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Siberian cedar pine nut oil 100 ml/3.5 oz

Oil from the Siberian cedar - a natural product, which is a natural concentrate of vitamin E, and contains a large amount of polyunsaturated acids, which are not synthesized in the body and can only come from food.
Content of vitamin E in the 5 times the olive oil and 3 times coconut. As an antioxidant, vitamin E oil gives antioxidant properties, which reduces the ability of cholesterol to form plaque. But most importantly - cedar oil is, in fact, concentrate of vitamin F - its in the oil 3 times more than the drug available in pharmacies, based on fish oil. Vitamin F were called essential fatty acids, including saturated fatty acids: palmitic acid (as percentage of total fatty acids to 4,1%), stearic (up to 3,2%), as well as extremely unsaturated fatty acids: oleic (up to 35,8%), gadoleinovaya (up 1.04%), linoleic and linolenic.
From traditional medicine it is known that cedar oil:
has a tonic effect
promotes elimination of chronic fatigue syndrome
enhances mental and physical capabilities of human body
restores the strength of the body
increases the potency in men
Oil Siberian Cedar in the old days was called a means of 100 diseases. Its medicinal properties recognizes not only popular, but the official medicine. The results of these tests indicate high efficiency of cedar oil in adjuvant therapy in the treatment of following diseases:
pancreatitis, holestitsit;
varicose veins, trophic ulcers;
duodenal ulcer and stomach;
superficial gastritis;
prevent hair loss, brittle hair and nails;
improves the blood contributes to the hemoglobin;
regulates lipid metabolism, ie lowers blood cholesterol
effective for various skin diseases, burns and frostbite.
The proposed oil produced with the use of manual labor. Technologically, the process closer to the manufacturing process described in ancient books, and used from generation to generation.
Cedar oil has always been considered a delicacy. It is easily digested, has a high nutritional and medicinal properties, is unusually rich in vitamins and trace elements. Cedar oil contains a wide variety of useful substances for the human body: fatty acids, proteins, vitamins A, B, E, D, F, 14 amino acids, 19 trace elements.
Recommendations for use:
Cedar oil is recommended to add to salads to give a good taste.
Use of Oils of Siberian Cedar massage in the bath or sauna gives the effect of rejuvenating the skin, making it supple and elastic, and also provides for prevention of skin diseases.
Butter the inside of 1-2 teaspoons (rassasyvaya) 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.
Shake before use. The duration of intake of 30 days. For best performance and should be 2-3 courses.


Siberian cedar pine nut oil 100 ml/3.5 oz

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