitable for baking bread. To prepare the roasted root of their need to pre-boil in salted water, put on a heated pan with oil and fry. At 500 grams of the roots should be 50 grams of oil.
And the salads have leaves burdock lowered to 2 minutes in boiling water and then chop. Then add the chopped onion, grated horseradish, salt and sour cream. At 150 grams of leaves of burdock have 50 grams of green onions, 1 tbsp. spoonful of horseradish cream, salt to taste.
To prepare the infusion should be 1st. spoon mixture of sugar and 1 cup boiling water, leave in a warm place 1 hour, drain. Take 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

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